Sunday, January 26, 2014

Captain Phillips Movie Review

 We saw this movie this weekend.
I was pleasantly surprised!
It was a really good movie.
I had never heard of it, Tom picked it up at the video store.
(yes, they still have video stores--only one in the state of MN)
This was based on a true story
 I love true stories
especially if there is a happy ending
(but you know that already, right?)
Somali pirates try to take over Captain Phillips's ship
and well...they do.

I have to say, I really do not care for Tom Hanks that much 
personally, because he is one of the most liberal actors on the planet.
BUT I love him professionally.
And at the end of the movie, 
you'll see, when you are crying because of his excellent acting,
(you'll see)
You will decide right then and there, 
that YOU will PRAY for him.

Oh, Tom, you will have a ton of prayers.
Your Conversion to GOD will be amazing.
Like Prodigal Son amazing!

Here is Tom Hanks with the real Captain Phillips!

Rent it.

(I wouldn't let my kids watch though, I could, my oldest two,
but I didn't want them to see these Somalians like this, we have a lot of Somalians 
in our state and I don't want them to be prejudiced or scared of them)


  1. We tried to rent this over the weekend, but it was sold out. Bummer. We'll just have to try again. You're too funny about us praying for Tom Hanks...but, heck, I'll try it.

  2. Sounds like a good movie. I will have to look up the rating. I try to stay away from R movies. Any language in it?

    1. Deb, it is PG-13. It is violent and they say well....I'll link it for you,

      If you scroll over "language" it says. The drugs that are done are some kind of plant that the Somalians's like while they are talking....

  3. I have not seen it yet, I'm really glad to hear you liked it. I'm not familiar with the real story, and I get anxiety watching the true ones,, worried it is not going to end well. There was one a few years ago where everyone dies when the boat gets caught in a storm, I was devastated because I thought that if they made a movie of it then there must be a happy ending - nope!
    Kids and I got sick this weekend, they are better, I am not - I'm sorry I've not added to the Thankful link up.

    1. Oh, gosh 9Peas, get better! I'll do those thankful link ups every week, don't worry about it! Do it later, when you are better and you can be Thankful you are better! hahah!

      This has a happy ending, but it is intense....

  4. Hi Jamie Jo! I saw this movie, and I was on the edge of my seat! So suspenseful, wasn't it? I also thought it was great.
    My husband and I just saw "Saving Mr. Banks" this weekend (we braved the cold, I was starting to get cabin-fever). Another Tom Hanks movie, but it was so good. I even wept toward the end, and I haven't done that in FOREVER. I'd recommend it if you wouldn't mind seeing him again.
    Happy Monday! Ceil

    1. Oh, Ceil--yes, it was intense!! I heard Saving Mr. Banks was super!!

      Happy Wednesday Ceil!! (I'm just finally getting around to this!)

  5. thank the lord for movies! what did the poor souls that lived back when survive these bitter cold days??? I think they slept a lot. That is what I would love to do. Just stay under my covers and read all day. We watched 42 this past weekend. That movie about Jackie Robinson. Turned out pretty good. thanks for the movie suggestions. Always looking for a good show. I think it is so important to pray for lost souls. better then going to hell!

    1. Oh, Yes--42 was a great one!!

      Glad you liked it!

  6. We saw this, and it was amazing! I cannot get over how much goes on in this world that is so dangerous. My heart hurt for those Somalians, especially the young one. They just don't have much of a chance over there. And yes, prayer, prayer, prayer, for all of them.

    1. Oh, I know. It made it a little more clear where the Somalians come helped me. They are refugees. Which means they come from really bad things...


  7. I'm glad you wrote about it. I was worried it would be too violent for me. I don't like crazy violent Hotel Rwanda...but I don't think could possibly be that bad. I really like Tom Hanks as an actor and I'm also interested in this true story. Now I really want to see it. My husband was trying to talk me out of it, but I think it would be okay. (I can always close my eyes. Haha.)

  8. I love your resolve to pray for Mr Hanks. I am on board, pun intended.

  9. Watched it last night!! Was good! Thanks for the recommendations. Definitley not violent, just suspensful, but what a crazy story!

    1. Yay!! I didn't even get back here to respond to your first comment! SO happy you liked it though...I was worried about the towards the end scene where they beat him up...intense, that's for sure!

      Oh, Hotel Rwanda, that was a sad one...have you read Left to Tell? A can't-put-down-til-it's-done book!!! (about that war)

      Did your hubby like the movie too?

    2. Yes, my husband liked it too! I am not going to read Left to Tell, too horrific. I have heard her speak and have heard all the main stories, but it's so sad and terrible, I don't think I could read the whole book. I read one of her other books and really liked it and highly recommend it: Our Lady of Kibeho. Great read!!


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