Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Back to School 2013

 We started school yesterday, and we  I survived.
How did it go?
Well, I had the schedule planned out where
I meet with each school child for 1 hour,
and then there was rotating with who was watching Little Red.
Sounds good in theory.
By lunch time, Little Red 
missed his mama so much
and I just knew it had to be changed
There has to be time for snuggles and hugs and kisses 
and book reading.

OK, so I was dressed and this was more the way I felt today!
It is fun to get up around the time the school bus is coming to pick up the neighbors!
(I wake the kids at 7am)
 We were blessed to have a homeschool kick-off Mass
 out on a fellow homeschool family's farm
It was such a wonderful way to end our day!
 I was following the stragglers...he loved her so much, it was adorable!
There were like 4 or 5 little 1-2 year olds there, just fun to see!!
(go ahead, click on the picture for up close cuteness)

 Jedi--8th grade!
 Rosie--6th grade
 Mary Hannah--3rd grade
 Colette--2nd grade, showing off her map here
 Sweetie Pie--pre school, which we actually started today
Did you think I'd start her out on the same day as the others?
I'm not that crazy.
 Little Red--Focusing on Trouble, with a capital T!
 My tips for any new homeschooling year?
Number 1
Buy these easy pre-made dough cookies, 
you just put them on a cookie sheet and bake!!

I will never have time on the first day to bake homemade cookies
and am not really usually feeling like the 
happy- baker- mommy that day.
(Jedi taking his shift watching littles)
 Number 2 tip:
Buy Play Dough.
Don't make it, buy it.
It's cheap
And it occupies them for at least an hour.

The 2nd day went much better.
I taught the older kids first, 
they actually take less, 
I don't need to read everything to them
and I can do things like, oh, change poopy diapers 
and hold littles while teaching them.
I then did the younger ones later, like right before lunch 
and finished after lunch and during Little Red's nap.

Hey, we were done by 3 pm

How many days til Summer? 

No, I'm kidding (kind of)
I really believe people who homeschool are called to do it
I believe God wants this for our family.
This year, I have a really positive attitude and am promising myself
I am not going to yell, 
"You are all going to public school!!!"
I'm not.

Funny thing is, 
I do not want anything else for my kids,
This is what we choose
and I do love it, I love the positives 
so much more than the negatives.

Seriously, though, 
how many days til next summer? 


  1. A new routine is always hard for any mama and kids. For Brian, his day and life didnt really change.

    I also buy playdough. I never make it anymore. like you

    The mass sounds beautiful. That is a perfect way to start a school year.

    ..I am with you..when is summer. I hate packing lunches. my pet peeve.

    1. Yeah, right, for the men, it doesn't really change that much. Hmmmm....We women, we rock!!

      It was a beautiful Mass--FR Mastey, gosh, he's wonderful.

  2. I think you need to change little red's name to little blond! He got so light!

    Congrats on making it through the first couple days. I don't know how you do it, but I know you do it with love :-)

    1. I know, he's so blonde...but sometimes it is red. So Little Red it is. It will be interesting to see what it is next summer when it's hopefully thicker!!

  3. Looks like a successful first day, Jamie Jo!

    So happy to read and learn from you.

    And I just told Flynn tonight that we could make those place and bake cookies for the big kids for lunch tomorrow!

    Have a great school year, friend. : )

    1. "Place and Bake" love that term. I'm stealing it!

      You have a great school year too friend!

  4. Ha ha ha! I must start with your ending comments. I go through the same thing. This homeschooling gig is my vocation. I tried to run and run fast when it first was planted into my bean over a decade ago, but I couldn't run far from the Lord. At the same time, it is so hard. For me, it's not the schooling, but the not having any. single. moment. to myself (which is at bedtime, which means I'm dog tired and ready to hit the sack.) But we keep on truckin' on because He gives us the strength to do so. LOVE the back-to-school Mass and at the farm! AWESOME! Our group is having one this Friday, First Friday. The pictures are precious, especially little Red with that cutie pie on the steps. May your school year be blessed and fruitful. God bless!

