Thursday, August 1, 2013

Thankful Thursday (July)

No!!!!  Where has July gone?
I love July, but for some reason, it always seems like the shortest month 
of the year, then August comes and I start thinking about school.
We still really have a WHOLE month left!
Thankful for that!

Thankful for 3 year old curly locks girls
 that let me put pretties in their hair once in a while.

And paint her toesies for special occasions, like the 4th of July!
I tell you what, she has the cutest little toesies still, 
and she is almost 4! 
Thankful for 4th of July celebrations with kids, they make everything fun!
Thankful for flags and freedom and all that American stuff! 
Proud to be an American 
(even though, I'm not so proud of our president)
Thankful for babies in the sink 
(my favorite baby thing)
Thankful my good friend Amanda made him one of those teething Amber necklaces...
Not sure if it works or not, but it sure is cute!
Thankful for 11 year old girls with a July birthday
(we re-did the Whopper cake for her party and changed it to a Junior Mint)
(Let me tell you, it was way way way way better)
Thankful for sister love, it abounds like crazy here
(as does sister fighting)
Thankful for time on the porch with each of the kiddos
Thankful for pool time...
Thankful for Canada fishing time for daddy
and Jedi, 
This is the only fish picture Tom got of Jedi, the fish was escaping
right as he snapped the picture. 
Thankful for brotherly love
He's the best dang brother there is, I'm sure of it!
OK, Thankful for this little brother, he's a pretty dang good brother to have too!
Thankful for creative outside girls that use this old stuff to create 
a apple cider making farm.  
(Please don't taste the juice though)
Thankful for leaf/stick/mud/water salad and soup making girlies
Thankful for a couple rainy days in July--you know, the nice, warm,
playing kind of rain.
 (OK, by the looks of the winter hat, it might not have been that warm)
Thankful for creative Hero Factory making kids
Thankful for these messes that I find several times daily.
(Hey, I'm trying to be positive here)
OK, this drives me crazy, but it is kind of cute and someday soon,
these messes will be long gone

Thankful for time with cousins this week!!
Tom's brother has some really nice girls!
(poor Jedi, surrounded by 7 girls)
(Simeon loved it)
Can you believe she's only 12?
(We share a birthday, she's almost 13)
Sweetie Pie loved her!
Thankful for mailboxes...more on that later, 
but here's mine...waiting for those Morning Glory flowers to make an appearance any day here!
Thankful for step flowers...
and box flowers
and Mary flowers...

and my view from the porch flowers...

Thankful he LOVES his daddy!!
and his glasses...
Thankful for July water fun with even more girls...
Oh, my gosh, how can anyone not be thankful for such cuteness?
Thankful for Hydrangea blooms
Help yourself!! 
Thankful to God 
for summer and beautiful children 
and a life with the love of my life, 
we are truly blessed.  

Thankful for the big and small things, 
blessings are everywhere, 
and if you are thankful, the grace is there too!
In no way is my life perfect, but I am thankful.


  1. Love, Love, Love your Thankful posts Jamie!!!

    Oh your hydrangeas are fabulous!! Wish we lived closer, I'd take you up on your "help yourself" comment and cut one for my kitchen sink area!! ;-)
    Love the cousins picture!! And the fishing trip pictures! So many treasured memories there...

    I miss you! Wanna come up North to visit?! ;-) We're making hay this weekend... but some other time, yes??
    Blessings to you, my dear friend!

    1. Making hay sounds like a LOT of work! I remember baling hay with my grandpa and aunties when I was little...I had a blast back then.

      Miss you too! We are not heading up north anytime soon!

      Wish I could bring you a bouquet of fresh Hydrangea!

  2. Same here! Love these ones, Jamie Jo! So much fun peeking into your daily life from here! Your sweet 3 yr old looks beautiful with her pretty hair and nails.

    How about we plan a play date with her and Flynn and Ava? A gal can dream, right?

    Enjoy your beautiful family and those beautiful flowers, dear friend!

  3. I can't believe you fit that 12passenger in the garage!!!

    Everyone looks great, what a happy summer !

    1. Oh, it's tricky, I have to pull in and turn to the left, angled...we couldn't do it if we had only a 2 car garage. Backing out is even trickier!

  4. I particularly loved the photo of Simeon looking up at his daddy with love oozing out all over!

    1. I know. I love seeing the kids all run to daddy when he comes home!

  5. Your thankful posts make me think of Phillipians 4:8, "Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things."

    Thank you for all the goodness and loveliness here!

    1. Awww, that is my favorite quote, it's hanging on my fridge! Thank you Shelly!

  6. Yep, I think you have the best Thankful Thursday posts of all. :o)

    I like the hydrangeas almost as much as I like all those little smiling faces.

  7. I ditto Shelly's scripture quote!
    You do have so much to be thankful for with all those blessings and a good husband. I don't have any fishing people in my house and I love fish--with no bones that is.

    I love your flowers! The chickens ate all mine. Brian is going to buy some fence tonight. That was the last straw.

    Looks like your kids are having a great summer!

    Cousin time is precious.

    I love all the hair...long straight hair, curly hair and that sweet toddler red hair SO CUTE!

    fun to see all your thankfulness!

    1. Oh, no! Naughty chickens!! I thought all your flowers were hanging flowers? How the heck did they eat those?

      They climbed the deck again and ate from there, didn't they?

      Hope there are no more doggies eating those chickens!!!???

      How are those eggs though? Such a fun thing!

  8. What is it about summer and kids growing so fast?! Everyone looks older. Great post. I love reading your thankful Thursdays.

  9. You had a great July and you have such a lovely family! Your flowers are so beautiful! It is too hot for summer flowers here in Arizona and I miss that. There is always so much in our everyday lives to be thankful for! Enjoy what is left of your summer!

  10. Your flowers are absolutely beautiful! I am loving Sims crazy red hair. He has gotten soooo big! You guys look like you had a fun July. Just as school is starting for you, it ends for us and our summer/fall break begins. That's my BIG thankful for the Have a wonderful week and God bless.

  11. I feel like I've seen a whole summer! You've been busy doing all the right things. Loved the photos of the painted nails and your creativity with the birthday cake. Making one tomorrow here and will trying to channel my inner JamieJoe into something 1/2 as cute! God bless you all.

  12. Thanks for sharing all these lovely photos of your family. Wish that we lived a little closer and could get together with you more often! I hope that August slows down for us all...summer is nearly over!

  13. Hello Jamie. What a lovely post! :) The kids are so adorable.
    I am glad that Simeon is getting better (I read several posts about his surgery)

    I am your new follower. Do visit my blogs :)


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