Saturday, December 14, 2013

Gaudete Sunday!

 Read about Gaudete Sunday HERE

And don't forget to wear PINK to Mass!!

I saw this quote last week 
and wanted to share here:

Quietly, in whispered softness 
the curtain of night descends.
A restless world stands hushed,
a special time begins...

How is your Advent going?


  1. Beautiful thoughts, Jamie Jo...

    Always so inspiring here. : )

    My Advent? Passing way too quickly, and if I am completely honest...there is room for improvement. : )

    Night, my friend...

  2. Oh, me too Billie JO, me too!! I always have way bigger plans than I can follow through with!

    Sweet dreams...

  3. Thanks to the ice storm that kept us home for 7 days, our Advent has been wonderful. Even though we nearly ran out of food, I truly appreciate the gift of that storm to slow us down and help us savor this special time.
    Your poem is beautiful. Also, we ended up not being able to look at Christmas lights OR getting our St. Lucy day traditions together this year, and I'm okay with that. It isn't that we will let them go, but that my pacing went from frantic to deliberate during the ice storm and I would like to maintain that balance. Next year I hope we can accomplish these special days, but more importantly I hope to keep the pace of Advent more reverent and less frantic.

    1. Oh, aren't forced breaks such blessings? God knows us, He knows we need those forced breaks. (we mamas!)

      We never got around to the sopapias...My daughter keeps asking when we are going to make them...see? We still can. It doesn't HAVE to be on the particular feast day...we can still talk about Our Lady of Guadalupe and make them on a different day!

      You are right, you know, some years we let some things go and other years other things...I really think it's that high expectation thing we all seem to have. It's OK to let go. Peace is much more important!

      Happy Pink Sunday!

  4. Our Advent is going okay...not horrible, but it is so hard to slow down with the pace--have you noticed with the world, you need to keep up with the pace and with advent you need to slow down your pace? :-) Yep, that's me, I go Christmas shopping and find myself at the frantic pace with the world and then at night we light our advent wreath and find we have been going too fast and need to slow down...haha, I just realized that the commenter before made the same comment--didn't even see that, but I'm glad we agree! :-)

    1. Oh, I know, I just want to stay home, away from that fast pace...Your Advent wreath time is giving you that balance, calming you and giving you peace and blessings!

      Yes, we all agree, right?
      Happy pink Sunday!

  5. Thanks for reminding us that the Christmas season really is about the JOY that we have through Christ our Lord and all that He has done for us. Have a blessed Sabbath!

  6. We had the most beautiful homily at Mass this morning. Father encouraged us to focus on patience, perhaps, which brings us to joy. I liked that. I needed to hear that. I think I'm switching from my main objective of peace to patience, because patience must come first. Peace will follow. Advent blessings, Jamie Jo!!

    1. Oh, that's good. BUT I'm always working on patience! haha!

      Our homily was about John the Baptist and I heard the end of it (because my little Sims is quite a stinker) our priest reminded us of St John the Baptist's words, "I must decrease, so He can increase" and he said, those are words to live by.

      Lots to ponder this last week....Advent blessings to you too Patty!

  7. I had to go see where Patty lived because our homily was about patience also. man...need tons of that! I am on a good pace this year. Cards done. Presents all bought and wrapped. Baked all weekend with kiddos..Brian is back from is 4 day hunting trip...I LOVE being married.
    Looking forward to Jonathans Christmas play on tues. and then my mom comes this weekend. Need to have everything ready by then.
    Been praying. helps my nerves.
    Happy Gaudete JOY JOY JOY to you!

  8. Hi Jaime Jo! I spent some of my morning with RCIA candidates, talking about Gaudete Sunday. Even though our priest talked about it at mass, they missed that message. So easy to do. There's so much going on at mass...

    We talked about waiting. One of the men said he is waiting for the first time he can join in receiving the Eucharist. Isn't that beautiful? I love working with these wonderful people. So inspiring!

    Hope you're still dancing in the kitchen :)


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

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