Friday, November 25, 2011

Quick Update:

Normal Pregnancy fluid levels should be between 5-25

Tuesday I was at a 4 but that was because the cord was covering a pocket, so they couldn't count that.

Today I was at a 6

Low, but safe.
The baby's kidney issue does effect my fluid level. 

Looks like I'll be delivering in December....

Short term goal:
to make it to 35 weeks, for a healthy, strong, lung developed baby!!!

I ended up having 6 appointments this week--in 3 days...glad this week is over!!!

For the last 3 ultrasounds, the baby had his/her head tucked in, towards his/her tummy, so we didn't get to see the face at all!  Little stinker!


  1. Love December babies! Me and Leo ;)

  2. Good news, and also great is a December baby! What a wonderful Christmas blessing. You are almost there!

  3. You are in my thoughts and prayers, especially as we go through the funeral of our twin nieces. We are all so blessed to have the gorgeous kids we have!

  4. Good gravy. Such unexpected things for both of us this time around, huh?! My oldest son was born December 13th, feast of St. Lucy! Praying for your little one to go the distance :)

  5. As long as you and the baby are OK a date is not really that important. Have a wonderful weekend.

  6. prayers that you make it to 35 weeks.

  7. It's my birthday today, Jamie and I think that God gives you whatever you want for your birthday--as long as it's in accordance with His will.
    Anyway, I included you in my rosary. I'm sure you'll make it to 35 weeks.

    Stay positive! :-)

  8. Praying that that baby stays in there as long as possible! On a plus side, look how many times you get to see your sweet baby. :)

  9. What a great Christmas gift you will have. Prayers for the little sweetie to stay in there as long as he/she can and get as strong as possible.
    (By the way,I always loved that Christmas card when you put #5 in a little gift box and had the others surrounding her.)

  10. So that beautiful little blessing could be here in three weeks or less?!?!?!?!?!?! Wow!

    I will be praying for the best for all of you- that baby stays put as long as possible, that the fluid levels stay stable (or rise), and that you are filled with God's peace as you go from worry mode to "doing" mode VERY soon!

    That little one will definitely have some struggles right from the start but will undoubtedly be blessed with the things that matter most- a family who loves him/her unconditionally and will see him/her through the ups and downs of it all!

  11. Another beautiful person to enter the world in December. Congratulations - praying for a successful outcome!

  12. I hope that little one can stay in and cook for several more weeks! I'm glad your fluid level is back up!

  13. As long as mama and baby are going to be ok...the date doesn't matter and please do not stress out about getting ready for Christmas. This baby is THE BEST PRESENT for the family.

    please call me if you have any news!!!!!!

  14. Praying for a safe delivery and for the doctors to know exactly when.

    Love your blog. Thank you for sharing and the opportunity to pray for you & baby!

  15. Praying for you..keep strong-HIS strength is enough!!!
    You are a great mom and so blessed. I love how honest and how funny you are! Your blog inspires me! :) Happy Thanksgiving. We'll keep you in our family rosary prayers to keep that little baby IN till 35 weeks+!!! :)
    God bless,
    Mary @ Cheerios

  16. Oh, my gosh, you are all so wonderful!!

    I feel like a drama queen with always having news about the baby....hope you don't get sick of it!!!

    Beth, my first winter baby, and I am kind of tickled at the thought of it being December instead of January! (not because of the tax deduction)

    Shelly--yes, Christmas time is a wonderful time for a baby, hopefully it will remind us all of the Christ Baby!

    Colleen--the death of your nieces, is just so tragic (my aunt lost twin girls at the same time 24 weeks, about 20 years ago) It really puts my issues into perspective and how blessed we truly are!

    Second Chances--Hoping my baby goes further than St Lucy!! I got a gift from another wonderful blogger, a St Lucy candle head thingy

    Odie, you are the sweetest!

    Therese--Thank you so much, it means so much to me.

    Becky--I already answered you in an email!! But happy birthday you ol' lady!! haha!

    Nicole--yes, that is the good thing about being a high risk pregnancy, getting to see baby so much...the reassurance is wonderful.

    Jill---totally forgot about that Christmas card...that was a fun one!! She's so tiny, she'd probably still fit in that box!! thanks so much!

    Kari-Thank you so very much--I know, I keep telling myself, in 2 months this will all be over....that "doing" mode will be here!

    Monica &
    Ordained Praise--Thank you so very much!!

    Christine--thank you!! I already got your present!!

    Thank you Tina---that is so sweet!
    I trust God and the doctors!

    Thank you Cheerio Mary!! Those rosary prayers are powerful, I feel so humbled for all the prayers and so joyful too. You are so sweet!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. YOU ARE NOT a drama queen. I am so thankful for blogging because it keeps me close to you when our families are keeping us mama's so busy.

  19. Praying for 35 weeks!! Almost here!!!

  20. My prayers are with you Jamie! Those doctor appointments sound time intensive yet so necessary! Now you'll have a special Christmas blessing!


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

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