Like last year, we will also plant our Morning Glory seeds in pots to get a head start for Summer and color and paint everything flower!!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
St Joseph the Worker and May Day!
Like last year, we will also plant our Morning Glory seeds in pots to get a head start for Summer and color and paint everything flower!!
Grapes, Laundry and Butter!
Butter? Do you use butter only? Or do you use butter and Country Crock or I Can't believe it's Not Butter, or something like that? I, personally use both. I use real butter for baking and definitely for mashed potatoes, but use Country Crock (or the like) for bread and every day little things. Which is best? I don't know.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Great Book!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Surrounded By Angels
Paula (Harvest the Home) also came a day and cleaned, made lunch and helped with my littles while I schooled, oh, and even cleaned my toilet...whether she wanted to do that or not, the toilet overflowed and she had to just found out she went wonder I have not heard from her on my google reader!) Christine! also came and cleaned, made lunch and watched my littles (she also has taken me to the doctor twice)!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Action Figure Holder
My husband recently started checking EBay for action figures and he gets them for garage sale prices! He informed me that they have little Star Wars onesies for baby girls for really cheap. Whether she likes it or not, she will be born into a Star Wars family! He sells the action figures to Jedi for $1 each or so many for certain jobs. It's sure keeping them busy, that's for sure!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Feast of St Mark
Anyway, we will also use Charlotte's wonderful coloring sheets for today! I've missed so many feast days these past 6 weeks, starting with St Patricks day and then the other day, missing St George! The kids and I loved last year's dragon cake, hearts and teeth! Oh, well, next year right? It will still be fun next year, right?
**I was able to walk starting yesterday (officially) with the boot on. (without the crutches) And I might have over-done it, my foot was really swelled yesterday and a little sore. It's so hard to know how much I can do. I loved just being able to carry things in my arms without the crutches!
**Our Marriage Encounter weekend: We had to cancel because all the girls are sick with fevers and lots of coughing and sore throats!!! The 2 little ones are done with the fevers now, but when Thursday Ballerina Rosie came down with it...we just had to say there was no way we could leave them for the weekend. After breaking down and crying to my hubby, we called and cancelled and found out there is another weekend a little closer to us and in only 2 weeks. Which means it is Mother's day weekend!! Now how are people supposed to find someone to watch their kiddos over Mother's day? Ahhhhh!!! Maybe it's not meant to be for us.
I'm hoping to start posting a little more as I get a little more independent, I have several post ideas written down and in my head!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
We're Having...
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
My New Email!
My new email address is:
Please email me if you have so in the past, so I will have you as a contact again. (if you want to, that is!) We lost all our contacts with our old account. This will save me a ton of time!!
Thank you so much!
Crazy Eights
- Friday, it will be 6 weeks since my accident and I will be able to put full weight on my leg!! I will also be able to take off this big boot to sleep and whenever I am not walking. I will be using the crutches only when my leg hurts. Then, in 3 1/2 weeks, I will be able to take the boot forever and wear supportive shoes (no flip flops or sandals!)!!
- Friday, my husband and I are going on a Marriage Encounter weekend up in Duluth, MN. I'm nervous to leave the kiddos, but excited to spend the time with my husband.
- Wednesday, Suzie and my good friend Sarah are coming from Fargo to spring clean my house! I can't wait to see them and visit in person!
- Cleaning myself after about a month!
- Thursday morning going to my 20 week level 2 ultrasound, to see the health of the baby and yes, we also will find out the sex of this sweet little one!
- Driving by the end of May!
- VBS June 1-4, I get to do preschool again!
8. Summer! Flowers! Warm weather! My 3 girls' birthdays!
8 Things I did yesterday...
- Went to my ortho appt for my leg with my good neighbor/friend Jeanne and found out that my break is actually the most common break, both my leg bones broke and my ankle broke away from the bones, here I thought it was a fluke break!
- Took a bath.
- Read Star Wars Essential Guide to Alien Species with Jedi and Ballerina Rosie.
- Elevated my leg, trying to doze off while the kiddos watched a cartoon.
- Took care of my sick littles, they've had fevers off and on, mostly during the night.
- Visited with my mom while she was here helping.
- Visited with a neighbor who stopped by with a meal for us.
- Visited with my good friend Susan, (from my book club)who also brought us a meal!
8 Things I wish I could do:
- Obviously, walk and all that goes with that, but that is something I will be able to do, soon!
- Sew, more than straight lines, like dresses for my girls, and doll clothes!
- Be more athletic, besides my "walking" that's pretty much it for me!
