Thursday, May 3, 2012

Please Pray! Surgery is Friday!

I've been a nervous wreck, but somehow, I've gotten to this day, 
the day before his surgery.
We all feel the same way,
We love him the way he is, the way God gave him to us, the way God made him.
In our eyes.
The kiddos all keep saying at different times how worried they are about him,
it's been a stressful week on all of us to say the least.
I tell them of the hundreds of people praying,
blog people, friends, family, neighbors, people from church,
prayer groups here and prayer groups of friends.
He is probably the most blessed little boy in the world and all will be fine.
They, and I have a sense of peace
with this thought.

Our priest came by yesterday and blessed Simeon
We called the Poor Clare Nuns and they are praying

His surgery is at 7:30 am Friday
We need to be there at 6 am,
he needs to have his last bottle by 3:30 am
The surgery is between 3-4 hours long.
He will be in overnight for sure, and 
will come home when he can eat (by bottle)

They don't allow cell phones in the hospital
I won't have time to post til I get home
So you will be in the dark til then.

We are packing (Rosie is going to stay overnight with me in the hospital)
We are taking lots and lots of pictures of Simeon
We are taking lots of videos of him the way he is now
We are already missing his sweet little face, that we all love so much.
We are kissing his sweet little lips as they are now.

It's a sadness I can't describe,
 loving him the way he is now and not knowing what
he'll look like tomorrow.
And at the same time, we all know everything will be fine and he'll be beautiful.

Thank you for all your prayers and novenas and rosaries and Masses,
phone calls, letters, gifts and whatever I'm forgetting!

Our Lady of Lourdes, Pray for us.


  1. My heart and my prayers are with all of you. Sweet little Simeon! He is beautiful now and will be beautiful in a new way after surgery. May God Bless him and his loving family!

  2. Prayers! And that is so nice one of the kids can stay with you overnight.

  3. Oh, Jaime! We will keep your sweet Simeon in our prayers all day tomorrow. If we can get to Mass it will be for him, his recovery and for your nerves. He will be fine, I just know it! He is beautiful now and will be beautiful after too because he is your son. All of your children are beautiful! Lots of cyber hugs!!! If there is anyway you can get a message out, we would love to know when he's in recovery.

  4. I've been praying for him all week. I know how difficult this must be, but you are doing the right thing in focusing on the outcome, not the process. God's angels are all around him and will be singing sweetness in his ears as he goes through the surgery.

  5. We will pray and I will offer my morning Mass for him tomorrow!!! That no eating/feeding thing is hard for tha babies. Xander had to stop eating at midnight (he got his last bottle at 7 pm) and didn't eat again until after his surgery around 8 am. He was HUNGRY! I'm glad he has an early surgery time, and I'm glad he is getting those sweet lips healed. Did you porpusefully dress him in a blue shirt and lay him on a blue blanket to bring out his blue eyes even more???? They are amazing!

  6. Tomorrow as I am driving to pick up Sophie, who will be flying across the Atlantic after 5 months in Austria, I will be praying for sweet Simeon and for all of you. Sending you lots of hugs and love too!

  7. Jamie Jo, Our Lady is covering you and S in her mantle of love and protection and peace. Today I'm finishing the last day of the novena for you and your little guy and your family. thank you for giving us the opportunity to pray together for your family!! And Our Lord knows all our suffering. All our wounds have already been felt by Christ, and He is there to take you through this. Today, I'll make a special request that your whole family feel at peace knowing the Lord is walking this path with you. And oh my what joy is on the horizon !!

  8. Prayers and love for you all! May the Divine Physician guide the hands (and hearts!) of all involved.
    Love you!

  9. Of course I will be praying for Simeon and also for my friend as I know it is tough on you. We all need to be praying for the doctors and nurses. I still have a very good feeling about this Jamie and will be anxious to hear any reports you have.
    God Bless you & your family.

  10. Dear friend. You know we are all praying for you. I tried to record our prayers last night again, but it was not to be. I can't figure out how to change the size of the clip to send it to you. Ah, well. Thank you for letting us share in the novena with you. It has been a blessing for my family.

    Sending you bountiful love and hugs.

  11. We'll say lots of prayers for your little love!!!

  12. Big ((hugs)) and many thoughts and prayers for you and your whole family. He is just so sweet with his big blue eyes and blue outfit. sweet sweet sweet.
    I hope he doesn't cry too much with not eating before. You know me..I cannot stand it when babies OR toddlers cry. I am a soft mama.
    Everyone here has him in our prayers.
    We will be thinking of him and waiting and waiting for news that everything is OK!
    I am nervous too!

  13. Jamie, I will offer up my First Friday Mass for you & your little man. It will be okay! This is not to say it will be easy, but you know (I know you know!) we are closest to Him when our cross is heaviest.

    We got you covered in prayer! And are throwing in lots of love 'cause you're sweet.

  14. Being a mom who has had a baby go through surgery, I have been thinking about you all week. He is beautiful now, and he will be beautiful after. Just remember, he is who he is, regardless of what he looks like. He is your sweet little boy. Will be praying for you throughout the day today as you get ready, and will definitely remember all of you in prayer tomorrow and through his recovery.

  15. You love him as he is but are doing this for your own good, that's why you're a good Mama. I've been thinking of you guys all week too, offering up a prayer now and then whenever you come to mind. Praying, praying! All will be fine!

  16. Your post brought me to tears... Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. God bless!!

  17. I've been thinking about you and praying for little Simeon all week. He will do great and this will just be a story you tell him when he's older. Unfortunately, it's us mamas who get to remember all the worry-filled hours. Big hugs! You'll be in my thoughts and prayers all day tomorrow! :)

  18. Sending prayers up for Simeon!

  19. I've been praying for months, and will continue. You know if you need anything just call. I'll be in the Twin Cities tomorrow and all weekend.

