Thursday, June 27, 2013

Thankful June Thursday

 Thankful for such a wonderful June!
Thankful when Tom took the 3 oldest kiddos fishing to Canada,
The 3 youngest and I had a sleep out in the tent,
in my room!
(OK, I slept in my bed)
 Someone kept trying to mess up the blankets and pillows...
 Thankful for all the rainy days we had
The little girls didn't mind at all
 Thankful for cute wet toesies
 Thankful for the joy $5 Wal-Mart umbrellas brought to the girls
(Thankful one of the umbrellas is still usable)
 Thankful for funny, sweet, adorable, 3 year olds
 How can I be so blessed?
 Thankful my cousin lives in the country (I love the country)
and Simeon could run and run out there.
There were a ton of birds flying around and he ran out into the field of fresh cut grass, 
put his arms in the air and fell to the ground, on his back
and rolled around in the grass...funny boy!
 (still at my cousins here)
Thankful for dirt driveways and trikes
(country living--oh, I love it!)
 Thankful for chocolate covered strawberries and messy baby faces!
 Thankful for a Pinterest flop and a Pinterest success!
The top one, my mom wanted to do for my soon to be sis in law's shower
It did NOT work, every time the door opened and closed the bouquet would flop around.
The bottom one is mine!  

 Thankful the shower was fun and that it's over!  (haha)
Here's from l to r--Mary, (my soon to be sis in law's mama), my sister Brenna,
My soon to be sis in law, Sarah, (isn't she beautiful?) and my mom
 My little sister and I
 Thankful my cousin brought her sweet little baby--Oh, my gosh,
what a honey!!  (click on the picture for a baby fix)
(OK, it won't fix it, it will make you want a baby even more)
(sorry about that)
 Thankful for our wonderful Catholic Homeschool VBS
A wonderful family hosts it every year on their hobby farm
 Thankful Jedi was on the skit team, and he had a blast!
(he was a mime one day)
 Thankful we had Mass there every day!!  
It was wonderful!
 Country roads, take me home....
To a place I belong....come on sing with me!
Thankful I got this picture.
Click on this picture, this was taken from inside the barn,
It just looks like a painting, dark on the inside, and beautiful, sunny, green outside!
I'm going to have to frame this one!
 Thankful for girls who  love photo shoots!
and Thankful for the beautiful lake in town we have to go for pictures
 and mommy dates!

 Thankful for unicycling and the fun it has brought to our family!
 We are now parade people!
 He might be done for the year though, those parades get a little long for the babes!
 Here she is!
 It is so much fun to go and watch her and the team perform!

 Thankful for Kool-Aid faces
 Thankful for babies who love to read books (and set them up like that)
 Thankful we are now into that phase of turning the chairs on their sides,
because we have a table climber...
 and cupboard opener
 And mad fussy baby when he can't get what he wants...
I have to close the laundry room door now, because he plays with the buttons 
and goofs up my laundry loads
 Thankful for big and little brothers
 Thankful for lawn mowers (the boy mowing)
 I'm sure our neighbors are happy now....yes, this was our lawn....
 Thankful for warm weather and days on the porch!
(my 3 year old begged to take my picture!)
 Thankful for painted toes and flip flops!
(aren't my flip flops cute?)
 Thankful for great cloud watching days!!  
(doesn't that look like an unborn baby in the womb?)

 Thankful for reading on the porch and look at that green out there!!
 Thankful for wagon rides....and big kids to pull!!
 Thankful for sidewalk chalk artists
 Thankful for flowers blooming....
Thankful for pretty mailboxes...I love mailboxes...
Come August, there will be Morning Glories climbing up!

 Thankful for this shelf we found when we got rid of the paint in our storage room
 This is her flooded room, now fixed,
 we are planning on painting it florescent green, 
and adding this pink shelf!  
(She's working hard on it!)
Hoping to move her back in next week!
Thankful for kiddos in wagons....oh, I wish they'd stay little forever....

Believe it or not, 
I had a ton more thankfuls, but will have to do a separate post 
on our Catholic Family Camp we went to last weekend!

Thankful for the little things and the big things


  1. I just love your thankful posts. The big brother little brother picture just melts my heart. And the playing in the rain. And you should absolutely frame that green on green on darker green picture.

  2. I so enjoyed reading this Jamie Jo, and sharing your beautiful life with you! Enjoy friend!

  3. With your breaks and mine I'm finally catching up. Your family has all grown. Simeon is so big now! It look like you are having a beautiful summer.


    PS. How did you get the flowers to grow? It seems as if I must be in the rain all the time no sun area.

  4. OBSESSED with your big porch ( day!). And how cool that you had a VBS with your homeschooling group. So fun!

  5. It looks like you're having a wonderful summer with your kids. :)

  6. Love hearing you laugh in the video! She does such a great job unicylcing. Looks like she has so much fun also. Great summer going around to parades!!! I love a good parade. Lots of bands.

    Porches are the best place to read..totally agree.

    It looks like you are having a great and fun summer. So glad to see.

  7. GREAT photos and memories! I thought the unicycling was a solo hobby but there's a team. How fun!

    And a homeschool VBS? Awesome! Our parish combines forces with a Lutheran church so my kids haven't experienced VBS. But... considering they are quiet types anyway, it saves us a week of chaos. ;)

    Lovely photo of you too, Jamie Jo.

  8. your summer looks like such fun! The pictures are beautiful. The VBS is amazing. The pics of the porch reading and the gravel driveway remind me of my favorite summers at my grandmother's house.

  9. WOW!! So many great pictures...I lost count! Love 'em all...especially the barn in the country photos! How totally amazing that the family hosts a Catholic VBS there!

  10. And the unicycling....that's just amazing!!!

  11. What simple and wonderful things to be thankful for, Jamie. I enjoyed reading your list. As always, a good reminder of the blessings around me to be thankful for too. June sure has flown by in a hurry, hasn't it?

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful life with us. You always make me smile :)

  12. Hi Jamie,

    Looks like your summer is filled with togetherness and joy! Love how your little 3 year old smiles for the camera. And Simeon is getting so big! May God continue to bless you and your family!

  13. Wish I could move over where you are! Your neighborhood, home, the weather all look so nice and that home-school VBS sounds amazing.

  14. Another great Thankful Thursday! I love all the green and flowers! Love the pink shelves (and random toilet), can't wait to see the finished room!

    Sims is getting so big! We have a table climber too. Sam has actually learned to climb over the baby gate...yikes!

  15. Jamie Joe, I just realized I hadn't stopped by here in months. Simeon looks amazing! Glad to see he is doing so well! What a great June you had :)


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

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