- Plant a big garden! (we have deer who would eat it all if I did plant one)
- Go to daily Mass.
- Live in a warmer state.
- Go to a warm beach somewhere.
- Be just like her!
8 Shows I watch:
- Father Corapi on EWTN.
- American Idol.
- Lost...although, usually on the computer and I'm like 3 weeks behind...
- Any cooking show
- Channel 2 (PBS) cartoons once in a while, well, much more since this leg accident!
- The Office (but we only watch it on Netflix and are caught up, so will have to wait until this season comes out with the DVD once it's over)
- Law and Order, Criminal Intent or SVU (only after the kiddos are in bed)
- CSI shows (also after the kiddos are in bed)
The only planned show we watch and look forward to is American Idol, the others are just whenever. Real people come first.
8 People I tag:
I hate tagging people as I do not want to leave anyone please if you are not on the list and want to play along, let me know! (I think JMJ and Jot were tagged, so if I'm wrong, please don't be offended)
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Divine Mercy Sunday/Christine's Birthday!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Good Friday/Divine Mercy Novena Begins
God Bless you all, have a blessed Easter!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Our Email Was Hacked!!!
Hotmail shut us down. Once they see all the activity they know something is not right, they then shut it down, which is good, just a little late.
SO everyone who has ever emailed me, or that I have ever emailed, was sent this same email. (if you didn't read the comments in the previous post, read them, one of the commenters wrote what the email said) Anyway, I'm sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you. I cannot email anyone until we get our new account. We are in the process of contacting Hotmail to see if they will let us get our contacts...otherwise we have to start all over with email addresses!
All our personal accounts are fine, they were not tampered with. (paying online, etc) I guess if the hackers were to get into those accounts, they are easily traced and so they don't go there.
Again, I'm so sorry for the confusion yesterday!!!
OH, for the record, I post my ideas so you can "borrow" them!!! So borrow away, the kids love feet washing, you have to try it!! I think blogging is a sharing of ideas!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Holy Week Plans
It's hard this week, I have to admit. Not painful, just hard to not be able to do all the things I usually do for holy week. We usually do not do any Easter crafts until after Easter, but we might do a few today. All I could muster together was a few egg, bunny and cross crafts. (brown crosses to be decorated with flowers after Easter) I will try to post crafts next week. ("try" being the key word)
Every year on Holy Thursday, I set up little chairs for the kids and then little towels on the floor in front of the chairs, then they roll up their pants and wash eachother's feet. They love this and I stress why Jesus did this, for us to know that we are to serve others, do things for others. We will read the bible story of the last supper, or the first Mass, as we also call it and the washing of feet beforehand.
Good Friday we will make our pretzels (I'm going to try to do it anyway, even if it takes me all day!) We will do our children's stations of the cross and watch part of either the Passion or Jesus of Nazareth, the part at the end, where Jesus is between the two thieves, I love that part, where Jesus says "Today you will be with me in Paradise."
My husband and I have plans to watch The Passion also. Every year, I get something different out of it, I can't wait to see what God has to say to me this time when I watch it.
Holy Saturday, we will color our Easter eggs and shop at Sam's Club, where we will get most of our Easter dinner. Simple this year, as Tom will be doing most of it: Easter Dinner:
Ham, red potatoes with butter and parsley, roasted asparagus, rolls and a pie (from Sam's) Then we will play games together. We are not going anywhere, as it's too hard, and equally as hard to have people over, so it will be a quiet Easter at home.
On Easter morning we will have our Resurrection Rolls or Empty Tomb Rolls just like last year! They were so fun to make, and the kids loved them! A friend took me shopping last week and we got Easter dresses and clothes for the kiddos I can't wait to see them on! Not sure how to wear my dress (I have one Pregnancy dress that will work) without nylons, as they wouldn't fit over my leg boot! I got my pink cast off yesterday and now have a huge boot, that I can take off to shower!! I cannot put weight on until Saturday, and then gradually work up to 50% weight.
We do the Easter Bunny. Jedi (who just turned 9) figured it out this year. So, he got to go get candy and gets to help set it all out! The Easter Bunny is so excited that Jesus has risen that he gives candy to children!
Looking back at this post, it seems to focus on food, but, I hope to make this Triduum holy by the little things we are able to do and hope and pray we are brought closer to God through this all.
It has certainly been an interesting and memorable lent this year. It's not too late to make our last few days holy. The world goes on as usual, TV, work, taxes. If I want this to be a "holy week" what will I do? I must decide.