Friday, July 12, 2013

My Oldest Daughter is 11!!

(Malted Milk Ball Cake)

My sweet, talented, smart, funny, awesome 10 year old girl turned 
11 today!

We are having a "Birthday Picnic" with about 8-10 of her friends Monday!


  1. Happy, happy birthday sweet, talented, smart, funny, awesome and beautiful girl!

  2. What a fabulous cake Jamie! How did you get the malt balls to stick? Was the frosting enough to get it to adhere well?

    Happy Birthday to your oldest daughter! May God bless her this year!

    1. Just the whipped chocolate frosting in the plastic can from the store!

      Thank you!

      She's doing a Junior Mint one for her party on Monday!

  3. Happy happy birthday to your beautiful daughter! And her cake is beautiful too! Enjoy!

  4. Oh my goodness. I love Whoppers. Why haven't I ever thought of doing that? Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter. Sending prayers for a blessed year.

  5. That is a great cake! Happy birthday to a new 11 year old!

  6. Happy birthday to the beautiful girl! And yes, please tell us how you got the malted milk balls to stick!

    1. Regular old frosting in the plastic cans from the store!

      (Whipped chocolate to be exact)

      She wants to do a Junior mint one for her party on Monday!

      (That one will be hard to resist)

  7. Happy Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuuu! and God Bless you Today!

    Cake is so yummy!

    Sounds like she is going to have a blast with her party. Looking forward to hearing how it all went!

  8. Happy Birthday!!! What a AWSOME CAKE!!! I want one, not that I could keep it down right now...:( Hope she has a wonderful party! God bless!

    1. Arley, are you pregnant? I think I might have missed a post or something!! I have not been reading blogs this summer much!

  9. Happy Birthday!

    I hope that she has just as wonderful of a time at Schoenstatt last week as my girls. Man, they love that place! The Sisters are amazing, don't you think?

    1. Thanks Happymom! She was at camp with your daughters!! She had a blast, and yes the sisters are amazing. It sure is beautiful there. I want a retreat there.

    2. You know that there is a Mother/Daughter retreat there each year. I have had some friends that have done that and thought it was great. There are also family and couple retreats that are available. Something to check into and pencil in on the calendar!

  10. Happy birthday to your beautiful, young lady!! May God bless her abundantly throughout this next year!

  11. Happy Birthday to your daughter! I love that whopper cake! Happy weekend to your whole family!

  12. 11? Woah! She is so beautiful :)

  13. Happy belated birthday. I love the picture at the top of your blog. I cannot believe how big Simeon is now.


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

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