Thursday, January 16, 2014

Winter Crafts

 Here's our January wall/door
 These are all easy crafts!
 Black and white contrast snowmen!
These are a favorite every year
 If you must add color--go ahead!
 We traced a snowman here and she's painting it...or,  uh, she has a pencil in her hands....

 We did trees...the right side shows what you need, that and white paint & Q-tips

 Black paper and white crayons!
 This is what we do with cute Christmas wrapping paper!
 She loves gluing things!
 She also loves painting big snowballs (that's what she said)
(yes, that one took a long time to dry)

I love those up the nose snowmen...found those on Pinterest...but could not 
find the original source.
 Saw this one on Pinterest HERE is the original post
Look at that tongue!!
(she gets that from my mom!!)
  Do you know anyone who works with their tongue sticking out?
 ( I do NOT stick out my tongue when I work)


  1. Love them all Jamie! Totally stealing...ahemmmm...borrowing them!
    And the wrapping paper? Genius!!!
    Thanks, my friend!!

    1. Oh, I WANT people to do these!! I'm "sharing"!!
      Steal away!

      You can do that wrapping paper thing with b-day paper too, heart paper for Valentine collages...a really fun thing for little hands to glue!

  2. guuurllll! Thank you! in this long winter of boys and a non crafty mother...I need ideas like this!

  3. oh, also. you are a really good mom.

    1. Oh, gosh, you are making me blush! I hope these work out for you, just remember if I'm doing it, it's easy!

  4. You really REALLY inspire me to be better about crafts with the kids. I love all these projects! I'm with Billie Jo, the wrapping paper idea IS genius!

    1. Wrapping paper collages are the best! (for anything, b-days, Valentine's day...etc...)

  5. Looks like lots of fun and creative things are going on at your house! I do miss the days of having my kid's creations on the fridge! Have a great weekend.

    1. I can't imagine missing them....It is fun though, and it "decorates" our home!

      Have a great weekend!

  6. What fun! Makes me want to do some winter crafts myself. Has the snow let up any where you are? Every time I see the news with Minn. under a snow alert, I think of you all and say a prayer that you stay safe and warm.

    1. I heard we are getting snow tonite....we don't have that much only a couple feet maybe...It's the dang wind chill that stinks. If it gets above zero and there is no wind chill, we can PLAY outside!

      Thanks so much for your prayers, you are so sweet!

  7. Fun! You're inspiring me to do some winter crafts with the kids, once I'm up off the couch (darn cyst). I love that up the nose snowmen too. I saw a penguin one kind of similar on pinterest that we were supposed to do today... until I decided not moving and letting the two year old nap on me was a much better idea. :) My kids have been a kind of wild this week, haha.

    1. OH, Nicole, I'll pray for you. Rest. Do these crafts when you feel better! Or just do the black paper/white crayon on blue paper too! That way you can still lay on the couch!

  8. You inspire me to do more with the younger ones. The older two…we ALWAYS crafted. And then life happened and left the younger three in the dust! I'm finding that even if it is a 30 minutes craft class at Michael's for $2, that counts. Today, the kids made tambourines out of tart tins, corn feed, tape, and stickers. They turned out cute (and loud!) Tell your kids they did a fantastic job!


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