Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Working Out

Thank you for all your kind comments the other day.
I had my weigh in yesterday and was down 4 of those 5 lbs already.
Which is good.
I'm not giving up.
Each mile is completely different,
one with hand weights,
one with the walk-belt (waistline)
one with the stretchie band,
one very fast mile and
one walk/run mile.
I need variety.
I'm visual, I need change to keep motivated.
I usually pick 3 of these different miles.
I've also been getting up between 6 and 6:30
It's actually closer to that 6:30 time
(I like to snooze, I'm working on that one)
I've had all these DVD's for years, I'd say after Colette was born. (remember she's Babycakes)
I did this one on the left this morning.
It was fast, it had all her usual people (my favorite person is Carol--she lost 65 lbs)
But her challenge is to do the 4 mile for 10 days straight.
The 4 mile consists of walk/run intervals.
She calls them "Boosters"
It's a hard workout.
I'm going to do it.
The big question is
Can I do the same workout for 10 days straight?
time is a factor.
On the weight training days I'd be working out for over an hour.
Gotta work on that snoozing in the morning.
Why do they make that button?

60 days til Mexico....60 days til Mexico.....
I know I'm not going to be at my goal by Mexico, which is fine, but 10 or 20 lbs
would be nice....


  1. Good luck with your workout! You can do it! Waking up at 6 is sleeping late? Oy...I struggle to get up by 7:15, haha!

  2. Thanks for being the first to respond to my blog this morning and yes I will go for it. I keep losing weight and gaining it right back which is frustrating. Hopefully accountability will make the difference.

  3. Jamie, I've been getting these DVDs from the Library, they have a bunch of them! seeing which ones I like. Leslie is very motivating. I have been doing them in the afternoon and I have the kids do them with me, a Phy Ed thing I tell them. Do you have the waist belt thing? I am wondering if just using a stretchie band (which I have to get yet)will work well enough. The stretchie seems more versatile too. Keep up the good work!

    Stacie L.

  4. Not a Minx: I want to get up at 6 but snooze til 6:30....sleeping in!

    Stacie L-I think the waist belt thingy is good, but I think it is meant to remind you to suck it in. I think the stretchie band is the best! They do work different though. The workouts with the waist band are (I've found) not as much a workout. Leslie only actually uses the belt for like 4 different exercises. The weight belt workouts are my least favorites.

  5. chew chew chew...pffffft
    had to get my silly putty outa my mouth...hee hee hee

    I have my one fav. workout that I use all the time. It is only 20min and I know the steps by heart. I need to lift weights for back muscles or my neck get so so sore.

    keep at it Jamie! Mexico or silly putty...I pick Mexico!

  6. Way to go Jamie!! I know you can do it! I've got a couple of Leslie's DVDs and look forward to getting a couple more after baby. I too tire of the same workout and need the change sometimes as well. Thankfully, Leslie doesn't drive me nuts like a lot of other 'trainers' do on their workouts. Those workouts tend to gather dust and get put aside, but Leslie's have kept me motivated and coming back in the past.

    Keep up the good work and keep us updated!!

  7. You go girl! Seriously, keep going :) I always feel so great MENTALLY from working out that it keeps me coming back day after day after day...

  8. Way to go, Jamie!!

    I'm so proud of your committment! Keep at it - we've done it before and it will happen again! You're doing great!!

    Good ol Leslie. I remember seeing her infomercial shortly after Noelle was born in 2001 and ordered her first series on VHS and started them New Year's Day 2002. Loved them!

    That and WW helped the pounds fly off! (that, and my metabolism was better in my 20's before the next 4 babies came! ;)

    I still love that original series and am surprised they still work (and that my VCR still does :)I'll have to check out her new ones come summer.


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

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