Thursday, November 14, 2013

I've Realized Something

 Hot tea
 is nothing compared to my coffee
...missing my morning coffee....


  1. This isn't "stupidity" as your label suggests, Jamie. It's the hard cold truth!

  2. I dont think I could parent without it !

    1. I might have been a little crabby the first few days...

  3. A morning without coffee is like ... sleep.

    1. Hhahahahahahaa!! That's how I's a pleasure thing isn't it?

    2. Yes, the pleasure is probably more important than the caffeine.

      I saw this meme that said, "I love going to bed at night, because when I wake up, I get coffee." Ahhh...what a way to start the day!

  4. Tea is for the afternoon, served with cookies. Coffee is very necessary in the mornings!

  5. Although I've never had coffee in my life, I understand the need a lot of folks have for it. And you're doing great, my friend!

    1. Oh, gosh, I hate something controlling me like that...Do NOT try it!!

  6. Wait, why are you giving up on coffee? Just make real coffee and add some real cream and it's not that many points!

    1. I do not like real coffee! I do not want to like it, I don't want to swap something (like the yogurt commercials) bad for something bad.
      (I do like the way real coffee smells though)

      I'm giving it up because of the points and wanting to have a healthier breakfast---no, I'm not pregnant...dang it....

      I don't know what it is, but when I think of "real coffee" I think yellow teeth...

  7. I love hot tea, at night. I can't do it in the morning, I need that rich, soul stirring cup of joe!

    1. It's that rich, creamy texture I miss, you are right. Tea at night, when you are sick.

  8. Maybe you could keep your coffee and give up something else, if you're doing it for calories.

    1. I was having it for breakfast, but also wanting to have breakfast some days, (I love my Kefir or smoothies) but that's too many points to have's fine, but then I'm out of points by supper time!

      I'll be more headaches...just missing the stuff...

  9. You know how I feel about our coffee...right?

    Can't quit...wish I could...

    Now I do like me some my jammies...

    I like flavored green tea with a lemon wedge...

    And I need to drink more water!!!

  10. I need that cup of coffee in the morning, even if it is decaf! Had to give it up for a while and drink tea instead-just wasn't the same. When I realized my stomach issues were caused by some medication instead of the coffee, I was a happy camper!

  11. You are one strong woman. I have always thought that though. I am on day two with no diet pop and I HATE it. Last night I was so crabby and went to bed at 9pm.

    Tea always gives me a tummy ache. HATE that stuff too. is hate too strong of a word???

    Its those little things in life and during the day that just make it so much better.

  12. Right you are!
    And.......if you stick with it and find a better replacement, PLEASE O PLEASE blog about it!

  13. Ha! We ran out of coffee at the beginning of this week. I lasted one day. The next day I was having my husband smuggle coffee at work home to me. Seriously. He brought it home to me in little baggies. I felt like a drug addict. I guess I am, kinda. ;)

    …but I drink mine black (hard core!) so I don't need to worry about the calories or ww points. Now in all the other things I consume, yeah. I need to worry about those.

  14. You are a strong woman! If I didn't have mine, well, I'd be launching on my broom right inside my house! LOL

  15. LOL. There is a time and place for tea, but coffee... well, it's good any time!


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