Sunday, December 9, 2012

Thankful We've Got a White Christmas!

 Prayers are still needed for sweet little Dominic, you can see updates here
We are being hit today, so far over a foot out there, it's wet and heavy
And FUN!
Thankful we will be having a white Christmas this year, 
the kids were starting to get worried.
 I like this picture of the snow plow in the background...
Thankful for snowplows....
 and Thankful for adorable, rosy little cheekies!!
She loved it out there!

 Thankful she wore her hat for about 5 minutes...

 Might have to click on the pictures to see the snow on this birdfeeder...
 Thankful I got these pictures taken before the kids knocked it all off...
 Thankful we've gotten our stockings hung...and Nativity up....
 Play Nativities all mixed together...She will sit there for hours playing with Baby Jesus!
Thankful my kids know who baby Jesus is!
 Thankful  for babies and game night....Look at that red hair...
 This is serious stuff Dad...
 Thankful I got 3 more ornaments done for our Jesse Tree
 Thankful we've been crafting with lots of trees...

 and lots of sparkles....
 and lots of paint...

Look at that tongue on Sweetie Pie--she gets that from my mom...
 Thankful for our happy, healthy, chubby, sweet little baby!!!
 Enjoying it now, because he won't be so happy next week after surgery...
Thankful for big sisters who love him so much
I'll leave you with this Thankful picture...with a little baby puke
Welcome to my world....
(click on the picture)


  1. Poor Simeon, he just got through one surgery and now another. Lots of prayers for you and your family. I still can't get over how blue his eyes are.

    Love all the snow. Though I have to admit I don't miss it at all. Loving our 60 degree winter so far!

    I love your Nativity set. It's beautiful!!!

    1. I know Arley--That's what I think....these surgeries are only 5 weeks apart...another one in the spring and then we will be clear for a few years hopefully....

      I hate winter, but have to admit, I love it when it was a fun day!

      My mom and dad gave us that nativity for our wedding present, we got married on Dec 20th.

  2. I can't believe you have snow! You're in Minnesota? Hopefully we'll get some too in Illinois before Christmas. It looked beautiful in your pictures! Love all of your sweet children photos enjoying the snow and indoor play. Will keep Simeon in my prayers for his surgery next week!

    Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, pray for baby Sim!

    1. Noreen--yep, Minnesnowta....actually we didn't get hardly any snow last year, so the kids were even more excited today.

      Thank you for your precious prayers, they mean a lot to me.

  3. Isn't the snow beautiful! Although it was a nail-biting experience trying to get home from Mass...and then, thinking that I might have to go back out in it to get to the hospital!

    Yay for patient babies, at least today. : )

    (And your little babe is such a honey! Continued prayers, esp. throughout my upcoming labor.)

    Enjoy the cozy MinneSNOWta weather!!!

    1. Oh, it is beautiful, this wet snow sticks to the trees and looks as if God painted the world white! Tom had to take us in shifts, he has 4wdrive but we don't all fit in the vehicle--hardly anyone at Mass!! Glad you made it home safe....but no baby today? I lost the game. I heard that lots of babies are born on snow days...something about the barometer pressure or something...

      Thank you for your prayers, such sacrifice for Simeon, thank you. Although, that water birth will be a breeze, right? (you ol' lady)

  4. Those smiles could warm the coldest of hearts! Love the snow- and typing this in shorts and sandals and trying not to sweat. At least I can enjoy your snowy weather via your pics~

    (And I'm still praying for little Dominic.)

    1. Well, I"m trying not to shiver...wrapped up in a sweater and slippers! So contrasting...wish I were there. But the kids have fun, so it makes it worth it I guess...

      I know Mary, Dominic's mother is very grateful for your prayers.

  5. Love the snow!! My lawn is still bare but the temperature has dropped and the clouds look so promising. We all want a White Christmas here too!

  6. My kids ask me for Simeon updates. Today I was showing them and our 2year old kissed and hugged Simeon on my iPad and said "Let's buy that!" He thought the pictures were an app maybe? So cute and funny. We will be praying.

    1. Awwwwww...not for sale, but we give free kisses!! Thank you for your prayers--your kids are adorable!

  7. Man... I love these pics. They're so beautiful and chock full of childhood innocence and memories! Boy do I wish we lived closer! You're doing such a great job.

    1. Marijanna--Oh, what a wonderful way to put it, you have a way with words and knowing just the right thing to say. I hope they remember these good things in life growing up...

  8. how can anyone resist that smile!!! S smiles with his eyes too !! he is one darling lil guy! I've been grateful that you told us about Dominic Pio. I've been praying and checking in at their site too. I love the artsy trees you all did. so Christmassy!!! and the snow--wow!! hopefully we will get a little of that in a day or two, since you're a little NW from us. We've had no snow, and it's no fun! Isn't it the most wonderful thing to see that our children know Jesus.

    1. Thank you Gardenia--I know Mary, Dominic's mama is so very grateful for your prayers. I love Christmas trees, they make fun crafts!

      Hope you get some of this snow, if you want it, I think in the end we got close to 2 feet...

      Yes, so happy our kids know Jesus and what Christmas is really all about.

  9. My kids are LOVING the snow today. Your little one will be in my prayers...he is an absolute doll and is clearly loved to pieces by his sibs!

    1. Thank you happy mom!! yes, Simeon gets tons of love every day, he can't stand to be alone for 2 one can walk away from him!

