Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Thankful for Blogging

(Maggie, just like my kids...)
 I am an accidental blogger.
About 8 years ago,
I was trying to help my friend Christine figure out how
to start a blog when all of a sudden, it asked me what name I wanted
to give my blog.
I felt my stomach turn a little and thought, "what the heck?"
I named my blog something I always pray.
So it came to me immediately.
I posted one thing and within minutes
2 commenters had left a comment.
I thought, "Hey, this is kind of fun!"
You know the rest of the story.
I'm still here.
Along with blogging came many new friends,
some I've met and some I haven't.
Last week, some of these friends got together
and threw me a party!
(a going away party, though, we have not sold our home yet, so I'm not going yet!)
 There we go!
These lovely ladies are, (from left to right)
Christine (and her chicken), Margaret (also answers to "Mags" and "Maggie" and "Hey you!"),
Lori, (who drove like 4 hours and lives way way up north, you know way up there!), Sarah, (look at that cute baby tummy!), Becky, (she also makes amazing rosaries HERE), and last but not least,
Marie (and her adorable sweet littles)
 We hung out on Christine's beautiful porch
(my favorite thing to do)
Lovely Sarah was one of the hosts,
and I think forced Christine to have this party at her place!
I met Sarah when she was just a teen, at a retreat hosted by our church,
way back when Tom and I were first married. 
Blogging has brought us a lot closer.
So thankful for that.

 I think Christine was OK with hosting-- she has like 40 acres and a ton of things to do!
Thankful for Christine who helped me accidentally start blogging.
We've been doing it and supporting each other ever since
 (with blogging and other things too!)
 Sweet Becky.
It was such a pleasure to meet her (finally!)
She has been reading my blog for years, even though I don't read many blogs,
she still sticks with me. 
I, for some reason thought she'd be a huge talker and maybe be loud....
but she was sweet and reserved and so pleasant to be around.
I love how actually meeting and putting a voice with her words on the screen
is just, so, special.
Reminds me of God's love for  us.
How we all need each other.
It's wonderful to be friends online,
but to be physically present, is just all the more special.
It shows we are all one Body.
One Body in Christ.
 Marie with her sweet little girls!
She was so laid back and easy going.
I was not that laid back when I had 2 littles with no big kids to help!
We were all googly eyed over this sweet baby....oh, my,
 if she doesn't make you want another baby, nothing will.
  Marie was such a great conversationalist. 
Her stories are really interesting.
 Maggie surprised us all by saying she was not coming and then showed up anyway!
We were all overjoyed!
 She was either posing for pictures
or taking them!
She has a budding photography business now!
(If you have a link Mags, I'll link your business)
 Becky's girls have the most beautiful eyes and were sweet just like their mama!

Hey!  There was pop?
We were all too busy gabbing and laughing!
Christine actually stopped chasing chickens to sit and enjoy a cold drink, I'm glad! 

She gets those muscles from picking up chickens...
 I brought my 2 oldest girls
(this is my oldest daughter, with Sarah's Lily and Christine's Colette)
See?  I told you, tons of stuff to do at Christine's!

 She told me on our way home
"This was the best day of my life!"
(pretty sure that's partly because I did not bring my littles and so she was
free to go rafting, swim in their pond, explore, go on their zipline, balance on their slackline,
ride in the dune buggy and hang out with some really nice kids)
 Skateboarding, ripsticking, sidewalk chalk, 4 square, bubbles....the fun never ends!

We filled our souls with lovely talk and laughter.
We girl talked too.

Lori here, to come so far, really touched my heart,
well, you all did!
You are all so very special to me and you always will be.
Friends to encourage, share, lift up, pray for and love.
Thank you, thank you ladies!
(Christine, I can feel your hand behind my head!)
My flowers are still beautiful and make me
smile every time I look out my kitchen window!
They remind me of my sweet blogging friends and how blessed I am
because of them.


  1. Best post ever! Best group of gals EVER!

    (Not too sure about that chicken , tho.)

    I love you, sweet Jamesters, and still remember your first comment on my blog. We've claimed a beautiful corner of the blogosphere, and I thank God for the gift of y'all.

    (Gearing up, can you tell, for your move down south.)

  2. LOVED it! Thank you for sharing your day with us. Just a smidgen jealous, but happy for you all. :)

  3. What a great God-moment to get the blog started. It is so great that you all got together. How fun to see the joy of friendship in real life!
    Christine's porch is amazing. My kids like to have a chicken pose in our family photos.

