Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Great Grandma Bauer

 Tom's wonderful grandmother died tragically at the age of 97
in a car accident Saturday.
(here she is holding Sweetie Pie here, 3 years ago, at age 94)
 She was so full of spunk and life
Here's Tom, his mom and her mom, Great Grandma, holding Sweetie Pie
We love and miss you so very much.

Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord
and let perpetual light shine upon her
May her soul, and all the souls of the faithful departed
rest in peace.


  1. I am so sorry :( It is so hard to loose a loved one, and even more so when it's sudden! Praying for all of you and for her.

  2. I'm so sorry for your loss-you and your family are in my prayers.

  3. I was so sorry when I saw the news story on Facebook, Jamie. I've been praying peace and comfort for you all. She leaves such a wondrful legacy to you all~

  4. She looked like such a sweet person and Linda and I are so sorry for your loss. We have the service for my Aunt Katie today. Two Aunts in less than a week is kind of much but we'll get through it.

  5. I'm so sorry for your loss. Sending some prayers your way!

  6. I'm so sorry, Jamie. What a hard thing for all of you.

  7. God Bless your family during this hard time. HUGS!

  8. Jamie,I am so sad to learn about your loss. I will be going to the Adoration Chapel shortly and will hold you and your family in prayer - and especially for your little son's surgury.
    blessings to you!
    Sharon Altman

  9. Requiescat in pace. We will remember her and your family in our prayers.

  10. I'm so sorry, Jamie. That's such a difficult loss.
    Prayers for you all, and Great Grandma's soul as well.

  11. So sorry for your loss! It just doesn't seem right that someone who has lived that long should die tragically. Praying for you all.

  12. Your family has a angel watching over you.
    Hugs and prayers for all of you and Tom especially.

  13. What a terrible loss! Prayers for you and your loved ones.

  14. I am so sorry Jamie Jo. Your family and Great Grandma will be in my prayers today.

  15. We are so sorry for your loss. She was a beautiful women! May God watch over her in Heaven!

  16. Jamie, I tried so hard but I just couldn't make it to the funeral yesterday. I'm so sorry for all of you, but you know she loves where she is now! You'll have to let me know what you thought of my church and my priest!

    1. Thank you so much Paula! Funny story...I got to the funeral Mass, but at the first reading, realized I forgot the nipple Simeon needed at home, drying on the counter....left pretty abruptly and drove home (in the snow/rain) and drove back again, in time for the luncheon.

      (I was on the road a total of 3 hours)

      Tom liked the priest though, he said that he told everyone that we, as Catholics believe this is the Body and Blood of Jesus, and if you do not believe this, please do not receive (or something like that...Tom loved that, even though, his whole family, who are not Catholic, received anyway!!! (his mom is a practicing Catholic) Tom was upset by that...I guess I don't understand either. Good for the priest though! Both Tom and I feel that, if we went to another religion for a funeral or whatever, we would not participate and would not feel funny.

      I actually went to that parish as a little kiddo, we lived in the country of your hometown, went to school in the P-ton city...which we later joined (P-ton) Beautiful church, Jesus front and center, where He should be.

  17. Thanks to you all for your thoughts and prayers, God bless....

  18. Wow, I missed this. While I am very sorry for your earthly loss and I am so happy for heaven's gain. I look forward to knowing her in the Communion of Saints.

  19. Catching up on your beautiful blog and was sad to read this. I pray our merciful Lord took her quickly and that He grant her eternal rest...


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