Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Thank you Xcel Energy!

 Thank you Xcel Energy 
for letting us know how much energy we use, 
in comparison to all our neighbors 
even to our efficient neighbors!
This is so helpful
especially since we have 
75% more kids than our neighbors 
since we are home 75% more of the day
than our neighbors
(they are at work and if they have kids, they are at school)
I know you are so very thankful that
we are actually providing you with a job!

Thank you also, Xcel Energy for letting us know the percentage 
of energy we use compared to our neighbors
who have 75% less people living in their homes,
in which they occupy 75% less than we do

This was so very helpful to us.

So happy we live in the United States of America,
where we can use as much energy as we want to.

(I wonder what our "neighbors" bill shows, since we are their neighbors)


  1. LOL! Yeah not a very good comparison, now is it??

  2. Oh my gosh, David had the exact same conniption when he got that letter.

    Seriously: if you can pay for it, why is it such a big deal?

  3. We get the very same letter here in Arkansas.
    I'm starting to think that the same letter goes out to everyone....

    1. it can't--the "efficient neighbors" wouldn't let something like that happen, would they?

  4. LOL, I'll have to look on our bill and see if we have one of those. Ours would be pretty high as, since we never leave the house. Are they trying to make you guys feel guilty or something? I guess they done believe in consumer privacy.

    1. It can't be the same letter for everyone, because we DO use more energy, but what gets me is they don't ask how many in the household, we actually use less compared to the amount of people living here!

  5. That's too Big-Brotherish for me. We all want to be at the top, but not on stuff like this. Sheesh- did they bill you for that piece of info, too?

  6. Very Big Brother-y . . . it definitely sounds like they are trying to make you feel guilty about using electricity. And I like the way the put "you" in all caps. As if you don't know who you are, you big energy hog. ;-)

    I really dislike random statistics that prove nothing! I'd go through the house and flip all the lights on ... just because I can, lol.

    1. How can a letter like that not make someone mad?

  7. It's a conspiracy. Everyone gets the same letter with the same stats. It's geared to make you feel guilty. Unfortunately, guilt only works on us Catholics. :)

    1. Ha! We Catholics shouldn't have any guilt, we have Confession!

      Please forgive me Father, I've used too much energy....

  8. Don't they just want you to have them come out and do an energy check so they can install energy-saving stuff and make more money? I think it's great that your large family used only 24% more energy instead of 75%!!! That's awesome! You're being totally economical!

    1. Probably!! I told my husband the same thing, with the amount of people living here, we are actually saving energy!!

  9. Too funny. We had those letters often in our previous house but so far nothing at our rental (same state but different electric company). We really jumped in use when my husband found a work from home job!

  10. Good grief!! That's crazy!! We are with a totally different company, but we will see if we get such a letter. Ridiculous. I think my partents are XCel, will have to check if they got it.

  11. That is just crazy. You are home and blessed with a home full of people! That would make me mad too. I would actually want to use more just to piss someone off.

    stupid people out there

  12. Better to be heating a home with people in it!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Hubby and I are laughing out loud because we got the same letter last week! My first thought was, "Wow - I figured we'd be using WAY more than that!" We actually live in our home 24/7 with 7 children and hubby home offices - yep, we're all here all the time! We do spend a lot on gas and electricity, but what else are we going to do? We need to have heat and electricity, right?

  15. Well, if it makes you feel any better, we got the same letter and we are using 30% more than are "most efficient" neighbors. And it is just me and my 1 year-old home during the day and we don't even have a dishwasher. But our home is super old and is very hard to keep warm, so I guess it makes sense! I was a bit bummed too, but hey, I thought at least we have could be worse! Way to go on only using 24% more than your neighbors, with 75% more people I thought the number would be higher as well!

  16. I'm laughing at your tags on this blog. Can't stop to come up with any other comment.... teeheehee

  17. Woo, hooo! This is so funny! We get the same kind of letter from time to time.

  18. too funny. they need to give out more federal grant money for these kinds of important studies !! ;)

  19. Oh my goodness... Dear XCel Energy, thank you for wasting an incredible amount of trees sending out this completely unnecessary mailing. Take the plank out.

  20. I didn't take the time to read all the comments, but WOW! What if one house (like ours) has geo-thermal to offset some of the usage or if the home has a gas fireplace? It's completely NOT accurate at all. Definitely not apples to apples.

  21. Wow! That's creepy. We have a much smaller family (only 3 children here on earth) and I bet our bill would equal yours if we had a bill. You should find out if you can get with Ambit electric. We're getting free electricity for signing up our friends and family. And they don't send us crazy Big Brother love letters either....that's a little much for this liberty-loving gal.

  22. I receive one of these letters with regularity. I would be astounded if they actually think that these letters create an atmosphere of energy saving. I just wrote off the comments, figuring that Al Gore and George Orwell had been elected to Excel's Board of Directors. What upsets me is that the cost of sending these letters out adds to my energy bill.


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