Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Not So Wordless Wednesday!

Today we are celebrating Ballerina Rosie's 7th birthday. (it was Sunday the 12th) She's having an art party, with her little sisters and Melissa's daughter. We also have Melissa's other children, as Melissa is delivering her baby today!!! Prayers for her C-section and her precious baby son soon to be born. (sometime after 3 today!) She was supposed to deliver next Thursday, but her blood pressure was too high today so today it is!! (she is 38 weeks)
****UPDATE**** No baby news yet, but, after Melissa's mom picked up the children, and my mom helped me clean up, my children and I went to the video store and picked up a couple movies and YES, I am now on my way to rest, on my left side, thanks for all your concern, I really do appreciate it!! You know me too well, it's VERY hard to rest every day!!

I'll keep you updated on baby news!


  1. And are you resting, Miss Jamie?

  2. Happy Birthday to a dear sweet girl!

    I HOPE you are resting, but I'm betting your hands are full. Keep us posted on Melissa!

  3. Prayers for Melissa, and for you-hope you are resting! Happy Birthday Ballerina Rosie!

  4. Happy Birthday to your dear daughter! And, I must say that I LOVE that I'm not the only one who creates different titles for the elusive 'wordless wednesday' posts.

  5. A blessed birthday and year to your precious one.

    So excited to hear about Melissa. When you talk to her, please let her know that I prayed a Hail mary for her exactly at 2:51 EST today.

  6. So much going on . . . are you taking it easy??? My prayers for you and M. How exciting!! Happy Birthday to your darling girl.

  7. Happy Birthday to a little artist! Will have to talk to your mama to find out about all the cool artsy birthday activities you enjoyed!

    ps...ladies you can tell Jamie to slow down but she is one tough cookie!! One really go getter! JAMIE SIT DOWN NOW!!!!! hee hee


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

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