Thursday, October 4, 2012

Go Mitt! Go Mitt!

Anyone catch the debate?
It was great.
Mitt was great.
Not so great.
(but we already knew that)
Keep praying, 
hearts are changing!

I couldn't help but notice the little things too,
I loved Mitt's tie, that red is much better than the blue Obama wore
I know there is a lot of thought that goes into those ties.

where were Obama's daughters?
Mitt's family was there, but not Obama's.
Just found that odd.


  1. I definitely let out a big sigh of relief to see it go so well. That was an important night for him.

    1. me too!! I'm sure next time Obama will not make the same mistakes...but to tell the truth, that will be hard for him...

  2. Yes! It was awesome! My husband called 5 minutes before coming home from work and told me that the debate was on and asked if I wanted to watch it at his parents home (we have a t.v., but with no satellite, cable or even local channels. We just use our internet for netflix streaming and to watch dvds). I agreed, but I wasn't expecting much (I've never been thrilled with Romney. Santorum was my guy). I even brought my new knitting project because I figured I could just listen to it in the background. I was very happily surprised! Mitt kicked O's butt!! Honestly, I've never understood why everyone (in the media) thought O was such a good speaker. He's really terrible.

    Anyway, I'm really glad we got to watch it. I even made my two oldest watch for their "school" work. :)

    1. Kelly, me too! I sat down to feed the baby and started to put on a cooking show and had forgot the debates were on, I was so pleasantly surprised with Mitt too, I'd expected him to be boring and whatever the media has been wrong. Obama was the boring one.

  3. We tuned in as well and about ten minutes into it I turned to Paul and said, "Romney is totally dominating this."
    I guess I wasn't expecting it.

    And I liked the red tie, too!

    1. Jill--I told Tom right away, "Mitt is a great speaker!" Oh, and "I like the red tie!"

  4. LIKE!!

    With out a teleprompter, Obama is lost.

    Lots of prayer that this helped people remove their rose colored Obama glasses.

    Can't wait for Biden to be demolish by Paul Ryan!

    1. I thought the same thing about Biden and Ryan. It's obvious that Ryan will do great compared to Biden.

  5. I think that those who wanted Romney to do well, saw his good points and saw the bad with Obama and vice versa. Romney certainly is gifted with presence and that presidential air that I think Obama lacks. However, I was pretty annoyed when Romney interrupted, which led to both candidates not following the rules of the debate. I have not been a Romney fan but I am not an Obama fan either so this election is difficult for me (OK, I should say I know who not to vote for but does that necessarily mean I SHOULD vote for the other?).

    1. Nicole--I don't know, I watched Fox News afterward and they had this group of people watching the debates that had all voted for Obama last time and now were undecided and most of them, all except a few had changed after the debate. I didn't hear anyone on Obama's side say anything good about his part in the debate. All I heard was blaming the mediator (blaming the umpire, not cool) and excuses that Obama is not used to debating....this is important, he knows that. I think he's just not used to point blank answering questions and is so used to lying that stumbled a lot.

      (my opinion)

      I didn't know about Romney til this debate, I, of course vote pro life, but did not have an opinion on the guy personally. I like him now.

      I liked what he had to say.

    2. I thought he was likeable as well. I am surrounded by Obama supporters so even though the President appeared lifeless last night - and I see most agree with this - they absolutely dislike Romney in support of Obama. They are already prejudiced. So that is mostly what I hear and I have no idea which media to trust. Politics is a difficult thing for me to wrap my head around, especially as it nears my bed time and I have been up since 5am and the baby is STILL up and has barely slept since 5. ;) It certainly will prove to be an interesting election as always.

  6. This election is so huge.
    I cannot believe how little people understand what is going on with the budget and especially the crazy stuff over in the middle east.
    I CANNOT for the life of me understand why Obama would even get one vote.

    1. It is huge, but arent' they all?

      I can't believe that the election is supposedly "close" again....just doesn't make sense.

  7. I also wondered where the Obama girls were, but then it was a school night and they are pretty young. Romney clearly won the debate. I think that the prayers of all his Christian supporters made the difference.

  8. I watched it earlier on You Tube and my husband is watching it right now. I agree with you. Romney did an incredible job. I feel so much better about him now! Also, the blue tie, he worse that because he is a democrat (the blue party) and Romney wore red for the republican party! Keep your eyes out and you will see it. But you know... there was a blue stripe on Romney's tie, lol.
    I also noticed that Obama's daughter's weren't there. Must have been a burden to bring them along. ;)

  9. What about eye contact? Did you notice O had trouble with that?
    I'm with you on the debate making R more likable for me, but O left me feeling uneasy. there were a few odd things like that.....

  10. Don't forget that this election is HUGE!!!! Think of how many federal judgeships (lifetime assignments) and Supreme Court positions (lifetime assignments) will be handled by the next President. That should be enough to scare people if they realized what that meant towards preventing the pro-death philosophy. This not an election where we can sit on our laurels and not be involved. It is too big for that. It's not just Democrat vs Republican, but how our morals, our society, our beliefs will play out and be allowed.

  11. Yes Jamie I am still smiling over that debate.

  12. Yeah, what about Obama's daughters...good point, Jamie!

  13. go Mitt !! yes hearts are changing. there were two focus groups of undecideds, one on fox news and one on MSNBC. and they both I think ending up overwhelmingly favoring Mitt !! we're praying here.


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