Sunday, September 8, 2013

Back to Back Birthdays!

Back to back birthdays!
I love sharing these two days with the love of my life.

9-8-67 Sunday--Tom--46
9-9-69 Monday--Me--44

Yep. We are old.

And I love it!


  1. Happy Birthday, Tom!

    Happy Birthday, Jaime!

    Thank you so much for being such a wonderful example of a Catholic Pro-life family in this world and being open to the precious gift of children! You are very blessed to have each other and all those beautiful children!

    My husband and I will remember you both and your family in our daily rosary! Enjoy your special days!

    Sending you lots of love and hugs from New Bedford, MA! XOXO

    Maria :)

    1. You are always so sweet Maria! God bless you too!

  2. You. Are. Gorgeous.

    And Happy Birthday to you both!

    I am so happy to call you friend. : )

  3. I love the picture-you two look great! Happy Birthday to you both!

  4. Happy Birthday to TWO OLDSTERS!! where are your canes. where are the prunes. Get out the Geritol! Did I just hear you both fart.


    Bless you both. You both look great in this picture. Frame this one with a big heart!


    1. Oh, shut up. You will ALWAYS be older, hahahahhahahahahahaha!!!!!!! You have more wrinkles!!!!!!! Haaaahahahhahaahahahah!!!!

      (just teasing...kind of)

  5. Happy birthday to the two of you. Great picture of both of you with your beautiful blue eyes! Have a blessed year!

  6. Happy, Happy Birthday! You are not old! (You are 10 years younger that I am!) Such a cute picture of both of you! My hubby and I have birthdays close together - He is Oct. 6 and I am Oct. 9. Our oldest son was also born Oct. 6. We also love celebrating together. God bless you this week!

    1. How fun...when they are all done! hahaha!! We had 4 in 2 weeks...happy to be done til December!!

  7. Have a wonderful birthday, the both of you! May this birthday be the best yet!

  8. Happy Birthday to you and your husband! That's a great picture of you both.

    You and my oldest daughter share a birthday. I'm writing up a post for her.

    1. I'm honored to share a birthday with her!! She's a sweetie Pie!

  9. Happy birthday!! What a great-looking couple. :o)

  10. Happy Birthday to both of you. What a beautiful picture!
    At our house, I'm the old fart. Dan doesn't turn 44 until November and my kids never forget to tell me I'm the oldest in the family.

    1. Tom always pretends I'm older. And for some reason, I started getting AARP stuff in the mail and stuff for hearing aids, and a bunch of junk mail for old people. This started a couple years ago...My dad's name is "James" and for a while there I'd get his mail...wonder if somehow it got switched? Anyway, makes for some great teasing around here about getting old. I try to throw it away before he sees it! haha!

      When is your birthday Kim?
      (You are an old fart!) :)

  11. May God shower you with graces on your birthdays!

  12. Happy birthday!
    You guys share birthdays with Mary, our mother, and Martha, MY mother! No wonder you rock.

    1. Oh, that is so cool. About your mama. I already about Mother Mary of course, and that is cool too. We do rock, don't we? (haha)

  13. Happiest of Birthdays Jamie Jo and Tom! May this be your best year yet!

  14. Happy birthday! That is an absolutely beautiful picture of you, Jamie!

  15. Not old, just wise. And such a sweet couple :-) Happy Birthday to both of you!

    1. Ok, I think I like old better....wise, makes me think of an old owl. An old hoot.

      Just teasing you, thank you! Happy Anniversary to you and your sweet hubby!

  16. I didn't respond to every one...but thank you so much for your birthday wishes and blessings, love right back at you all!!!

  17. Best wishes to you and your family.

    God bless.

  18. Happy belated birthdays. You are not old!!! You two look great, and so happy.

  19. Happy birthdays! I really love that photo of you! So pretty!

  20. Just catching up on blogs and saw this title right away. Welcome to the 44 club! Happy birthday to you and your beloved. May you have a year filled with His abundant blessings!


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

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