Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Please Pray for Baby Dominic Pio

His surgery is today and his family has been updating all morning
Look at that beautiful smile,
what a precious, sweet little boy!
We're praying for you and your family honey!

Dominic's surgery went well!
he's still in need of prayers, this is a very critical time
Go here
to see his beautiful face and say a prayer as you go!
Please keep praying for this sweet baby and his family,
thank you so much!


  1. Keeping sweet little Dominic and his family in my prayers today!

  2. Sweet sweet little guy. Praying for this family. They love their little boys so much.

  3. Precious baby- added him to my prayer list.

  4. Are they friends of yours? Praying for baby Dominic and his family!

    1. Noreen--I hope someday to meet in real life, but we met through this blog, her sister is Becky, (who no longer blogs)Becky made Simeon a beautiful rose rosary for him to have through his surgeries...Becky lives in MN, her sister, Dominic's mama, is Mary, and they live in WI, Dominic is their 8th child. He has a cranial cleft, because of the cleft, he's even more special in my heart.

      Thank you for your prayers.

    2. Actually Jamie, I do have a blog, Roses for Mary. I also keep up to date on Dominic's progress there.


    3. Oh, Becky--I thought you weren't doing either, I need to put that on my google reader! so sorry.

  5. Thank you so much for posting! We'll keep him in our prayers.

  6. What a precious little fella. Remembering him in our prayers. May God Bless him.

  7. Remembering this little blessing in our prayers.


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

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