Monday, October 14, 2013

Virtue Makes You Beautiful

Love this!!  So hopeful seeing such virtuous young men! 


  1. Oh, I love this! These boys are from a high school here in Utah. It would be good for my girls to see this video everyday!

  2. This just warms my heart! As the mom of a 17-year-old who is really bothered by the immodest way some girls dress, I just love this youtube! Wish I could show it in my high school classes. Thanks for sharing! Also - I have a Catholic question. Recently read something in a book written by a Catholic and it really raised some questions for me. Can I email you? Thanks so much.

    1. Yes, of course you can email me Deb.

      jamiejo99 (at) no spaces.....

  3. This is great! I tell my teen girl there are really good guys out there- to be patient. Thank you for sharing it!

  4. This is fabulous!! How did you find it?!
    My two girls watched it with me - and we agree, its a hit. :-)
    Thank you for sharing, JamieJo!

  5. It was on another blog of a friend of mine, she's a young girl from our church! I knew I had to share it after I saw it!!

  6. I saw this last week! I showed it to my daughter. I LOVE this!

  7. Hi Jamie Jo! Oh, this is just wonderful! I am going to pass this along to my son-in-law (he was considering priesthood, until he met my daughter!), he'll enjoy this so much!

    Please come over to my blog and check out the video I have there. It's so inspiring for women. I think every woman/girl on earth should see it.

    So nice to meet you today!

  8. OH my word! I'm sharing this with my Confirmation class tomorrow night!

  9. I've got to show this to my daughters and my niece. Cute guys saying the best way to be attractive. Love it!

  10. This is so amazing! Thank you so much for finding and sharing this! made my day.


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