Monday, April 30, 2012

I'm not ignoring anyone....Blogger won't let me comment anywhere....


  1. I am really curious about everyone complaining about blogger and blogging a post. I have not noticed any change.

    Maybe I comment and it doesnt work for anyone and I just do not notice??

  2. I used to have problems as well but since I have been using Google Chrome I have not had even one comment problem.

  3. I think blogger needs a breathalyzer. It's acting so bizarre lately...

  4. Hmmmmmm....lets me comment on my own blog!!

  5. Darn it. I don't like when I'm experiencing technical difficulties due to Blogger or some other random technical problem. ugh.
    Hope you get it figured out-wish I could help.

  6. I really dislike the new Blogger interface. Its not easy to use and makes posting very difficult. I've had trouble post comments too. I think I fixed it though. Don't have any idea how

  7. For some reason, if the comments are in this form, on my blog, this part below this box I'm typing in right now, then, I can leave a comment, but if it's the other way, where there's just a check box that says "Google Acct" it just won't let me comment.

    Unfortunately lots of you have this latter form....


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