Friday, April 6, 2012

Good Friday

 Let us not ever forget that it was bloody and it was a sacrifice
The Ultimate Sacrifice

 for us
 (marble painted crosses today)
Don't forget that the Divine Mercy Novena starts today!!
The graces at the end of this novena are beyond words!
Ultimate Graces
Ultimate Mercy

Blessed Good Friday to all
May we all find ourselves at the foot of the cross with Mary


  1. When I think of the suffering Jesus went through for us, my heart literally hurts. But then I think of all His suffering gifted us with, and I am overwhelmed with thanks. Happy Good Friday to you and yours!

  2. What Shelly said, I could not say it better.
    Happy Good Friday & Easter to you and your wonderful family.

  3. That movie, the Passion, was truly a heart wrencher. I've started the Divine Mercy novena. God blass your Triduum. Re: your question, yes, we're just adding pictures through the week to the Holy Week calendar.

  4. Thanks for the Divine Mercy reminder. I always forget to start the novena on Good Friday and am disappointed with myself. I saw this last night just in time to start with my two oldest. Yay! I am always amazed by the peace that comes after praying the chaplet. Thank you and have a Blessed Easter!

  5. I hope you don't mind me stealing your stuff for my blog; I just couldn't help it. Thank you for your dedication to Christ. Thank you for the nourishment you give me through your blog. May Our Lord bless you and your family abundantly.

  6. I love that marble painted cross with red paint and your little saying...I'm going to have to try and remember that for next year. Forgot to tell you I love all the goodies you made too. All of my Holy Week crafting and pretzel making plans got derailed this year...I have to admit (feeling a bit guilty) it was a needed break. Sometimes it's so hard to keep up with everything we want to do. The Divine Mercy Novena is one of my favorite Easter prayer practices:) Nice to know so many of us and our families are praying together all over the world!


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

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