Thursday, May 23, 2013

Thankful May Thursday!

Finally, huh?
  I haven't done a Thankful Thursday since the end of April. 
 So sorry. 
 Sometimes I have so many things that I'm thankful for
I don't know where to start, 
and I think I am boring you. 

First, I am thankful for Shelly.
if you have not been to her blog or read any of her stories,
you are missing out.
She is a wonderful writer
(I think because she writes from her beautiful heart)
She is retiring from teaching 
and tomorrow is her last day!!
Her hard work and dedication 
is inspirational!
I love you Shelly and am so happy to have become
friends with you in our little blog world.

I hope you have time, it's a loooong one....

 Thankful for the Cheeseball Chick
It was so worth it to buy this junkfood these cheeseballs
just for the smile it brought on her face!

 Thankful for Nerf Wars!
 Thankful my girls are all tom-boys
 are not afraid of wearing dresses
and getting dirty!
 Thankful for this sweet little love girl.
That's what I call her.
She's always there to give kisses and hugs.
She's turning 7 next week.  
Can't believe it.
 Thankful for walking babies, 
even though that means a banged up face.
(he fell off the front rocky-cement steps)
He only cried when I brought him in to wipe the blood.
(because he didn't want to go inside)
He loves it outside.
He also loves purses.
(I told you my kids are weird)
 and towels.
On his head and neck.
 Thankful for our trampoline.
So much fun!
 Thankful this is my  last box of breastmilk.
I made it to 17 months!!

 Thankful for piano recitals...
 which is in video on Tom's camera...
 Thankful for Mr. Freezies
(look at that banged up face--poor baby)
 Thankful for messy spaghetti babies!
(who throw all their food on the floor when they are done)
 Thankful for babies in buckets!
He tried getting out, by standing up, putting one foot out but leaving one foot in,
couldn't understand why he couldn't lift it!
 Thankful He plays and sings while we pray the rosary!
 Thankful for picnics with friends on the porch!

 Thankful for feet washing in the sink
 (it's much quicker than a bath)
 Thankful for funny, sweet, curly haired 3 year olds!
 who have a style all their own!
Why, you ask is Little Red pushing her leg
(click the picture to see it up close)
 He wants the doll behind her!
 Thankful he wants everything she has 
she wants everything he has.
It makes life very loud and interesting.
 Thankful he knows where the snack cupboard is
 and that he can't get in.
 Thankful 10 kids is not that big of a deal when having friends over.
 Thankful for rainy day play-dough!!
 Recipe HERE
 Thankful for strong furniture movers
 in Spider Man shoes and cute baby toes!
Sing with me,
Spider Man, Spider Man, does whatever a spider can!
 Thankful for a wonderful husband that the kids flock to when he comes home!
 Thankful unicycling and the fun it has brought
 Thankful for playing in the rain!
(those are floatie light sabers)
 Look at those curls...what's not to be Thankful there?
 Thankful after 5 or 6 days of rain,
I caught the clouds going away last night
 making way for the sun to glisten on our new leaves popping through
Sunny tulips, much prettier!
Are you still here?
Thanks for reading and staying til the end!


  1. WOW!
    Look at that box of breast milk! And those babies!
    Very impressive work Jamie Jo!

    1. Oh, I know....I quit pumping for the babe in January and hoped to make it to 16 months, but I had enough frozen to make it an extra month!! Yay! Made all those long hours of pumping so worth it, to get him through his surgeries!

  2. I love Shelly, TOO! Her writing is amazing. I can do pictures!!!

    You are blessed to have friends and fun and playdough and all those good things in your home. SO much joy, love and like I said be for good..THANKFUL..moments.

    1. You write funny stuff, everyone loves it! Everyone loves your pictures too!

      Shelly is great. Knowing the kind of person she is, makes her blog even better and more exciting to read!

      Yes, thankful moments.
      Like when we can finally get each other on the phone.

  3. Love those cheese balls...and feet washing instead of baths=the Best!!! Have a nice evening, friend! : )

    1. Billie Jo--funny thing is that HUGE container of cheeseballs is kind of like poptarts...they never get totally eaten. The kids get tired of them before they are gone. That's junk food I guess, huh?

      Yes, I love that fresh bathed/lotioned up smell, but sometimes, feet and hands washing is all I have left in me!!

  4. Jamie Jo, I've missed your Thankful Thursdays. missed you too. Your curly haired three year old has beautiful eyes, like her mother! I can't fathom how much little Red has grown... and walking ??! what a big liitle man he is. congrats to the two oldest on their recitals. I'll have to check out shelly's blog.

    1. Gardenia!! SO happy to see a comment from you again!! How are you? And that sweet Little Flower, I bet she's grown! I haven't had a chance to check my "Bloglovin'" today, I'll check if you've posted! My Thankful post got way way too long. I need to do it more often again. I just started doing this Theme Thursday thing, easy, theme picked out for me, post a couple pictures, stick to the theme, not much thinking involved.

      Thinking about maybe a summer blog break....
      Off to see if you posted too!

  5. Jamie Jo, I enjoy your thankful posts. It is nice to see those bits of life. :) It's also fun to see similarities. God bless!

  6. Oh Jamie Jo, the picture of the "locked" snack cabinet that little man can't get into...priceless! They all are but that was my fave!

  7. Oh, Jamie, I had a hard time seeing the rest of your post because the tears started as soon as I read your wonderfully kind words. Thank you, my sweet friend.

    I love all your beautiful pictures. I love the rosy cheeks and sweet kids and glistening sun, and I love you!

  8. I've told you before, but I LOVE your Thankful posts.

    Poor little Sim... reminds me of my Crash.
    The night before my dear FIL's funeral, we arrived at our rented house in the town of my in-laws. As we were unpacking the van, 23-month old Crash fell down the stairs of the concrete porch. It looked like someone took a comb and scraped it down from his forehead, over the eye, down cheek, and ended on the jaw. He looked HORRIBLE. He cried a bit, but screamed when I took him inside to clean it up. He never seemed like it bothered him, but just looking at him sure bothered me!! I was amazed at how quickly he healed!

    Great pictures!

  9. I love all those happy kid pictures. Wish we were closer. I think our kids would get along.


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