  20. Sending my love and prayers for Simeon! Know that I'll be thinking of you all in a special way tomorrow.
    Will look forward to an update when you are able.
    Blessings, dear friend.

  21. Jamie, I can't even begin to imagine your emotions. He absolutely IS beautiful the way he is. We are offering a novena to St. Joseph for Simeon. I'm sorry I was MIA when you posted the novena for Simeon earlier. Please let me know if there is any posting update I can do for you. I'd be happy to help in any way.

  22. We will pray for you, Simeon and your entire family at Mass tomorrow for His Sacred Heart.


    The Fisher's

  23. We'll be saying prayers for Simeon and all who love and will be caring for him.

  24. Our whole family is praying for you tonight! Get your rest too. This will be behind you soon. God Bless You!!

  25. We are praying and will be thinking of you all. You are such a wonderful mom. I pray that Our Lady will embrace you all tightly and keep him safe during his operation. God Bless, and I hope you can a little sleep tonight.

  26. Praying, praying, praying!!! I didn't sleep a wink the night before my son's surgery so I'm praying right now that you're able to sleep tonight!

    I will be holding you, you're little one & family in prayer tomorrow. Our Lord will be with you and will be guiding the surgeon's hands. Trust in Him. This time tomororw it will be over! :) Hang in there a bit more.. I know you guys can do it. Cling to the cross.

  27. Sending heartfelt prayers your way for your precious Simeon and your whole family. You are all so beautiful; God is smiling down on you all.I hope you don't mind that I posted a prayer request on my blog for Simeon. May Our Lord and His mother hold you close and grant you all the grace, courage, and peace you need.

  28. Praying for you, for your little guy, and for your family.


  29. Praying for sweet Simeon. Your description of the logistics really makes it clear how difficult this will be. May all our prayers bring you and your family comfort.

  30. Prayers for all of you. I know the feeling. You described just how we felt. But, she was our first and I know having the other children is a blessing, but also harder logistically and emotionally.
    Try to sleep well. I remember waiting...
    God will give you peace.

  31. What a blessing for all of us who have followed you and sweet Simeon from your womb to now...With God all things are possible! All our thoughts and prayers will be with you tomorrow, confident in God's grace and love wrapped around you by His own Mother. Peace be with you!

  32. Praying for Simeon all week. This makes me sad to read because I know exactly what you mean about how he looks now and how it will be different. May you have Mother Mary's comfort and love to go through this. God Bless and keep us posted. We love this little guy that we never even met in person! You are right, so many people are praying for him as you can see on your blog! :)

  33. Thank you everyone, your words are truly beautiful and your prayers precious jewels for my sweet baby.

    We are blessed.

    And I can't sleep....too afraid of over sleeping, have to pump at 2:30 am and feed him at 3am and be up by 4:30 to shower and do you know, last minute stuff....

    Thank you so much your prayers are lifting us all up.

  34. Praying here too! May you be showered with blessings as you move through this challenging day, and may His love and care be evident to all. God bless!

  35. Keeping you and Simeon in my prayers this morning! May everything go successfully, and may his recovery be quick! Praying also for peace for you - surgery is so hard for the family!

  36. Prayers for Simeon! God bless him and protect and heal him.

  37. Praying for Simeon and family. Will offer our first Friday Mass for him.

  38. First time commentator- so glad I clicked in- cleft palate runs in my family- all surgeries have been successful and the suffering endured has yielded abundant fruit. God bless your son- I will be praying for sure!!!


  39. Jamie just called me and wanted to let you (that would be all those who lovingly have prayed and thought about Simeon) that he is now resting in his mama's arms and the surgery was successful. Lots of healing will need to take place so keep sending her and Simeon (sweetest little baby) all your love and prayers.

  40. ps. Jamie needs to stay one more day to make sure he heals properly. or to make sure everything is ok. So she will be back Sunday or Monday!

  41. Thinking of you and praying for Simeon and all of your family today-praise God that all has gone well!

  42. Special prayers to you and your family....Just came back from adoration and I was sure to mention Simeon and the whole family :)

  43. Still praying for this beautiful family with a beauitful baby boy. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I feel so blessed to have "known and loved" Simeon as he grows. What a blessing he and all your kids have been to me and to my kiddos. We are all praying.

  44. I haven't really been able to get on the blogs till today! You know I am praying for you, as I have been. Know my love and thoughts are with you and your beautiful little man. I know how hard it is to see a child in the hospital undergoing major surgery. You are enfolded in God's arms, never for a mopment doubt it! Be strong! I am praying and praying!

  45. We have been praying for Simeon, and for you Jamie! {{{hugs}}}

  46. Jamie and Tom and all,
    So glad to see the surgery went well. We've been praying and praying. You have such beautiful hearts that are so filled with love. Simeon is blessed to be a part of your family. May your homecoming be peacefilled.
    Love and hugs to all,
    The Rydberg's

  47. Christine, thank you SO MUCH for that update! Thank you, Lord, Divine Physician.

    Cyber hugs, Jamie Jo.

  48. Thank you for the update, Christine! Glad to hear the surgery was a success.

    Anxiously waiting for another update. I hoping and praying all continues to go well for Simeon's healing and that Jamie is able to get the rest she needs. Love to all.

  49. Thanks Christine for the update. We are keeping baby S and his mamma and the whole family in our prayers !! Priase god for all blessings on this family.


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