Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Passion

I watch this movie every lent. Yesterday as the kids and I did the stations of the cross I yearned to watch it again. Every time I watch it, I get something different from it. The first time at the Theatre, I had such a headache from crying and it was SO profound. It still is. It puts you right there. I have read the visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich and I truly believe it is how it happened. Such detail. Mel Gibson might not be a Roman Catholic, but his movie is truly Catholic. Last night, at the end when Mary is staring you down, I usually feel her sorrow at that time, but this time, I felt like she was saying to me "what are you going to do?" It all goes back to Jesus dying on the cross, for us. What are we going to do? Try harder to work towards that goal of being a saint. Try to fast more, or try to fast on things period. Pray more. What things in my life need changing?

My favorite parts, are:
-The Agony in the garden, showing Jesus actually sweating drops of blood. (an actual medical condition, caused by extreme agony, distress)
-Mary sensing where her son is, prostrating down to the ground, Him below chained up. If you have never prostrated like this in Adoration, it is very humbling, very powerful.
-Mary, running to help her Son, who has fallen. Don't all us mothers do that? (after waiting to see if they cry and are actually hurt!) Jesus' words to her, "See, I make all things new."
-Veronica and her wonderful act of charity, showing His Holy Face on her veil.
-Simon, finally "getting it" that this is Jesus, our Lord. We don't always want to do what God asks of us, but when we do, the graces flow.
-Jesus, showing the last supper (the first Mass) and immediately after showing Him lifting up the bread and saying "This is My Body" showing His precious Body being lifted on the cross.
Jesus, showing the last supper, lifting the chalice, saying "This is my Blood" immediately showing His Precious Blood dropping, pouring onto the ground. How powerful that is, how Catholic that is. How blessed we are to have this Fullness.
-The good thief, Jesus' words to him. "This day you shall be with me in Paradise." How powerful, we have this opportunity every moment of our life to choose Him so we will have this opportunity at our death, to feel complete sorrow for our sins, like the good thief.
-How Mary STOOD at the cross, she did not despair, she did not fall down and lose it, she stood at His feet.
-"It is Accomplished" Those words are so powerful. "Into Your Hands I commend My Spirit" So powerful.
-Cassius, piercing our Lords side, the instant purification of him, the instant baptism, the instant conversion. It reminds me of Divine Mercy, the Image, how Jesus' Blood and Water is reaching out to us, all of us. It just reminds me just of the power of our Lords blood and Water.
-The end, All things new. The hope at the end.

I could probably write a ton more. I love that it is only the Passion. I know Mel Gibson was criticized on it not showing more of Jesus' life. But it IS titled The Passion of The Christ. So that is what the movie is about.

Lord, help me to not forget to sacrifice little things, to offer little things for all You have done for me. Help me to know what You want me to do. Help me not to forget what this lent is about.


  1. Jamie, I love reading your posts. They are such a blessing to me. I too love this movie. How can anyone watch it & doubt Jesus' divinity? When I pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet, I think of that very real visual of Christ on the cross. I believe that business of Mel Gibson's DUI was the devil's way to discredit him so people wouldn't think too highly of this film b/c it has done so much good.
    Thanks for your thoughts. Nerm

  2. Nerm-not sure if you will read this again or not, but yes, that DUI was a sad one. But just think of all those Christians out there praying for him. He will be ok. I think it just shows how we are all human, even Mel!

    The wonderful thing about this movie is it keeps on doing good every year! Blessings to you.

  3. Jamie, Wow what a post! You must be done painting to have that much time to write!! hee hee just kidding. I loved reading it. I feel the same as you do about that movie. My favorite scene is till Mary looking at her enemy and Jesus her beauiful son is carrying his cross. And I think which side of the street do I want to be on. Our Lady's side. God Bless you today.


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

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