Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Simeon is sleeping now, so I'm updating quick, then I need to try to get some sleep too.
He is in quite a bit of pain.  His surgery lasted over 5  hours. He was in the surgery room from 7am til we were able to see  him in recovery around 1:45pm.    The doctor was able to completely close the "nose layer" and he's very happy with the mouth layer.  The layer in the mouth, was closed almost completely and all the way back, I guess his palate was quite long and the doctor was happy with this that he was able to go all the way back.  (I have no idea what he's talking about either) It's hard to understand, he explained the palate as a double layer, almost hamburger like layered surgery. 

Right now, the goal is to keep him as comfortable as possible. (which means morphine) He is not eating much yet, pretty much forced sips.  This should change during the day Wednesday as he gets his appetite back. 

His face is quite swollen, he looks at the arm braces like "What the heck are these things?" as he's crying. 

We thank you for your prayers, keep them coming!

I'll try to update Wednesday sometime...(it's 3am right now) It's impossible to post while he's awake. 


  1. Oh little Sim! Have courage, it will get better! Poor little guy, poor mom! I hope you are sleeping now! I pray that little Simeon spends as much as possible of the next few days in peaceful sleep and healing rest.

  2. Sweet baby, I'm so glad it went well. I prayed all day for the doctor to accomplish everything he wanted to! Praying that he recovers quickly, now.

  3. Jamie Jo...Thanks for the update, and please know we here are praying for you all... So happy it went well, and your sweet son is resting and healing. Hope you are resting now and knowing that prayers and hugs are being sent your way...!

  4. Thank you God for a successful surgery! Thank you Jamie Jo for the update and now I pray recovery goes well and fast!

  5. Complete surrender is what Lent is about, well actually our whole lives are about surrendering to the Father. He keeps pushing you. It must mean that you are very loved. Stay strong and remember that even if he acts mad at you that he loves you.

  6. Poor sweet baby! Praying for comfort and healing! And for strength and sleep for you.

  7. I've been praying for Simeon and for strength for you. Rest, mama.

  8. Thanks for sharing the update. I have been praying for little Sims and you. I am glad it all went so well. I will keep all of you in my prayers as the healing begins. God bless you with all the grace and strength you need and heal Simeon. Hang in there -

  9. Thank you for the update. I know how hard it is to see your baby in pain. Thank God all went well! We'll keep up the prayers here -- for a quick, as-little-pain-as-possible recovery for Simeon, and for strength and peace (and rest!) for you.

  10. Praying! Maybe that's why I've been awake since 3 am?

  11. Precious baby! Still praying for him and all of you. He's one tough fellow, and I have a feeling he's going to be dancing again in quicker time than anyone thought possible.

    Get some rest when you can~

  12. We will continue praying, poor Sim and poor family! Thanks for the update...we pray that the Blessed Mother will wrap you all in her comforting embrace.

  13. Poor wee boy, and poor tired, Mama! Praying for health, healing, and peace for you all!!

  14. Glad everything has gone well so far. Will keep your son in my prayers. He is such a trooper. I know he will grow up to be a strong man of God. Keep the updates coming.

  15. Praying here too! I am glad everything well well thus far and I look forward to future updates. St. Simeon, pray for us!

  16. Tried to call you last night..around 7pm. Talked to on of your kiddos instead! Just calling to make sure you and sims are doing OK. You call me anytime to just talk if you need too. Always here for you.

    Glad to hear the surgery was a success. So thankful. I hope he heals fast!

    hugs to you and sims

  17. ps..thanks for the update also..even when you are so tired and worried.

  18. So grateful to hear Sims made it through the surgery with flying colors! He was been in my thoughts all day yesterday. We are still praying for you all and hope he continues to recover quickly. God Bless

  19. So glad to hear the surgery went well. I'm sorry that he has to go through this! I guess the upside is that he won't remember it. Wish the same could be said for Momma! :)

  20. Beautiful update, Jamie!!! God is sooooo good. I'm sorry that one of God's littlest has to endure so much pain, but so very grateful for the medical science to help heal him. The kiddos and I continue to offer up prayers for him...we will now pray for a easy(ier) recovery!!!


  21. Sweet baby! I hope he feels better soon, it's so hard to see them in pain.

  22. Praise God that Sims is doing well, and praise God for Pope Francis I.

  23. So glad to hear! Still praying for all of you!

  24. Thanks for keeping us updated, still praying, taking you all to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament tomorrow! Hang in there, Mama.

  25. I always promise to pray but sometimes forget to keep my promise--but yesterday I actually did remember Simeon and remembered to pray for him! :-) I continue to pray for him--I have a small inkling of what you're going through so my heart and prayers are with you both.

  26. My heart is going out to you, Jamie. Please know I love you & am praying. Wish I could be closer.


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

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