Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Garden of The Good Shepherd Party

I'm going to link you to the Garden Parties at Catholic Cuisine for 
all the details, I'm short on time but wanted to post especially our "clouds"
And then I'm going to link to our Last Year's Party,
 because it was so much better than our
"last minute thrown together quick before baby gets fussy party"
The girls loved making their SUN plates!

 Our CLOUDS were really cool, I have to admit!
They were not edible, but very fun to make!
Just get Ivory soap
pop it in the microwave and watch it turn into a cloud!!
I'll link you here to find out more if you want!
 Very fun and the microwave is now very clean!
 We did bubbles again for our "WIND"
Look at those cute bubble lips...

 HAIL  (crushed ice) and RAIN (water-pop)
LIGHTNING--PB&J tortillas
We even got a real storm later that day,
hid out in the basement, from tornadoes storming the area
(I was pumping when the sirens went off and by the time I got my milk and pump and milk bottles, etc
for Simeon, the sirens were off and everyone was coming upstairs again!)
(baby's gotta eat!!!)
We also did the Good Shepherd Garden Party last week,
 but I never got time
to post about it... it was a lot of fun!
(Those are Barbara's biscuits)


  1. Oh, poor Jamie- having to lug all the pumping stuff with you even in an emergency- but it's worth it. I hope you all are not threatened with tornadoes anymore. They concern me more than hurrricanes.

    The party looked like it was great fun- I think I may have to try the cloud thing just to satisfy my own curiosity!

    Cute, cute, cute kiddoes!!!

  2. Amazed you put together a quick party! This is our first year and the kids are excited fir each party. I love the different ideas everyone comes up with.

  3. What a fun party! I think I'll have to try that trick with the ivory soap in the microwave!

  4. Those soapy clouds *are* neat! I've never heard of doing that before. I love those suns that your kiddos make. Cute!

  5. OK..stupid question...but what is a Good Shepherd Garden Party. Like why after Easter and what does it all mean? I have seen them all over bloggy land but not too sure what or why it is being done.

    Looks like fun and very yummy.

    I was hiding from the storm. I get scared pretty easy.

  6. Love the clouds-combo-science project! I'll have to check that kids would love that:) You are an awesome Mom for doing the Garden Parties...I flunked out in that department this year! Hmmm, makes you wonder when nobody in my family has mentioned a word about it!? Maybe because last year was our only year and just need to make it more of a tradition for it to stick. Still praying and also still offering our Rosary for you on Friday!

  7. What a fun day! I don't have nearly as much on my plate, yet you manage to pull together such fun ideas for the kiddos.

  8. Looks like so much fun for the kiddos. Great job! I always like the idea of things like this, just don't get it pulled together. Once upon a day, I did, but not now.

    I don't know how you do it! You are wonderwoman....or filled with a lot of grace in your vocation as mom.

  9. You are amazing. Seriously.

  10. The ivory clouds are so cool!!! Makes me actually miss haveing a microwave!!

  11. It looks like everyone had lots of fun! I always find that our "thrown together parties" ended up being the most fun! :) I love the soap clouds. How neat!

  12. What a great idea to do things that are not food related! Of course the locusts, um children, here would probably rebel!

    love the soap cloud. I smell a science experiment here!

    thanks for the great ideas.



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