Monday, November 25, 2013

Advent Unplugged

Haley, at Carrots for Michaelmas, has a link-up for those
planning on unplugging in any way during Advent.

Advent is starting this coming Sunday, December 1!!
Are you ready?
Have you given it any thought yet?

or are you like me, 
you know, "one holiday at a time, plaeeeeeze"?

Well, I have so many wonderful things we do during Advent
to bring us closer to the infant Jesus, 
that I need to think about it.
I need to plan for it.
 Which means, I need to change some things.

 Those things on my mind, that need some balancing anyway,
are plugged in things.
You know:

OK, I don't do Twitter, but I used to only check emails, 
now it's lumped into a huge time suck.
(that's what I call it)

I  want to list the benefits of unplugging some things:
  • Graces free for the taking, waiting for me to act upon them
  • Memories with my precious littles
  • Memories with my precious biggies (I mean big kids too)
  • Peace of heart
  • Peace of mind
  • Time not regretted or wasted
  • To prepare my heart to receive the infant Jesus and all His blessings
  • Have time to meet up with some real life friends

I'm sure there are many more blessings I'm yet to find!

Now, what would happen if during this Advent:

  • I gave up Facebook? (except to share a blog post maybe)
  • I stayed away from the computer all evenings? (from supper on)
  • I limited my Pinterest time to one day a week of limited and intentional time on it?
  • I spent my weekends off the computer, except for a limited timed time?(maybe or not at all)
I'll tell you that nothing bad will happen.
I'll tell you that only blessings can come of it
(because I'm open and asking for them)
Those "friends" will still be there in January
There will still be thousands of ideas on Pinterest that I'll never do anyway.

I'm not going cold turkey on all of it, because
(there will be plenty of that after Thursday anyway)
I will only set up myself to fail.  
or in the very least be very lonely.
So, I'll still be blogging  
(and doing movie reviews)
and trying to keep up with my favorite blogs to read, 
because I love you all so, 
and I've found more blessings in you
 than in no you. 
(did that make sense?)
My time will be limited.
And that is a good thing.
I'm positive they will all agree.


  1. I would like to do this also! Man..that picture should and could be used for a Christmas Card! so cute and everyone looks pretty healthy and happy!

    need to meet up with friends...I think us gals just need that....just to talk and laugh and talk and FIND TIME to do it. I totally get this post.

    1. No one is matching!! I have to think of something for the Christmas card...

      Yes, we do need that more than men do. I think it's a proven fact.

  2. Great photo! I love the unplugging posts that I've been seeing and in many ways I see the value. I'm still feeling out the balance for myself. I'm inspired by posts like this - thank you!

    1. Oh, gosh, 9Peas, yes, that balance we all need...finding it and losing it and trying to find it again...Advent and Lent help us with those things, right?

  3. forgot to tell you that our turkey is actually 29 lbs when I asked Brian. is that asking for trouble to not know how big the turkey is when hosting Thanksgiving???? I can do JELLO.ha.

    1. OK--Yep, 30 people, 30 lbs, much better!! Jello--don't forget the the shape of a turkey?

  4. I am glad that you post your blog posts to Facebook. I see them and then pop over here when I get the chance. I haven't blogged in ages. Unplugging can be so good for so many reasons.

    1. I think I upset your friend. Sorry about that. I'm passionate about abortion issues and people taking the easy way out, making it none of their business....or looking the other way.

      Yes, unplugging is good, just to find that balance again...

  5. Oh...I love the picture!

    And I love this post.

    Except the ONLY friends I have to spend time with are you guys, my Blogger friends! ; )

    Thankful for you, sweet friend!

    1. OH, I'm not giving up bloggie friends!! That's where I'd be too lonely...sad, but true.

      Thankful for you too sweet friend!!

  6. Cute photo - reminds me of one I did with my three oldest (youngest child not even born yet) years ago. It is still one of my favorite pictures of my oldest children. I agree with you -- email and facebook are a total time suck. Blogging, at least requires some thought. Enjoy your Advent season.

