Monday, July 13, 2009

Please Pray For Baby Bridget

This picture was taken 2 weeks ago. (they don't give me pictures every week!) Our baby is fine, she is healthy, has a great heart rate. But last week my fluid level was low, and this week it was lower. My doctor says I should prepare to deliver early. I asked if I would go into labor or what would happen. She said that one of these Mondays, I am going to go in for my weekly ultrasound and she is going to say, "I'm delivering today!" She even told us to check on cancelling our vacation scheduled in early August. I have a C-Section scheduled for August 27 when she will be 38 weeks. On Friday, I will be 32 weeks. I really need to make it to 35 weeks, as she is just too small right now. I would really like to make it to 36 weeks at least, if she must come early. I've always had extra fluid, lots extra, so this is a new thing for me. I need to try to lay down every day for an hour on my left side to help with blood flow and circulation which will help with fluid, hopefully. Drinking more water, my doctor said is not the answer it has to do with circulation...and AGE!! **I won't be 40 until September!!

I'm asking for your prayers for our sweet little Bridget to stay in and my fluid level to increase. Thank you so very much.


  1. Very much praying for you Jamie!!! I don't know if this will help or not, but at one of my ultrasounds she said to be really well hydrated before the next because it could increase my fluid levels were fine, but she wanted more to do a better 3D US. HUGS and prayers!!!

  2. I will definitely pray for you and your sweet baby girl!
    God Bless.

  3. I will be praying. God bless you both.

  4. We will all be praying for you both!!! What a beautiful picture of your precious little one!

  5. Prayers coming. Rest, dear friend. And try not to stress.

  6. Praying for you all continuously. You all are never far from my thoughts and prayers.

  7. Oh BABY....stay in there as long as you can!!! I will pray for you and your mama.

    love your godmother


  8. Thank you so very much!

    Therese, thank you, but I asked about drinking water, which I do drink a lot, and she said it has to do with circulation not fluid intake. I sure wish it were that simple!!

  9. Oh, yeah, she (my doctor) added AGE is a big factor....come one, I won't be 40 until September!! :)

  10. Sending prayers, Jamie! I hope and pray that you can hold on a few more weeks and that your fluid levels increase.
    I love sweet little Bridget's photo! I love the name Bridget, whether it's actually her name IRL or not. Love calling her baby Bridget. :)
    I will be meeting with some friends tomorrow who I know will send up prayers for you as well!

  11. Praying here. My sister in law just got to 38 weeks with low fluid. Keep getting your feet up, rest, drink...we'll take care of the praying,sweetie! ;)

  12. Of course you have my prayers! That is a beautiful ultrasound picture-I love how the light is shining on her-like she is already living in the light of God!

    Don't you hate the term-advanced maternal age? You are so young!

    God Bless~and thanks for all the wonderful compliments about my writing-you make me so happy!

  13. Finally got a chance to read up on you. Definately still in my prayers. I hope you don't have to go in so early. I've never thought of you as older, Heck, most days you're more energetic than me, who is 10 years younger. My mom and aunt had their last babies at 40 and 41. So I've seen how much more cautious and protective the doctors are to your "Age group." You're just in that high risk bracket and need to take it easier than us less experienced youngins.

    Doctor says if my blood pressure doesn't go down by Thursday, I may be going in to have Jonathan this weekend instead of next week. But I'm already at 38 weeks. Hopefully I'll be up to visiting you at this Wednesday's event. I'll keep you posted.

    God Bless!

  14. I'm praying for all of you! If you need anything, let me know!

  15. Just gotta add that you are young!! We went to the Mother Cabrini Shrine out in CO. She is a saint and her mother had her at the age of 52!! She was no. 13!

    You are a young spring chicken!

  16. Jamie,
    Will your priest do an annointing for you?
    Your baby is going to be just fine.
    Yey for Mother Cabrini's mom~I like the sound of that! (40 hit me like a brick last year!;)

  17. Praying ,Jamie, for your health and REST and for sweet baby Bridget. Hang in there anything I can do to help?

  18. You and Baby Bridget are in my prayers, Jamie. Take care of yourself!!!

  19. You are always in our prayers as is sweet Baby Bridget - St. Bridget come to our aid! I know all will be well!


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