Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thankful Thursday

 This post will be way longer than I planned,
 if you'd prefer multiple posts
instead of loooooong posts, 
please let me know

Thankful for my sweet Simeon!
He's gotten 4 teeth since his surgery 3 weeks ago, 
and is working on more, I was not able to  lay him down til 5:30am
Thankful for my rocker recliner, we were able to nap on and off throughout the night!
Thankful we had an appointment with his plastic surgeon
and he gave me a kind of plan for how things will go in the next few years.
Our prayer now is first for his kidney surgery, Dec 18th
but also, 
that his premaxilla, (that front piece) moves down and into place in his mouth,
so he can have his palate done February, or early Spring
After that
no more surgeries til he's about 7 when his permanent teeth start coming in
He might need a revision of the palate...hoping, praying not though
(did you know the palate in our mouths, moves? --It's involuntary!)
 Thankful Advent is almost here!
That time of preparation
not only seasonal preparation,
but spiritual preparation
that time that needs silence, watchfulness and keeping vigil
for our souls, to prepare our hearts for the gift of every Christmas
the gift of the Christ Child, Jesus.
I usually do a paper Jesse Tree (see here)
saw Jessica's tutorial on how to make a felt Jesse tree set
I've gotten all the supplies, but am going to make mine a little different, 
more on the lines of the Paper Dali ones we've used up til now.
(only felt)
Hoping to make these while I"m pumping
 I decided to do a different Advent countdown so I made this one  up
I thought of 24 different things to do each day
giving food to the food shelf,
 giving those stockings filled with homemade goodies to neighbors,
make Christmas crafts today,
set up the tent and fill with Christmas lights, etc..
I can list what we put in another post if you'd like.
2 cost money:
Open new Christmas book (which I still need to buy)
Open ornaments  (I also need to buy)
everything else is easy and fun!
 got some pretty card paper
 folded, numbered, stapled
 and hung in the window...
 Next year, I'm  planning on getting some clothes pins
 and hanging them forward facing
OK, I'm back to bugged me too much....
forward facing looks better!
Except I ran out of clothes pins...Oh, we'll just move them as we open them!
 Thankful for Tom's mom.  She's the greatest!
She has made each child a Christmas stocking
and last year, I requested some for us, Mom and Dad!
Aren't they beautiful?
 On Dad's, the Wise men are coming towards the stable in mine
(she also hand quilted the bottom part)
 Thankful for these messes all over...this one actually makes me 
feel really anxious, there's a lot of work needed to be done here
 But, it's also full of ideas and busy times and learning!
Thankful for the fact that the messes won't always be there, 
but thankful (trying to be anyway) that they are there now.
 Thankful the Christmas songs have started!
 Thankful for creativity
even if it does not make sense to my type A personality
 I mean, who would think of making a doll house out of books
instead of using a real doll house?
and even putting that book doll house on top of a real doll house?
We don't really even need toys do we?
 Shelves make great rooms!
Thankful that pictures actually make it not look as messy as it really is.
And they help me to not get that anxious feeling this type A person gets
just seeing it. 
 Thankful this little girl is so full of love and kisses
She could brighten anyone's day!
I couldn't get Simeon to sleep last night, and she was being rocked with him, 
so I brought her into bed with her sister, 
she told her sister, "I miss Mama"  
 Thankful for babies, especially this kissable little red head!
 Thankful for brothers
 Thankful for sisters.....
 and babies too tired to eat....
 Thankful as much as I hate the mess, I'm thankful for them
 I found this great tree, I'd love to make for the feast of St Nicholas
 Thankful I found this great tutorial, even a straight line sewer, like myself
could actually sew!!
Look at that yummy material!
Going to have to try to make some pajama pants!!
(and teach my girls how to do it too!)
I found and watched a pretty good movie, via Netflix
Way to go Rob Lowe!
Great Christmas movie
Kind of had a different ending than I thought, but overall pretty good.

using daily Bible reading notecards, very cool, 
(as my 12 year old said this morning when I showed him)

for your prayers.
I'm asking for prayers for sweet Dominic Pio
He and his family are leaving Dec 1, to head to Boston
(they live in WI)
for his surgery on Dec 4th.
He's beautiful and a blessing to all
Please pray for him and his family

Thank you
(if you are still here after this long post)


  1. I like your Advent calendar---very pretty. I used to do something similar, and it included very practical items like going to the PO to pick out Christmas stamps and then stamping the Christmas cards. Or wrapping extended family gifts together, and then shipping them the next day.

