Sunday, November 22, 2015


The Jubilee Year of Mercy starts December 8th,
just after Advent begins.
It is a time to receive mercy and be merciful to others.
I have been contemplating and praying a lot about this Year of Mercy
and what it means to me.
What does God want me to do?
How can I be merciful?
I try every morning to remember to ask God,
"What do You want me to do today?"
"Who can I help today?"
"Please put those You want me to help in my path today"
When I think of Mercy, I think of Blessed Mother Teresa and
how very merciful she was.
I yearn to be like her.
Psalm 69:20
"Scorn has broken my heart and has left me helpless;
I looked for sympathy,
but there was none,
for comforters,
but found none."
Mother Teresa says,
"Be the one"
Be the one to comfort Jesus.
With our own mercy.
We do not need to be merciful to others to gain heaven,
but how comforting it is to Jesus, how close we are to Him
when we are merciful.

"Be the one."
Wow. Yes.
Sometimes that involves going out and
finding ways to be merciful to complete strangers,
look for them, and really see them. 
Maybe it is the people we see at Mass, in stores, at work or school.
And, sometimes it is the people right here in our own home.
I want eyes filled with Mercy for others, like her eyes.
Like the eyes of my Lord Jesus Christ.
You can see Jesus in her eyes.
You can see Jesus in her life.
 She did not worry about what she was wearing or how she looked
She did not care what her hair looked like or if this poor baby
would pee on her.
That's what I see here, I see complete mercy and love.
No second thoughts, just automatic action to love.
I've been praying for ways to add God more.
More each day.
More love
More hope
More mercy
More Joy
What are ways we can add God?  Add more?
Add Mercy?
Be more merciful?
(my current reading)
I recently joined a Living Rosary Group for mothers.
In this group, each woman is assigned a decade of the rosary
(one decade is a mystery of the life of Jesus, it is one Our Father and 10 Hail Mary's)
I have The Wedding Feast of Cana.
John 2:5 "Do whatever He tells you."
 This is what Mary says in this mystery.
She's saying it to us.
We pray our assigned mystery for each other and each person's intentions
and for the vocation of motherhood.
If you are interested in joining us
by getting a decade to pray every day,
and being a part of this living rosary,
(when put together, several rosaries are prayed in unison)
please email me, and I will help you,
you do need to be on Facebook though.
(Jamie jo 99 @ gmail. com)
(no spaces)
Some ideas for adding God and being more merciful:
  • Go to Confession.  Yes, Confession.  If it's been a long time, then tell that to the priest, believe me, he's heard everything, and he'll guide you through it.
  •  Jesus waits for us to humble ourselves and ask for His Mercy in the Sacrament of Confession. He is Mercy Himself.  Arms open wide on the cross waiting to give you His Mercy. 
  • Go to daily Mass, start by going one extra day per week. (it's only 1/2 hour) You will start to yearn for God more, for Mass more, I promise, so try adding more days if you can.
  • Sign up for a holy hour at an Adoration chapel or if your parish has Adoration at certain times, GO!
  • Stop by an Adoration chapel for a quick visit with Jesus or stay a while and visit (pray or talk with Jesus)
  • Stop by a Catholic Church, sit in front of the tabernacle (the gold box with a red candle by it) Sit and beg for the graces He is wanting to give to you!
  • Start your day with the sign of the cross.
  • Start your day with what you are thankful for.
  • Remember Jesus during the 3:00 hour.  Try setting a timer so you remember.
  • Offer up the little things you do for someone you are praying for.
  • Offer up the big things you do and/or are suffering from for someone you are praying for.
  • If you can, donate the things you don't need instead of selling them.
  • Offer people rides that normally take the bus.
  • Cook a meal for someone in need, someone sick, lonely, elderly, or a mother of a new baby.
  • Cook a meal for someone who has lost a baby or lost anyone special in their life.
  • If it's raining out, offer your umbrella for someone that doesn't have one.
  • If it's cold outside, offer your coat to someone that needs one, it's probable you can buy a new one, yet, they cannot.
  • Likewise, offer your shoes, hats, mittens, scarves to someone in need that you see.
  • If you see someone ringing the bells at any given store during the holiday season, and they look cold, see if you can get them something. Maybe gloves?  Or maybe a warm drink.
  • Stop to say hello to homeless people on the street, ask if you can get them anything to eat or if you can get them anything they need at the store.  (you'd be surprised at what little they ask for)
  • SMILE!!  My Spanish teacher in high school, after finding out her best friend had committed suicide, told us no matter what, to smile at people, to always smile, that our smile might be the one thing that makes someone feel loved that day.  I've never forgotten that and to this day, think of it every time I smile at someone.
  • Clean someone's home
  • Bake someone bread or cookies
  • If you are talented and can sew or make special things, make something for someone, and give it to them for no reason at all.
  • Invite someone to dinner, someone you don't know very well, but, maybe see all the time, the worst they can say is "no". 
  • Pray for people, and tell them you will pray for them.  Bless them. 
  • Bring someone flowers. 
  • Call someone and tell them how important they are to you.
  • We must also be merciful to our own family in our own homes, it seems self defeating if we are kind to everyone publicly but forget to be kind in our own homes, Mercy starts at home.

(I could probably do another whole post on trying to be merciful at home)
  This is just a few ideas.
I'm sure you could come up with a ton more!
I am, in no way, an expert on this.
This is a list for me too. 
To always be yearning for God and
 striving for mercy and to be merciful towards others.
To remember the boundless mercy Jesus has for us.
You may be the only way someone sees Jesus or feels His love.
"Be the one!"


  1. Awesome post, Jamie!
    Yes, mercy. Thanks for bringing this up and talking about it. It's not something I think of very often. Most of the time, I'm like a whirlwind, doing this, doing that, shouting orders and running into whoever gets into my way. I don't want to be like that. I often feel Jesus urging me to slow down, be quiet, be still. It's difficult to be calm in this world. This world goes at such a high speed pace you feel like you have to keep up with it.

    Anyway, I know this sounds like it has nothing to do with mercy, but it does because how can I see others when I am too busy to see them? So yes, I have to slow down and look where I'm going.

    Mother Theresa is the best. I wish she was my grandma.

    1. Yes, you are right, we need quiet. We need the quiet to hear God and hear what He wants us to do. That is a very challenging thing with so many kiddos. We have to find every moment of quiet we can though.

      This reminds me of "Alexander and The Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day" (the book)
      The part where he says, at the end, "Even in Australia"

      Did that make sense?

    2. Augh, I didn't read the book so now I have to! Didn't they make a movie out of it?
      Yes, quiet! And mercy, always!

  2. Jamie. You inspire me.
    Your love of our faith moves me to tears.
    And encourages me.
    I promise.

    1. Well, I'm glad. (not that you are crying, but that this inspires you!)

  3. Inspiring post is right! Thanks for all the ideas!

  4. What an amazing post. I am a regular reader, but don't usually comment. I can't help myself today. :) During this crazy time in our world, these thoughts that you've communicated really touch my heart. Mother Theresa is my hero. I love all the quotes you included here.

    1. Oh, I love Mother Teresa too, she's my favorite!

      And nice to "meet" you!!

      Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

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