Thursday, October 27, 2011

Thankful Thursday

 Thankful this is one of those church photos I will be so very thankful I was pregnant at the time and someday will no longer look like this....You know, I'll look back and say, "Oh, look how big I was when I was pregnant"
(key word will be "was")
This was the best out of many, many poses, but the only one where no one had their eyes closed.
Hey, it was free.
 Thankful my good friend, Susie, showed up last Thursday with this beautiful vase full of flowers,
I, shocked, said, "What is this for?"  She said, "It's Thankful Thursday!"
 Thankful for our little homemade redneck birdbath.
We never did empty the kiddy pool and now the birds love it!
 Thankful for dress deals at Old Navy for my littlest
 Thankful for pumpkin seeds and kids who eat them all in one day!
 Thankful our Pro Life Kids Club Bake Sale raised over $1300!!!
 Thankful for littles with messy marker hands, and chairs and tables and walls
Thankful for washable markers 
 Thankful for yellow sunshine shining through the yellow trees
 Thankful for kiddos who will run and hold hands....
 just so their mama can get a picture!!
Now that's love!
(I love the above picture!)
Thankful for my loud, messy, unorganized life at this time
full of sticky kisses, poopy diapers and lots and lots of laundry, 
when the day is done....

Thankful Thursdays
A time to remember to be thankful
A pause in the week for praise,
thanksgiving and thinking positively
in addition to the normal daily praise
we need to give God.


  1. This is wonderful. We are thankful for most of the same things! talk about unflattering church photos- I don't know if I have ever seen a good one. One time when us kids were younger, the church photographer did such a bad job that he actually used a black marker and drew in eyes for my brother Tom who had coke bottle glasses. That picture was a classic! I am cracking up right now at the very thought of it.

  2. Oh, Sarah, that is so funny!!!

    Having 7 in our family, we did take up 2 time slots, but still, that was not enough time!!

  3. What a sweet post!

    I loved the picture of the kids running!

    Just one question? How in the world do you get your kids to eat pumpkin seeds? I've done them time and time again and no one seems to like them!

    Peace and blessings!!


  4. LuAnne,
    I don't know!!

    I use Canola oil on the cookie sheet, the sprinkle with Season Salt and bake 300 degrees for 45 minutes and they gobble them up!

  5. You have such a beautiful family! Our church pics usually turn out weird. I loved all your pics. And, that is a great total for the fundraiser, and a terrific cause.

  6. Thanks Shelly! I DO think our picture is kind of real smiles on the girls--oh, well, church pictures are supposed to be like that right?

  7. I love all of your photos you share. The ones of the kiddos all running together is too cute! I think you look wonderful, btw.

    …I think you may have started something with the church pics…I might have to see if I can scan ours to put on the blog. Ours is really goofy I think.

  8. Church photo or not, I think you look positively beautiful! I always enjoy your Thursday posts.

  9. I cannot tell AT ALL that you are pregnant in that photo. You look amazing.
    Love the pictures of the five kids holding hands. Can't wait to see that 6th little kid in the mix (and for some reason I keep imagining him as a little boy when I think of your family).
    I love your Thankful Thursday posts!

  10. I think the church picture is adorable! You have a beautiful family. :) And, your "thankful" posts always make me smile!

  11. Love this! Beautiful beautiful pictures!

  12. OH,Kelly, that would be so funny!! Great idea!

    Jill and Jenny--Whatever!
    You can really tell in my face when I'm pregnant, I explode all over!
    (but thank you)

    Thank you Second Chances and Kari, you make me smile too!

  13. I love your family photo. YOU LOOK always.

    Love the bird bath. Hilarious.

    Kids running together...especially the little one is so so cute.

    We eat the pumpkin seeds also.

    as always thankful for a bloggy friend like you.

  14. Awwww, thanks Christine! (but whatever!)

  15. I think your family photo is great! You look good Jamie Jo! And I can see the pregnancy glow in your face!! Beautiful!!
    And all your other pics are great too! Also,you know the prayer that came into my mind was, Lord, please let her baby boy be healthy and healed in the womb. I don't know what made me say "boy" but I did! Now I wonder why...and I can't wait to find out!! :)

  16. Lorie--Thank you....A few people have told me they think I'm having a boy...maybe I should do a contest?

  17. Great family photo, Jamie Jo! And another terrific thankful Thursday. Boy, I'm sure those flowers took the edge off the pain of dirty laundry:)P.S. beautiful new blog header and updated photo.

  18. What a beautiful family portrait!!! You have a beautiful family and you are beautiful yourself...enough beautifuling around on my


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