- 3 weeks, 6 days left
- 12 appointments left
- Nesting done, whole house is organized, decluttered and clean (for now)
- Visited friends (2 days this week)
- Piano lessons done until September
- Leg cramps every night
- Swollen feet and very swollen healing broken leg
- Potty every 10 minutes, literally
- Hurts to move
- Hurts to walk
- Soon to be 5 year old, birthday party to get ready for (we are having her party early, since I will be coming home from the hospital just 2 days before her actual birthday.
- School curriculum ordered and received and half read through and almost ready to start school...I think.
- Having a hard time thinking about school, it's still summer!!
- 3 year old potty trained, but not poopy trained. How do you get that poop smell off your hands, even after washing my hands 3-4 times? "Where does poopy go?" "In the pot." She knows the answer very well, just can't seem to get it there.
- Can't sleep at night
- Still throwing up and gagging especially after my bedtime snack that I'm never hungry for.
- This is why my blogging has lagged, I have been not feeling the greatest, not being the most positive, yet at the same time, feeling very, very blessed because of all of this.
- Healthy baby constantly kicking and moving inside me
- Baby in my arms soon.
- Baptism day soon
- Middle of the night feedings
- Nursing my sweet baby
- Going for walks with a stroller again soon
- Wonderful husband who brings home pizza after a busy appt day, just knowing I am too pooped to cook and do dishes!
- Big sisters and big brother very excited for sweet baby to come out soon!
- Baby in my arms soon