Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Call the Midwife

I finally started watching this show!
It can be found on both (instant) Netflix and at PBS

After hearing about it from a couple of my favorite people,
(Barbara and Tracy)
I watched it

I'm hooked!
The beautiful babies (where do they get them?)
Every birth (I cry every time)
The compassion learned and shown by the midwives
The nuns (are hilarious)
The nun's singing (I want a CD of their voices)
The era of time, (so interesting)

I've only seen 3 shows, but love it! 


  1. Thanks for the recommendation! I have a bit more resting to do with pregnancy so this might be perfect. :)

    1. Oh, Melody, you will be bawling like a baby!

  2. I would love to watch it. Is it on the instant queue for Netflix?!
    I read the book and enjoyed it a lot.

  3. OHHH!!! I am sooooo trying to get there....I've heard the commotion and I've just got to sit down and watch!!

  4. I have the first season DVD set on the counter! Can't wait to watch it this weekend! And I hear the books the series are based on are just as good~

  5. I heard about this show from a friend but have not watched it. Guess I'm going to start. Thanks for sharing this!

  6. So there is a book too? Sorry I'm late in the what's new out in t.v and book worlds.

  7. BTW Jamie can you check out this post:

    We are in a battle with a local Catholic high school here and can use all the help we can.

    If you can spare the moment, that is. God bless!

  8. We are enjoying this show too!

  9. I've seen 3 or 4 episodes; I'd like to watch more. Do you watch with kids around? I *think* my 11 & 14 are old enough to handle it, but I was a little doubtful of some of the story lines.

    1. No, Sara--I watch at night when all kiddos are in bed...or while rocking the baby to sleep! If you've seen it and think it's ok, then maybe let them see the ones you've seen, but I wouldn't chance something happening you wouldn't want them to see.

  10. I knew you'd love it!

    Sara, I watch after Faith is in bed. Noah (16) wouldn't be caught dead in a room with a show about childbirth on, so that takes care of him. It's not for kids. See my response to Michelle's comment on my blog for more details.

    Sorry, Jamie, baby. Didn't intend to hog the com box like that. Love ya! Enjoy the show!

    1. Hhaha! You can steal my com box anytime Barbara! --I'll have to go read your comments...

  11. PS I know you don't have time to read but the memoir is really good, too, and easy to read.

    1. It sounds good, when I found that out, I wished I'd have time---but you know I have trouble reading fiction, I only watch it! hahah!

  12. This sounds good. Just need to find the time! thanks for the info!

  13. Dawn at By Sun and Candlelight usually hosts a Monday morning discussion of the show, so hop over and join in the fun conversation! Dawn is expecting, so this adds to the fun.

    My almost 13yo is not interested in watching, my 11yo would like too but I think she's a little young. My dh does not want to get hooked, so I am watching this blissfully alone!

  14. Yes, I was captivated from the get-go with this show (while everyone else raved about Downton, which I do like, just not as much). I haven't found time for the current season yet but I have it waiting, recording. Do they show the Christmas special on Netflix? I thought that was the best episode.

    1. I have no idea Nicole, I watched Downton via PBS Masterpiece Theatre!

  15. I watched one episode, but haven't been able to find time to get back to another. (And here I sit and type away!) Ha! But I must agree with the compassion that is presented and those funny nuns!

  16. I am reading the book now. I am dying to watch the show but feel like I should finish the book first!


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