Thursday, April 5, 2012

Jesus Christ in the Eucharist - The Real Presence

Holy Thursday
The Institution of the Eucharist
The Last Supper
The First Mass

A blessed Triduum is wished for you
Thankful for Him.
For Jesus Who gave us Himself 
and continues to give us Himself 

I love Holy Thursday Mass, 
I love the end of the Mass when they strip the altar
and take away Jesus.
It puts us right there on that first Holy Thursday
when they took Jesus away.
So empty without Jesus
Until Easter Sunday 
when we realize He's not left us
and that feeling of Joy returns! 


  1. Beautiful post!

    Wishing you a most Blessed Holy Week!


  2. It is a special time. A Blessed Triduum wish to you also.

    So thankful for Easter and all the grace it brings.

    We are so blessed to have our faith.

  3. What a lovely blessing to us, Jamie- thank you! It's helped to get my mind in the right direction for our last practice this evening for our Passion Play.

  4. What GIFTS! The priesthood and the Eucharist, today is so special and a defining part of our Catholic identity.

    God bless our priests!

  5. That is a beautiful talk! Thank you for sharing. I wish that each of our Protestant brothers would listen.


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

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