Friday, November 2, 2012

All Saints Day Party

 This year, our All Saints party was on Halloween (all hallows eve)
and we did not have any Halloween parties to go to, so this mama
only had to worry about one set of costumes!!
First, we have St Longinus, This helmit was so fun to make!

 He was the saint who pierced the side of Jesus on the Cross
and was instantly converted and washed clean by the Blood and Water from Jesus
(I love that part in The Passion of the Christ)
 Then we have St Maria Goretti
 And St Philomena
(it's all about the props folks)
 St Kateri
 A knight
St Joan of Arc
She kept saying "No, I'm a Knight!"
(And then would not even wear her costume at the party)
 "What the heck is going on here?"
"Mom keeps trying to put that angel halo on my head, but I'm not having it"
(you don't mind my dirty rug, do you?)
Our painted pumpkin rocks
They didn't turn out as nice as the craft blog I saw this on, but I like them!
(can't remember where that was)

I didn't get any pictures at the party, 
it's so hard to do that with a baby, 
sometimes it's freeing to not take any pictures!
(Freeing for  my husband of course)


  1. They look wonderful! I had never heard the story of St. Longinus. Going to look that up right now. Have a happy weekend.

    1. Thanks Kathleen! I went back and linked who St Longinus was, so if anyone else is interested...Jedi studied him this past month.

  2. Your pumpkin rocks look great-what a good idea!

  3. Of course your kiddos look awesome and it is always a treat to see them having a good time.

  4. What great costumes, Jamie! It really is all about the props, isn't it? lol. Our group didn't have an All Saints day party this year, but instead met today and prayed the rosary at the cemetary. It was kind of nice not to have to work out the two costume thing. And while I missed celebrating All Saints with other families/kids, at home was nice and a lot easier on this mama :)

  5. I love those costumes, and sweet St. Joan of Arc is adorable! Little Sim looks like he's very busy there~ so cute!

  6. Simeon looks like he wants to play St. Nicholas and fill everyone's shoes! Great costumes!

  7. Great costumes! My favorites are St. Kateri and St. Longinus. The story of St. Longinus reminds me of the movie The Robe. I loved that movie as a kid. I should see if netflix has it. I hope you all had a blessed Solemnity of All Souls today. :)

  8. That helmet looks like it was hard to make??!! Looks complex and cool!
    I agree, it is about the props.
    I love the last pic of Sims he looks so adorable I want to rub his fuzzy head!

    Like I said before, I wish we had a Saints party around my area.

    I am looking forward to the 8th! and no..I am not too busy. Just a crazy life like any mama with a bunch of kiddos.

  9. the rocks are so cute. and I love those costumes. you all chose the most awesome saints to dress as. It brings tears to my eyes to think that even Longinus, the one who pierced Christ's side while he lay handing on the cross, was forgiven and became a saint. Our God is truly a forgiving and awesome God. ((I didn't know that saint's name, didn't even know he had become a saint... I'm going to look him up). Happy All Saint's Day. Love St. Kateri ! and Maria Goretti and St. Joan of Arc and St. Philomena -- love those props!!.

  10. Those were GREAT costumes!!! I especially loved St. Longinus. What a great idea. Love little man crawling around of the rugs too. Reminds me of our

  11. Hi Jamie~ Love your new blog header...Kids are getting so grown up and cuter than ever:) Beautiful saints, just beautiful.

  12. CLEVER costumes! And the painted stones is a pinnable idea. As always, thanks for all the inspiration!


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