Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Family Rosary Distraction

Now how are we supposed to concentrate on our pryaers
with this sweet little boy singing and dancing all over the living room?

He brings all the more joy to our prayers!

(he's crouched down like a football player!)


  1. He is such a CUTIE!!! I don't think I could watch anything but him, dressed like that, no matter what I was doing!

    1. Oh, I know. He is a fun distraction! I think he loves that we are all gathered in the living room, like he's on a stage or something! haha!

  2. He is so cute!! Love the mischief in those eyes!

    1. Oh, he is a stinker! He likes to stand on my legs and let go with his hands and wobble til he falls. (yes, while I'm praying)

  3. Yup, I always try to balance the don't-laugh-out-loud-at-the-baby during prayer time with the isn't-our-life-fun-and-joyful feelings that come over me at precisely those moments. What little blessings! I'm sure they are praying in their own toddler way :)

  4. Love this, Jamie Jo! Joy during prayers, right? : )

    1. Yes!! It's hard to not laugh, we all do sometimes. He thinks he's the center of attention or something!! haha!! (he is)

  5. I just love his hair. You must rub it all day long.

    Families that pray together..stay together!

    He is such a blessing.

    1. Oh, I love to rub my mouth lips on it and kiss his sweet head!! I just cut it this morning--it looks sooooo Cuuuuute! (gotta get ready for the wedding)

    2. Enjoy! We dont have any weddings in our family coming up.

  6. Oops!! I accidentally deleted Laura Pearl's comment...dang it.

    From my email of it:

    Love, love, love! Many moons ago (almost 20), our baby used to distract us in a similar manner when we tried to say our family Rosaries. Those are great memories, and this funny little guy brings to mind that very happy time in my life. :)

    1. My reply to Laura would be:

      I will think now, of you and how fast the kids grow, next time he's dancing around while we pray...trying to make us laugh!

  7. Oh my goodness! Love, love, love! He is so precious.

  8. Peter was doing the same thing this morning. We were all trying not to laugh and encourage him to get even sillier....but, we didn't succeed. Love that little boy!

  9. Oh. my. goodness. This wins Best Blog Picture of the Day! He is so cute - like he has just emerged from some sort of insular religious tribe. I love it!


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