  10. Great pictures, Jamie Jo! Love the snow. My kids are super excited for that to happen but aside from two earlier snows, it's been plain old rain here.

    We dug out our nativity sets today and the kids played all afternoon with theirs and took them to bed. "Baby Jesus is my favorite." "Look Mom, my baby Jesus is smiling!." "Mary and Joseph on their way to Bethlehem (having Mary ride the donkey while Joseph walks beside her) because baby Jesus isn't born yet." Love it.

    And yes, I am also glad you posted about baby Dominic. I have been following and praying as well. And praying for your little guy. I cannot believe his surgery is already next week. The days are flying by too quickly!

    Enjoy your week.

    1. Awwww, Nicole, your kids are so cute. The innocence of a child, priceless.

      I know, that Mary, Dominic's mother is so very grateful for your am I, thank you so much!!

  11. Jealous of your white winter wonderland up in Minnesota. No snow in Iowa yet. :(
    I love your Thankful Thursdays. I especially love the last few pics of the big sis loving on Baby Brother.

    1. Jill--had to update that big sis as a Thankful thing!! Hope you get snow, it is pretty the first day or two....

  12. Absolutely wonderful pictures as always with your gorgeous group of kiddos. I will be looking forward to short sleeve weather here in NC. You can have all that "white" stuff.

    1. Odie--I'm trying to be positive about that white stuff!! Would much rather be in short sleeve weather myself!!

      Hugs for you too!

  13. Sweet snow shots! You got a LOT of snow, wow! Hope we get some white soon, too. It does make Christmas feel even more festive.

    I can really see Simeon smiling. He just melts my heart. God bless you all!

    1. Thanks Allison--the shots didn't turn out that great, hard to get shots when it's snowing and blowing...had to get those rosy cheeks!

      God bless you too!

  14. Coming over from Mary Gundrum's blog for Dominic. I'll be praying for your little Simeon today, too. He is so cute and loveable!

    1. Robin--Thanks for your prayers, we'll take them. Simeon's next surgery is on his kidneys not his face, so I'm nervous of the unknown...the other 2 surgeries were on his face. He's so happy again, so hard to knowingly make him sad again...

  15. Isn't this snow just wonderful! I was getting worried because you are right..last year stunk without snow. The snow did wreck our pond though and the ice is bad.
    Love the smiles on all the kiddos and Sims. Love the pink cheeks after playing in the snow.
    Sounds like game nights are fun!
    Your felt project is awesome and all the crafts too. Your kids are lucky they have a crafty mama. I am not one. sorry kids.

    1. Game nights are fun!! We needed some fun in our house, not just eat and jobs and bedtime!! It's not a big event, just one game, not 5 and we play til a certain time and then have dessert, ice cream or a root beer float or something like that.

      You are an art teacher...what is the difference between art and crafty? I think the crafts we do are school art stuff....except for that Jesse tree thing, that's crafty I suppose.

      You are an art mama. Art fart.

  16. Great photos, Jamie! The one that really melted me was the third to last one with Simeon resting his sweet smiling face on his sister's shoulder. Precious!! We've all been praying for his upcoming surgery to go well and for your strength and perseverance. God bless you, momma.

    Jealous of your snow. We keep waiting for ours to come. Though with our snow van out of commission and us having to drive the rear wheel two wheel drive I'm dreading the thought of having to drive in it. Why oh why did our 4 wheel drive van with *brand new* snow tires have to have it's engine blow?….ugh. The thought of having to drive to the "big town" an hour away to get to the hospital in a snow storm in an emergency situation just freaks the heck out of me...God's will be done!

    1. I know, Kelly, isn't that a great photo? He loves his sisters. he will miss them in the hospital...makes me cry just thinking about it. he lights up in the morning when they come in. He's always up first and eating his bottle, when they wake up and come into my room.

      Gosh, you described our van to a T. Big, 12 passenger slipping machine!! We need snow tires or something...wish it were 4 wheel drive, it's not, it's 2 wheel rear wheel. My husband had to take Simeon and I to the doctor today with his truck. I did go out later for piano lessons, and just took it very very slow.

      So in that emergency situation, just take it slow, take it slow....and are getting ahead of yourself!

    2. Oh, Kelly--thanks for your prayers, they mean the world to us. We are praying for that sweet little baby of yours!!

  17. Jamie, I've been thinking of & praying for you these days before your little boy's surgery. This morning I was reminded of a song that played over and over in my mind the night my son went into emergency surgery to repair a hole in his intestine. It was the day after he was born and he was just over 1.5 lbs and extremely sick. We did not know if he would survive the surgery and if he did survive, if he would be strong enough to get well. Just 2 days before that I was happily 6 months pregnant and clueless to how my life was about to change. The song was called "Everything" and it ministered to me during that time and many times since then. You can find it at the address below if you are interested.
    I will keep praying for Simeon and for you!

  18. Beautiful song, Jamie, thank you so much! It's true, Jesus is my everything and when we go through times like this, when our children must suffer, we suffer right along with them and Jesus is who we cling onto. Thank God.

    I'll be praying for you too.

  19. The snow does look like such fun! We are getting snow later today, but not a foot and it won't last. Little Simeon is looking so precious as are all of your little ones. Will remember Dominic in our prayers.

  20. What fun pictures of the snow day! Your little Simeon has such a beautiful smile! He makes me smile...his joy lights up his eyes that you just can't help but crack a smile of your own!

    So sweet!


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