    1. Thanks Sara- Yes, I tried to keep it simple. I went back and edited in some examples....

  2. Thanks for the prayers for Dominic--I doubt Mary is checking her blog, but I will pass her thanks on to you.

    1. She has emailed me, I will post again, a separate post for his surgery.

  3. Your countdown is lovely and a great idea! I love your stockings. What a lovely gift from your MIL.

    1. I already can't wait to change it to look better....

  4. ok...I am loving the book dollhouses! Such creativity in those kids of yours. I will have to show the kids. I am sure they will think it is as cool as I do.

    And boy how I know the life of living with messes. I can never catch up, and I just have to be thankful for the reasons that there is such a mess! Though to be honest, today I started getting the shakes just looking at all I have to do.

    1. go check it out! My kids are already building their own book dollhouses. I told you they would think they are cool!

    2. That is so funny!!! As I said, on your post, it was my intention to make everyone else's house as messy as mine!! haha!! Oh, believe me, my kids use all the bigger books and stack them as high as they can...I'll have to get more pictures next time....this afternoon?

  5. Such good ideas- I'm totally going to go through the sewing tutorial. It's been years since I've sewn and it will help me, I know.

    Love the little Barbie book house on top of the dollhouse. That truly is a sign of creativity, you know, and exactly the kind of thing we look for when we evaluate kids for giftedness.

    So much love in your house, my friend- thank you for sharing it all with us!

    Give that handsome little redhead a big hug and kiss from me-

    1. Oh, Shelly--that tutorial made me want to make pj pants for each kid!!!

      I told the originator of the idea, my 8 year old what you said about her creativity, she was happy...but then the others piped in and let me know they all do it!!

      Hugs and kisses given!

  6. Fabulous chock-full thankful post! I always love these because you write about things I can SO relate...I have the same piles of work but also thankful for the fun ideas and learning possibilites that wait behind them! And I'm with you on the funny, creative, doll houses...Like you, it's beyond me but I still appreciate the wonderful imaginations that created them. Your hanging Advent idea is great! Fun to try new count downs and things. Those stockings are gorgeous and hand made treasures...what a blessing! Happy Advent to you and your family:)Little Sim and all of you continue to be in our prayers as his next surgery draws near!

    1. Tiffany, thank you so much for your prayers!! Happy Advent to you and your family too!!

  7. LOVE the Advent calendar! It looks so nice hung in the window!

  8. You can tell me to shutup because I am just that kind of friend...but but I like shorter posts then I can talk about each thing..there are so many things here!!! again tell me to go jump in a lake. I still am thankful for a post because it is fun to see everything that you are doing!

    all neat ideas!

    my fav. is the superduper creative doll house building. I have never ever had that in my home. With only colette and the rest boys she never played like that. maybe ava will!!!??

    Love my goddaughters dress. She looks so adorable.

    Thinking about you guys and the next operations for Sims. Praying praying praying.

    thankful for you!

    1. I had all these ideas, plus thankfuls and just couldn't separate them....wanted to do an Advent post, but also wanted to do a thankful post....then a movie review, then prayers for sweet Dominic....I always feel if I do multiple posts, people will only see the top post and not the rest....Don't jump in the lake...I asked!

  9. I want to live at your house. I love it. I love all the photos and am thankful for your posts that make me grateful and inspire me.