    1. Oh, my gosh, the no moment to yourself? SO get that. I agree, that is one of the hardest things of homeschooling. NO time to get things done during the week, like school mamas, like laundry, shopping, etc....I had such a hard time getting laundry done (it's not done) this week, with my days full of teaching added. We get almost spoiled in the summers!

      We also had a first Friday Mass today, met for noon Mass then picnic-ed afterward--fun to see so many there, like 13 families!

      God bless your school year also.

  5. We actually started about three weeks ago and it has been so hard! I think today we finally found our groove. i was ready to throw in the towel! I am not starting pre-k with Bear till next week, since it seemed like we would never get things going a little smoothly.

    I honestly felt like giving up earlier this week, and then God spoke to me. I finally heard his call and his reminder of why we do this and how blessed and called we all are to this life.

    How lucky to have a kick off mass! Some friends are planning something on Friday, I think we might have to join them!

    1. Oh, gosh, I know, September is always kind of hard then by end of October, we get the sinc of it and then Thanksgiving and Advent come and it goes off wack again!!

      We are blessed to homeschool. Really we are. Grace, that's all we need. Lots of grace.

  6. What a wonderful thing you are doing in educating your children! I love this! God bless you all with much success and learning this year! (and may He bless you in an abundance of patience as well ;-)

    1. OH, gosh, how did you know I need those patience? Thank you so much!! God bless your year too!

  7. I just don't know how you guys do it! So fantastic!

  8. Happy first day! I hope it all settles into a routine soon. The first days were always the most taxing for me. I'm having internet problems, but wanted to pop in. The kids all look like they've grown a foot, for some reason!

    1. Oh, Shelly, with school starting, I am so behind in reading my bloggies. I plan to get to yours soon...really, I do.

  9. They look happy! I don't think they'd be so happy to go off to public school. I was always a nervous wreck (even going to Catholic school, though less so).

    Today is our dance day and I am so grateful Faith can do both school and dance during our day!

    PS there is no smell like store bought play-doh. Good stuff. ;-)

    1. I know!! My oldest daughter actually had a nervous tummy in the middle of the night!!! For homeschool!!!!!! Can't imagine how she'd be if she left for public school!!

      Yes, one of the great things of homeschooling, having the time to work on things the kids love.

      (like dance for Faith)

      Oh, and play-dough, it does smell great!! I love it when it's new.

  10. God bless your new school year, and may you keep the good days in your heart to make it through the bad!

  11. Oh, just saw the pic of your 6th grader and she looked so much happier and confident than I ever did in 6th grade. I was so grateful that she was homeschooled. Gives me hope!

    Congrats Mama!

    1. She is confident, that's for sure! I thought we'd see you at Mass today!!! I'll have to send you the Catholic group emails for Mass!! First Fridays at the Cathedral, noon Mass...picnic afterward!

  12. First day/week is always the hardest. Our school year doesn't start until March (due to the new baby coming the end of January)but this year I will have 4 in school. Mary is starting Kindergarten and I will also have a newborn. This is going to be challenging. Best of luck with the new school year! Would love to hear more of your tips for homeschooling lots of kiddos!

    1. Well, I've had 4 for a couple years now, and it's HARD. Hard to make that time for each one. They need that individual time so much. Blessings on your new year

      Tips? Gosh, I'll have to think some up!

  13. Looks like a success! Please share ideas of how to keep the younger kids entertained while the older ones are working.

    1. Oh, my....I'll have to think of ideas....Really, it doesn't go that smoothly!!

  14. Love the pics, Jamie, everyone is so peace-filled and happy. :-)
    Yes, I agree about buying Play-Doh! Cheap, good stuff. I have several new containers for Crash (and the girls *always* join him).

    My girls are pretty excited to be back to school, but for whatever reason it is a real struggle for me this year. Our routine is totally MIA during the summer, and the hardest part is getting this mama back into the swing of things! ugh... Maybe because the summer seemed sooo short this year. I don't know. But I love spending every day with these beautiful kids, and am so happy that God has blessed us with the opportunity to home school. Wouldn't have it any other way!

    Blessings on your school year!

    1. LORI@!!!! How the heck are you? Yes, the older kiddos love the play dough, I think more, than the littles!

      I wouldn't have it any other way either....God bless your new year too Lori!!


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