Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Thankful for sweet, beater licking, girls in pretty dresses,

For Ballerina Rosie's beautiful water color painting that inspired me to forget the purple choices and just go with blue and a fish theme for our bathroom...

For these pencils and pens I keep finding taped onto paper that's been cut (a dead give away that a certain 4 year old had a hand in this) and taped under tables and chairs.
(do your kiddos like tape as much as mine?)
For our Thanksgiving Tree, full of thankfulness.
And girls who picked rocks for the jar.

For our Tom Turkey who comes out every year to visit us. He's also a Thankful Turkey, full of thankful feathers.
(I've had this turkey since I made it for my daycare children 13 years ago, his feathers have changed every year, but his body and feet stay the same)
And for these cutest ever boots for Sweetie Pie, now if she could just stand with her snow stuff on...
Of course I am ever so thankful for faith, family, friends and oh, so much.


  1. A wonderful selection as always Jamie. So glad tomorrow is friday. Something else to be thankful for.

  2. I think "tape" was Christians second word! He loved it then and loves it now (he turned 13 today). To keep tape in the house I have to nearly nail it down.

    Love those boots!

  3. Your daughter did that painting?? You have an artist in your family!!

  4. Katy, she's taking a water color painting Art class!! I was totally shocked when I picked her up Tuesday and saw her painting, Wish I could take the class!!

  5. I just had to stop by today and see all the new paint...and smell it also. Love that new paint smell and all the newness of it with no marks. My bsmt needs a touch up so bad from my hooligans marking it a patched wall from a head.

    I think the colors look great and bright.

    ps...those little itty bitty boots are so sweet!

    pss...the painting and all her art work is so good!
    I did not take one painting class in college. Only drawing and ceramics.


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

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