    1. Come, live here!! I need some adult conversation! Ava and my little ones would have a blast!

  10. OK..thought of something. Rob Lowe..I read his book on his life and he really did a turn around.

    Also love all the toys everywhere. Kids do grow up fast and play and do other things. like mine!sniff.

    1. I saw him on a talk show a year ago or so, he is really a family man, being married to the same woman all these years and has great kids--so it seemed. Love him on Parks and Rec, we always laugh, he's hilarious, Literally. (park and rec joke)

    2. Oh, and I don't love the toys all over, just trying to be thankful for them!

  11. Thank you for the prayers for Dominic's family. I know them IRL and they are such a beautiful yours! Thankful for you reminding me to be thankful!

    1. I had forgotten you knew them personally!! I know of them through Becky, her sister, who made Simeon a beautiful rose rosary.

  12. Beautiful post Jamie!
    So thankful for you, showing me to find the beauty in the everyday-ordinary-messes. :-)

    Loved the dollhouses, the cool Advent boxes, and your Advent envelopes. Oh! Thanks for reminding me about jammies, too!! These kids new new ones...

    Blessings to you!

    1. I have a feeling that material costs just as much as buying new pajama pants though...

      Thanks Lori--God bless you too!

  13. Jamie Jo, you always find so many many things and people and events to be thankful for. That's optimisim !! and that's always a good thing. It permeates your whole family I'm sure. Oh I love the pic of S aslee at his high chair. so cute. and of course the first pic of him peeking around the corner. Lovelove the doll house made out of books (I acutally saw it over at Jenny's blog -- she was thanking you for the idea!! We'll definitely try it here (with our Advent sotry books probably!!) ;0 love your new blog header photo and the pics of the boy and then the girls -- did the girls coordinate their outfits for the pic? I love your advent countdown cards and what you put on them!!

    1. Gardenia--it doesn't permeate my whole family, that's why I NEED these thankful posts, to remind myself especially to be thankful in the middle of hard mucky life stuff!

      Your books will never be the same! You'll never need a dollhouse again!

      I've been trying to get the "perfect" Christmas card photo...haha!! That's why they are matchy matchy!

  14. oh praying for S still, and will keep him in prayers on Dec 18 !

  15. It wasn't long, I was grateful to have read your grateful list. You do have a lot to be grateful for. :)

    I am type A too and start to get really anxious when things get too messy and I'm learning to be better about that! :)

    Love all the pics and what you are doing for advent!

    1. See? God is making us type A's patient giving us messy kids...

  16. We pray for Simeon. Everyday and also for his siblings. It is so hard on them, at least that is how it works in my house.

    1. Oh, thank you so much Neen!! Yes, it is hard on them, all in different ways. But they bounce back pretty fast!

  17. Wonderful post. So much to comment on. I'm interested to see your version of the Jesse Tree. I have plans to redo ours but not this year. ;) Cheery little countdown to-do.

    Loved the dollhouse. My boys thought it was funny. I seriously doubt they'll build any too soon.

    The pajama pants made me want to take out the sewing machine and attempt to rig the thing again. Maybe in another life.

    Glad you're trying to be thankful for messes. I'm not even close to thankful and more like chucking it all in the dumpster. ;) But, there are days when I remember that one day, and no doubt too soon, I won't have these messes and that my house will be too quiet and my hands not as busy and my fridge empty (who am I kidding, it's always empty now - my kids may be young but they eat ALL THE TIME!!!).

    Prayers of course for you and yours and upcoming surgery for Simeon. I pray your Advent is blessed one and a prayerful one.

    1. Gosh, funny thing about that is I got some material--only what was on sale, and I think it would have still been cheaper to buy pajama pants already made. And to buy that yummy looking material? Costs way too much!!! I bought on sale, not near as cute of stuff....

      Don't think I don't think about chucking it all in the dumpster either--because I do!!!!

      Thank you for your prayers, they mean the world to me! Happy blessed Advent to you!

    2. Jamie Jo, yes, I have heard that often making something is more expensive than buying it. I guess it depends on whether you want a specific pattern (for the pants) or you want to make something unique (think apron or something) that justifies the cost?