    1. Yes, and picking and choosing the positive blogs we want to read, the ones that actually help you to leave a better person, so much better than random nothingness. (Love your positive blog!)

      Awwww, glad this photo brought good memories to you...makes me kind of sad, how fast they grow though...

  7. Okay, I enjoyed the post, but honestly, I enjoyed the picture of your kids at the end the most. They are stunning. All of them. the whole lot ;)

    1. Awwww, thanks so much Mary!! God bless you. If you only knew how hard it was to get them all down on the floor like that!!! No way in the world they will ever all smile at the same time! hahaha!!

  8. You surely do have your priorities straight. I need to do some of that same evaluating. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your beautiful family!

    1. Oh, you too Shelly!! Tom went down tonite...with the flu, that is...all this food and we had to cancel our company...Might have to celebrate Thanksgiving on Sunday!

      I'll be back for a Thankful post of course!!

  9. hello,

    i really appreciate this blog ! peace of mind is usually achieved by prayers and being close to God.

    1. Thank you peace delhi, you are right, you are right!

  10. I am truly hoping that my unplugged Advent will help me see the bigger picture and truly help me measure out what Facebook really is for me. But when I thought of not blogging, I like, No! That is a much more positive arena.

    1. Yes, you are right Amy, that is what I like about it, blogging is so positive and a much slower pace, with a little more meat.

  11. Thanks for linking up! I loved reading about your Advent plans :)

  12. I know a handful of ladies unplugging, myself included. Actually, I am already off Facebook for a couple of weeks. I really do not miss it. I think one intentional pinterest day is a great idea. I have really been rethinking my online time. I do love to read a handful of blogs - your's is one of my favorites. :-) It definitely helps me at times peeking in on other Catholic women's lives since we moved and no longer have that in real life.

    1. Yes, by intentional, I mean, like only Catholic things, or only Craft things, or only recipes...not EVERYTHING!!

      Thank you so much, I want to get back to reading my favorites too...I've slacked quite a bit...It does keep us all connected in such a positive way. (blogging)

  13. I think this Advent I need to make time for have inspired me to do so in the past, and it's been constantly bugging me (in a good way) to set up a weekly time to do it. My husband is so encouraging forit to happen as well, so what the heck am I waiting for?!?! Advent it is!

    1. Just do it. If it doesn't work out, you can always give that hour when the baby comes, it might be hard to keep, but you will not regret it.

      What a great Advent goal! If you get Thursdays at 5pm, we'll be sharing Jesus at the same time...actually you'd have to get 6pm, because you are an hour later than us...wouldn't that be cool? Just sayin'...

  14. Don't go to far. I need your posts. OK that picture of the kiddos is adorable. Enjoy your kiddo/family/friend time (I only wish I was close enough to take you out for coffee/tea).

    1. I won't...not giving up blogging. It's the one thing I really seem to benefit from, spiritual and mentally. Everything else ends up being too much.

      I would love to go for coffee...we would gab all day!! Love you Neen!

  15. My problem with this is that all my special needs mama friends tend to be virtual only! :)

    1. Isn't that the truth? Well, at least God has brought some of us together!!

  16. Beautiful post, Jamie! I just have to tell you that I smile every time I see that cover photo of Simeon I smile:) Love that lollipop and Rosary. Nothing better! Have you seen Christmas Lodge on Netflix? It's one of my new favorites on Instant. Have a blessed Advent as you set such a great example for your family and friends here as well.

    1. Lollipop=bribing for picture! haha!

      Christmas Lodge? Going to have to check that one out! Thanks!

      You have a wonderful Advent too Tiffany!

  17. Sorry my wording is rather jumbled…Tired Mama!

    1. I know, and here we are on the computer...I want to get in my Thankful time tomorrow! Get to bed--Oh, wait, you are in CA, you are 2 hours behind me...I better get to bed!!


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