Monday, August 10, 2009

3rd Annual Blogger's Tea

I was not a "blogger" for the original Blogger's Tea, but was happily there last year. (notice I was 47 lbs lighter last year)
This was the 3rd annual Blogger's Tea and it was a really good time! Tracy organized and hosted this lovely party we had, complete with prayer cards, chocolates and door prizes. I think Margaret was in cahoots with her on this one too. The waitress literally had to kick us out of there, as they needed the room for other guests. We would have otherwise, I think, stayed all day! What do you get when you put together 7 Minnesota Catholic Homeschooling Bloggers? Non-stop chit chat!! Poor Sarah and Josefa could not get in a full sentence. I hope we didn't scare them away! (Sweet Sarah will probably never ride with me again, I talked her ear off)

A word of warning: If a certain someone with a camera asks you to put your hand on your belly and snaps away, well...just watch out!

Really, the cameras were a flashing, and if you wanted something to not be in the "blogworld" you had to say, "This is not for the blog" kind of like saying "off the record" as if we were big stars being interviewed or something. (thank goodness, the main flasher's camera battery died)
Just kidding Margaret, you know I love you too!

It was really nice though, to share such lovely company with such beautiful women. I was honored to be there.

We really do hope if you live in MN, ND or even WI, that you will join us next year if you can make the trip! You don't even have to be a homeschooler!

(pictured above: The big blue whale....I mean me, Josefa and her sweet baby, Daniel, some lady pretending to drink her tea...oh, that's Margaret, Tracy, Kristina, Meredith, and Sarah. (click on the picture if you want a closer look!)

If you have not yet, please check out their blogs, they are all quite wonderful women!
They all have their own "take" on the party!


  1. It would be fun to attend the tea. I didn't catch where it was held ... how many miles from your home?? You'd probably have a weekend visitor (or two, considering I probably wouldn't leave the newest member of our family at home).

    I'm glad you were able to attend. It was nice to see a picture of you, too. Don't worry about the ringless hand photos! My ring hasn't been worn for at least 4.5 months. That's how different this pregancy has been. I'm sure you are mighty glad to be so close to the end of your term.

  2. Oh, what fun you had! I'm glad =) Hopefully, next year I will be able to join you!

  3. Looks like a lovely time! What a great idea!

  4. Your tea party looks like it was so much fun! I wish I could make some nice Catholic friends on blogs who lived in my area, but not too many people visit my blog. Hey, maybe they would if I posted more often on it, huh? Yeah, but I'm kind of tired of writing about the whole endometriosis/infertility thing. It makes me feel too sad.

    Thinking of you and praying for you, the baby, and your family! You look so pretty and happy in your photos! Is blue your favorite color too?

    May God Bless you and your family!


  5. Are you kidding? Of course I'll ride with you again! I'm looking forward to it already! :)

    As always, it was great getting to chat with you...I really enjoyed the whole day. It filled my heart and my 'cup' to overflowing. Thanks again Jamie!

    Blessings on your final weeks of pregnancy!

  6. I'm so disappointed that I wasn't able to make it this year. It looks like you all had a great time!

  7. What a neat idea! I wonder if bloggers in other parts of the country are doing this.

  8. O, I wish I was close enough to join you, but you have inspired me to think of having one of these for our local bloggers.

    You're a beautiful pregnant lady, Jamie!!!

  9. It was wonderful to meet you Jamie; your smile is just beautiful. I truly hope we are able to get our families together to do some team teaching or just hang out together; my daughters were excited that they might meet someone else learing the same stuff they are this year. Good luck with the last few weeks of your pregnacy; I can't wait for the baby photos. God bless.

  10. I am one of those non-homeschoolers and hope I can get in the conversation!!! NEXT YEAR ladies I will be there next year when I do not have to be helping with the building of a deck.

    Glad to see you had a great time Jamie. You do have a great smile!

  11. I'll do a "dueling banjos" with you ANY time, Miss Jamie. I am always blessed to spend time with you.

  12. Wow,
    How I wished I lived somewhere with like minded people.
    What a lovely day and spent with such lovely ladies.
    You are a very beautiful Pregnant lady.
    Your blog is lovely too. I have just found it and will return again.
    God Bless

  13. well ladies, this looks like a very nice tea ceremony.

  14. well ladies, this looks like a very nice tea ceremony and one anyone would like to attend.


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

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