  18. Lots to be thankful for even in the midst of trials. Hope for a grea outcome on your little one's surgery.

  19. I am THANKFUL for this long post to read this morning with my morning coffee while my hubby colors my hair. (I'm not joking) You always brighten my day with your posts, reminders for thankfulness and creativity.
    I'm feeling in a blogging slump, this week has been hard with kids sick with colds, school is less than fun right now and I am not prepared for Advent. A post like this serves as a good reminder and help to keep perspective. Thank you, sweet Jamie :)

    1. Wow!! What a hubby! That's neat. It's hard to blog when sickies are around, whining, yuckies....praying you feel better soon!

  20. OH....and could you please post what your 24 things are for Advent calendar? Being that I'm running short on time, I may need some extra inspiration.

    1. Done.
      Ask and you shall receive!

      I've been missing you--hope you are feeling better soon!

  21. Oh great post! I sort of just freaked out... Advent starts Sunday! We have been so sick I am totally unprepared to prepare! YIKES!

    Simeon is looking like he feels so much better! Such a sweetie! Give him a big kiss for me!

    As for messes, ah, that is the blessing of life with lots of kids. I wouldn't have it nay other way (ok, I would totally go for a housekeeper, but I would rather have lots of kids, lol).

    You know, your thankful posts always make me wish you lived closer. Sending you all much love and prayers.

    Now I better go figure out what we are doing for Advent this year! I feel like going all out, but will settle for an honest good celebration.

    1. Oh, amy--I hope you guys are starting to feel better soon...our last sickness lasted over 2 weeks, we are finally all better!

      Simeon kissed--check
      I could go for a housekeeper too, one that cooks too.--like Alice on Brady Bunch.

      Gosh, Advent makes it hard on us mamas, we want to do everything, don't we? We need to just pick a couple things and do what we can.

  22. I like your long blog posts! Lots to read about and laugh because it reminds me of my family.

    Since we have more boys than girls, my house is usually riddled with action figures and cut up boxes for weapons. Though the girls do have that same big doll house. Only they broke off most of the pieces.

    I don't know where you get the strength and patience to stay up all night. I don't function AT ALL without at least 6 hours of sleep. You are an amazing women.

    What is the surgery on Simeon's kidney for?

    1. Well, my oldest boy is 12, so his room is full of that stuff....Legos and Star Wars Mini Figures....

      Who said I was functioning?
      Accumulated sleep time that night was like 4-5 hours--but yes, my magic number is 6 hours too.

      Simeon's ureters are blocked. He has Hydroneuphrosis, fluid on his kidneys. His ureters are long and coiled. They are tubes that come down from the kidneys to the bladder and are supposed to be straight. They are going to cut the Ureters and make them straight and re-attach them to the bladder--on the 18th. He'll need to be there for 3 days.

      (that's where I wrote about it)

  23. Boy I wish I could. We'd have fun, wouldn't we? And Ava would LOVE LOVE LOVE your kids. I think our hubs would hit it off too. *sigh* Wishful thinking. Till we move to Texas, I'll live vicariously through the blogosphere! ;)

  24. Hi, Jamie! I'm just now getting to sit and read this post this morning. It's been sitting on my laptop waiting for me….I feel like such a horrible friend. I've fallen behind on all of my blog reading and I can't remember the last time I posted on my blog. :( This time of year is so full. Full of goodness, but still full. I love your countdown idea and the pj pants looks like such a fun preset to make for the kids. That's exactly something I'd like to do. Sigh, there just doesn't seem to be enough time in the day. I was so tired yesterday with all of the St. Nick preparations and celebration and then haircuts for *everyone*, yes, all 9 of us (Mark was working) that by the time I fell into bed I went out like a light and then didn't get up this morning until 8! Praying for Dominic Pio and your little Simeon. Love you!


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

Making a Comeback!

 Wow! So, it's been a few years since I've been on this old blog! I have some updates to work on but thought I'd start today! Ab...