Monday, December 3, 2012

Our Jesse Tree!

 I was only going to use either yellow or white stars, 
but the girls thought all of them looked better!
(I agree!)

I'll probably re-do the "Jesus,flower of Jesse" one
 but this is what I have for now!

For those of you who don't know what a Jesse Tree is:
I hadn't even heard of one til I started reading blogs.
It is a Advent countdown of days, using Bible readings, 
showing the lineage of Christ, starting with Creation!

I really like doing the Jesse Tree
It seems to put Advent and Christmas all into perspective


  1. You are doing such an awesome job making your Jesse Tree! I love it!!

    1. Jessica--it's with your inspiration! Thank you!

  2. Seeing how great yours is turning out makes me regret not starting one myself. Next year!

    1. That's why I'm doing it, if I don't, then I regret it...last year we didn't, just no time with all the doctor appts I had for pre-baby, and then he came early! It seems to bring it all together, Advent to Christmas.

  3. This is a great idea! I love your creativity. What a wonderful way to prepare your children to celebrate the real meaning of Christmas!

  4. oh I do love your Adam and Eve ornament. well, all of them actually. and the tree and button stars are beautiful!

  5. cute! I love your banner tree! we started a Jesse Tree 10 years ago! each child has contributed to making ornaments at some point in his or her childhood....we have some drawn, some out of sculpy clay, some felted, some wood, etc. So, now my older kids have their own set of ornaments for the tree and my youngers are plugging along each year. Our tree is full, but placing them on the tree each year is like a walk through time and each one is a keepsake. I hope I get to pass them on to my grandkids someday! It's such a great tool for Advent! Love it!

    1. Thanks Lisa-I'm doing this because I want to make it new for the little ones and new for the older kids, we always did the paper ones and are in need of something new this year...maybe it's me that needs something new?

  6. Your girls were right. All of the colorful stars makes it pop out more. They have a good eye for color and design. Is it all made out of felt?

    1. Yes, Noreen, except the stars, they are buttons, and the rainbow is beads glued on...

  7. Looking good! This will be a treasure to have every year.

    1. I hope so Christine! Won't have to print off papers every year and make our paper hand tree!

  8. lovely creations. may you continue to enjoy crafting during this blessed time of year. prayers for a joyfilled advent.

  9. Ooooh! Ideas for next year when Ava's two! What a great job you're doing!

  10. I like it! Aside from the Advent wreath the Jesse tree is my favorite because of how it brings all of early history together. This is WHY Jesus was born and not just that he was born. Whether my kids get that yet I don't know but it sure helps me.

  11. Oh, I love your felt Jesse Tree, so colorful! We still use paper ornaments but still we're being so inspired by the new and beautiful ideas this year. Wishing you a joyful and peaceful Advent, dear Jamie!

  12. Love the stars! I made my Jesse Tree years ago, using the one now offered by Leaflet Company (although at that time, they were being sold by the ladies who created it -- cost $10 and every minute put into those creations was a meditation in itself) We use ours every year and this year I remade the tree (in my old one, I put batting in the tree to make it 3-D but it's gotten out of shape from being packed away). I'm thinking of re-doing some of the ornaments one at a time (or having the kids do it) -- and I love your button stars -- ours are always falling off! I pray you're able to complete them this Advent, but if not, there's always next year!

  13. Oh so cute! I used wrapping paper leftover from last year, lol. And taped it to the door. Maybe next year I will finally get on the ball and make a felt one.


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