  4. That was real nice of these ladies. So glad you all could come together. It sure looks like a nice time.

  5. What a blessing! It looks like a fantastic time was had by all!

  6. You Minnesota girls are really the best. I don't know why you're leaving, Jamie. Maybe I'll just slip into your spot up there!

  7. Yeah, I'm actually a talker but for maybe like, an hour, ha! Then I peeter out and just listen! It's what we introverts do. :-) I've noticed extraverts are different that way--after an hour, they are just gearing up for more! Christine has the most beautiful house and property! And the drive up was so pretty! The girls loved it; said it was the best time ever. Lucy didn't even mind hanging out with the "little kids". :-)

    It was so great meeting you Jamie, and the other ladies too. I have not been as great about reading blogs but am getting back into it. It's a great way to make friends. And of course I will keep sticking by you! Especially now that you're starting a new chapter in your life!

    1. Ha! Becky, I love your description of introverts vs. extroverts, because yeah, that is totally me (on the extravert side). I really wanted to stay and talk for hours, but alas, I knew I needed to leave before one or both of the girls shifted into full overtired meltdown mode. :)

      It was so nice meeting you and your daughters! Glad you we could all make it!

    2. I enjoy extraverts, they save me from "small talk" which us introverts really hate! :) I rather sit back and listen. I was talking to my mom about the party and telling her about the "getting to know you part" that I find so stressful, and she said that everyone was probably nervous. I told her, "Ha! Most of them are all extraverts and I can guarantee you that they will see this as an opportunity to get out of the house! The longer the car ride, the better!" And then Margaret showed up and said the exact same words, it was all I could do to keep from laughing. :) It was nice meeting you too and your girls are just adorable.

    3. I am the biggest introvert on the planet. Surprise anyone even knows if I am still alive. I don't get together with people much. I just really don't need it. I think growing up an only child has something to do with it. I also am maybe lazy??? I am just hanging with the family and husband most days and nights. So I totally get you, Becky!

  8. Jamie - thank you for giving us a reason to get together! Boo on you leaving, but I understand, but I think we need to figure out a way to get together again before you leave! It was such a blessed day and I drove home thinking, wow, what amazing friendships that have been made through blogging. And to get to meet with people and hang out with them, so much fun! What a blessing and Elizabeth did not want to go him. She kept saying "I miss my friends, I miss my friends". My sentiments exactly. Great pictures. I didn't take one...ha!

  9. Amen! Amen! I nearly cried as I read this because what you said is exactly what's been swirling in my head all week. I've wanted to write, I just can't get there. And my photos are minimal and not super great. I kept coming back to the same theme: friendship. It's funny because that's the same thing I've been wrestling with this summer for myself, for my kids, for my family. And then Thursday happened and my cup was filled to overflowing. God is so good and fills are empty hearts and blesses us in abundance. Love it! We are all so sad you will be leaving, but so understand. The ties that bind us are through our faith and our hearts, so we will always stay connected. I do sure hope we can get together a time (or several) yet before you go. Our visits have been good for Lily as well and she so enjoys your girls' hearts and their spunk! :) She said the EXACT same thing as your daughter "this was the best day of my life." Christine has the coolest place to hang out and get together, that's for sure! Many hugs to you, sweet Jamie.

  10. You guys are awesome!!!!!
    I adored this!
    What an amazing day...
    And to think, without blogging...it wouldn't have happened.
    Guess what? Tara is coming here today!!!!!!!
    Please keep me updated on the move!!!!

  11. I loved your post! Loved your pictures also! It was fun to get together. I was so happy so many MN bloggers made it! Especially Margaret! Totally surprised. We all just love you so much...especially ME!!! It was so good to get together and the kids got to play!

  12. So super-duper cool! What a blessing to have had this gathering. I know it will stay in your hearts, like, forever! And Sarah! Wow! She is either really tall or y'all or super short ;)

  13. I am so sad I couldn't join you! And I still cannot believe that our daughters have met (and are now pen pals) but we never have! I hope that your house sells in God's timing and that every thing works out for you and your family ... And maybe there will still be time to meet you in person, before you move away! Blessings!

  14. Wow - what an amazing July you have had! That is so great you got to meet up with blogging friends. Hoping to get to meet up with you out here in Arizona before too long. Enjoy the rest of the summer! Blessings to your family.


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

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