Friday, December 6, 2013

Feast of St Nicholas!

Our cake turned out pretty cute!
The kids are on a candy high and we get to go to First Friday Mass
and homeschool rollerskating today!  

Please pray for this little Babycakes!  
She gets to make her first Confession tomorrow!
Today she got to take a bath in my big tub (by herself)
and we talked about how clean our bodies get from taking baths
and how clean God will make our souls after Confession!

We always use Christine's idea 
of a WHITE gift, symbolizing a clean, pure soul
(soap, bath scrubby, white flower bow thingy, book marker, white chocolate candy)
We also bought her a pretty WHITE sweater dress with leggings!

The big kids are excited for her,
they keep telling her how good she will feel afterward!

Confession always makes us feel so happy and full of grace!
If you keep your soul in check, you will yearn for more.



  1. Happy feast of St. Nick to you and your family!

    1. You too Patty, stay off the ice!! (stay safe!)

  2. Hi Jaime Jo! I did a post today for the feast too, I loved our tradition of the shoes.
    What an exciting day for your little one tomorrow. I remember being so nervous for my first Confession. Sounds like your kids are doing a wonderful job of encouragement. That doesn't come from nowhere you know. You have done a beautiful job with them!

    1. Hi Ceil! I'll have to head on over to your blog next! We never celebrated any feast days when I was a kid, so I try to do as many as I can with mine, I want them to know the richness of our faith!

      Thank you, blessings to you too!

  3. Your cake turned out REALLY cute! Have fun roller skating!

    1. The kids had a blast! I broke my leg a few years ago, so roller skating is out for said I could re-brake it, wish I could have gone with them! (I watched from the sidelines!)

  4. Praying for your little sweetie. I still remember being at mass and looking over at you and you were pregnant with her. And I remember her being the cutest baby evah with her dark hair. Now she is growing up so fast.

    I love this sacrament. It is so good for the soul.
    Sad but true...Catholics seem be be perfect totally without sin...because the line is never long when we go! (not judging;)..ok maybe I am.

    Love all the ideas about purity. Happy St. Nicholas Day! Skating sounds like so much fun!! You guys are so social!

    1. You brought us super cute button cookies when she was long ago! I love it too, we are all excited to take her. It's funny (not really) the families all have the opportunity to go to Confession too, after the kids go, and us homeschool families are the only ones that go.

      Skating was fun.
      We are not that social...we are pretty much homebodies...

  5. Happy Feast of St. Nicholas, my friend!
    Your cake is perfection!
    Thinking of your little lady tomorrow. : )
    Starting to snow here now. Brrrrrrr!

    1. The cake did turn out pretty cute, huh? (we did white cake this time, it was perfect to have after roller skating!)

      Thanks for any prayers for her.
      Curl up on the couch tonite with a Christmas movie and popcorn and enjoy the snow!

  6. Oh, I love the look on their little faces when they come out of the confessional that first time! We'll be praying for your girl tomorrow. Happy St. Nicholas Day! I love the cake.

    1. Oh, Wendy, me too! Priceless for sure, they are so happy and just glowing. We get that feeling EVERY time we go to Confession. You know I will be tearing up when she goes in.

  7. Praying for Babycakes on her very special day.

  8. My favorite part of this was talking about the older kids telling her how good she will feel after confession. I know my kids are just a little older than some of yours but you are on the right track ( that is - if I am on the right track). My kids have made the faith their own. I don't make them go to confession. My older ones will go about one time a month (more than me) without me asking. They will drag the littles and make a morning of it (or evening). I love that my kiddos share their faith with each other. It is their faith, not my faith for them. It sounds like your kiddos are the same way. I honestly am not sure how it happens but I love it. God bless your precious one today and her siblings as they rejoice with her.


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

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