Thursday, March 21, 2013

Last Year's Mud!

Mud is the theme this week for Clan Donaldson's "Theme Thursday"
 I wanted to join in, because I'm longing for MUD
 You see, these are last year's pictures, 
from March 15th
They give me hope for spring

Mud is very nice to feel
All squishy-squashy between the toes.
I'd rather wade in wiggly mud,
Then smell a yellow rose.
Nobody else but the rosebud knows
How nice mud feels
Between the toes.

(author unknown)

I know there's mud under there somewhere,
 just waiting to brighten a mama's child's day!
(it's 19 degrees today)


  1. Once again I am reminded how wimpy I am as I look at your picture of all that snow.

    1. You are a wimp Jenny--but I still love you. I'm a wimp too...wish I lived somewhere warm...

  2. I'm a wimp too. Have fun with the snow at least. =)

    1. It's the kids that make the snow bearable, because they have such fun sledding and making snow forts!

  3. Somewhere between your Minnesota winter and our already Texas summer, there's got to be spring. And mud.

  4. Oh Jamie I feel your pain. It is snowing lightly here and they are calling for 10-30cm over the next few days. Last year at this time we didn't have ANY snow. Hang in there. Mud is just around the corner, I'm sure.

    1. Yes, we have more snow coming this weekend I guess...

  5. Oh...I am sooo with you! Can't wait for the smell of that fresh spring rain making all that squishy mud! It is snowy outside my window too...

    1. Oh, yeah, the smell of rain and mud...can't wait! I love sitting on the porch when it's raining (in the spring and summer)

  6. 19 degrees!!! Oh my goodness. There for a minute, I thought you made up that cute poem! Hope you get your mud soon :)

  7. I feel your pain. I'm always envious of people who know their photo archives so well. Well played.

    1. I don't actually know mine so well...I just went back to March last year and knew it was warm and if it's warm, my kids are playing making mud pies! (actually they try in the winter with dripping water, they save it and play with the water, til their mittens are so wet and cold they have to come in!!

  8. Your yard looks a lot like ours!! Our road is still covered with ice and snow, though, too. I'm ready for some mud...though in a month or two I'll be up to my ankles (literally) in it, until we get the drainage on our driveway figured out, LOL. Thanks for sharing last year's mud. :-)

    1. Isn't that funny, how after a month or mud, we would not be happy...when it's super hot in the summer, I catch people wishing for winter...NOT ME though, never ever. Mud is much more fun through the kiddos' eyes!

  9. It was 80 degrees here this time last year. Today we're still under snow. Who would have thought a topic like "mud" would make all the East Coasters and Midwesterners so nostalgic for dirt?

    1. It was a great theme Cari!! Thanks so much for giving us hope!

  10. MUD, MUD, MUD, oh how we long for MUD! And in a few weeks I'll slap myself wondering what on earth I was thinking. This year I'll have four walkers out in the mud....I better go check our boot supply :)

    1. Oh, gosh, Walmart has pretty good prices on boots....You know the big kids will be fine, it's those littles that will be the messiest, right? Maybe the baby won't like it and you could put her in a back pack and keep her clean?

  11. Crazy spring temperatures! I was already tempted to flip on the AC this week here in Texas.

    1. Wow, what a difference! I upped our heat by 3 degrees one night this past week, I was sooooo cooooold!!

  12. To think, if I had chosen a different path in life, I too would have had a snowy Minnesota backyard. I'm glad I chose the path I Instead I had snowy Boston, Maine, Rhode Island and Vermont front and backyards. No more snow for me!!! I'll stick to Cali any, I'm a wimp too.

    1. Oh, gosh, I used to live in California---loved coming back to MN, but there are some things I miss, that smell, it just has a certain smell, maybe the salty air? Oh, I miss that. (and my grandma and aunts and uncles and cousins)

  13. Somewhere under the snow... it's true. Hope it comes soon for you. (Hey! Accidental poem!)

    1. Love the poem...You're a poet and...OK, I won't say it!

  14. You have a lot of snow..look at that poor mailbox just barely peeking out.
    you are a super duper mama for letting little girls get muddy and dirty. They look like little spring pink flowers.
    I am just glad we get more sun light now and it will be spring. Just seems like it takes forever sometimes.
    AND it would be nice to wear Easter dresses without a winter coat and winter boots!!!

  15. Look at that snow!! And here I was yesterday afernoon saying how warm it is being at 86 already here in Tempe AZ. Although the snow looks nice I would rather have the mud and milder days!! :) Hope you get your mud soon!:)

  16. OH MY! I saw a storm hit out east. I am so sorry! Spring is on its way. It just must have hit us in the west first.


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