No time to look for a dessert, let alone actually bake it
so I opted for a cake from Sam's Club
Expensive? Yes.
Easy? Yes!!
Big? Yes.
Easter is so fun with 2 year olds
Everything is new and fun and exciting!
Everything is
Mine Mine MINE!!!!
(She's the 4th girl to wear that Easter dress)
(She's the 4th girl to wear that Easter dress)
That egg thing?
Did you try it?
I tried several things I had not done before
like adding vinegar and salt to the water before boiling the eggs,
that worked, my yellows were bright yellow instead of moss green!
but that cutting the shell thing
well, it was OK
I think cracking it a little and then using a spoon to slide it out worked
just as good.
Can we talk shoes?
Can we talk shoes for young girls?
Like only 9 year old shoes?
She can't wait to wear high heels.
I gave in and bought these, which are high to me.
(I don't wear high heels and am not into shoes)
She is into shoes.
These are not high enough for her
she wants to save her money and buy high heels.
When is OK for this?
I told the saleslady at Payless, that 9 is too young.
She stopped talking to me and went back to work.
(I think she disagreed with me)
(which is fine, I'm the mama, I decide)
Simeon with mama on Easter
Look at my two boys!
Don't let that smile fool you
He's been fussy for a reason...
He's got a little white bump
just waiting to pop through....
Odie emailed me this great site today!!
I am a visual person and when it comes to recipes, I'm no different
I need pictures
or I won't make it.
I just won't
(unless I've had it or made it before)
I could spend way too much time on this site!!

And finally,
(are you still here reading?)
Tom and I watched this movie this weekend.
It was great!
There was one part that involved a boy that lived in the apartment, that
was totally inappropriate and not necessary, but other than that
the movie was great!!
Funny and even funnier to see Eddie Murphy and Ben Stiller together!
Oh Jamie, you got him to smile on camera. Simeon is soooo adorable. You are looking great! It looks like you had a wonderful Easter.
ReplyDeleteEverytime I see Jedi, he reminds me of my Noah. They could be brothers, seriously. Right down to the choice in glasses.
Heels on a 9 year old, hmmm. I remember wanting heels at 13, but not 9. All the girls (3 in total) in my class wore heals to their confirmation in Grade 8, all except me. I survived. I don't really even like heels. I only wear them on special occaisions when I am all dressed up. I am 5'4 and hubby is 5'11, so I am maybe 5'7 at most and still a lot shorter than hubby. I am on the fence with the heels things. I know I shouldn't be. It isn't an issue yet here. My gal is more of a tom-boy, prefers runners or sandles to anything else. Good Luck.
God Bless.
Just say no to little girls growing up so fast. Which you already are. Good mama!
ReplyDelete(I don't think heels are great at any age, and I know they can mess up your back and feet, so why start young?)
Oh teething, I feel your pain. Xander is in constant fuss mode when laying down. As we know, it shall pass. Just hurry up already ;)
My daughter wore her first (what I consider) high heel shoes this Easter Sunday. They were actually wedge heel saddles. She just turned 13 in March. They were super cute and she loved them, but was a little uncomfortable walking around in them. So right after Mass she took them off. She was so tall with them on!! Of course I'm only 5'2", but still it was a bit sad for me to realize how fast she is growing. I think you are right to stick to what you feel your comfortable with. They grow up quick enough as it is. :(
ReplyDeleteBtw, I should add that the reason we even bought the heel shoes is not because we were on the lookout for them, but because they were the only ones we could find that would go with her dress and would fit her foot. She wears an adult size 9!!
ReplyDeleteI was around 13 when I wore shoes like your daughter's (and only then because I could not find what I needed without any kind of heel). But I think I agree with you and the other ladies - 9 is too young. Is there a reason why she wants them so badly? To look more grown-up? Maybe something else would fill that desire that's more appropriate (and still with the experience of saving up to buy it!).
ReplyDeleteGreat pictures of everyone. Hope that tooth comes in fast!
Love that sweet smile on his face! Gosh- already a tooth? Can it be? It seems like he was just born!
ReplyDeleteI hear ya about the heels. Both my girls are big into shoes and started wanting the big heels early. I think I held them off as long as I could. Now the oldest only wants to wear flats.
Such a beautiful family, Jamie!
Oh, the egg thing. Did not work to cut it and pop it out. I went back to crushing a bit and peeling. But putting the vinegar in - will definitely have to try!
ReplyDeleteGreat pictures! I love putting clothes on my baby girl that were worn by her 3 older sisters too. It's like seeing them all as little ones again.
ReplyDeleteBTW you look beautiful in the picture with Simeon.
Thanks for the plug & for the great pictures of your beautiful kiddos. That was a really good picture of you too sweet thang.
ReplyDeleteGreat post Jamie!!!!
ReplyDeleteI just pulled out 3 dresses that Colette use to wear. I saved all of her best dresses. Now Ava will wear them! I think hand me downs are the best.
Tower Heist was a great movie. I loved it. I love to laugh. I want to see it again...I forgot how it went. Old brain.
Heels??!! Scary for you because you broke your ankle!
I think those are pretty shoes for her. Some girls are girly girls and I think she is one. Everyone has their own style.
I wore heels for Easter and almost died. They hurt my feet so bad! I told Zach if I won the lottery (yes we played) I would have a toe operation and shrink them. He told me to just get bigger shoes. MY shoes are too big!
It is amazing how they change from year to year. I get use to them being little and whamo they are big teen-agers.
I love that cake. I hope it was good!
How can he be getting teeth already? Amazing. It is fun to take pictures of all the boys and all the girls.
....AND You look beautiful!
I personally don't wear heels but I think every Mama knows what's best for her little girl.
ReplyDeletePoor little baby! That white bump looks so painful! I hope it gets better soon!
Hey, I wanted to just let your readers know that there is a HUGE giveaway going out at a blog that is trying to raise money to adopt a 14 year old who is starving to death...she weighs only 14 pounds and time is of the essence. They are giving away over $10,000 worth of things and there are so many prizes! It's for a great cause!
I hope you don't mind me advertising on your blog Jamie, you just have so many readers!
Ok, I feel stupid. I didn't know it was a tooth. Duh!
ReplyDeleteI just bought my nine year old her first heels, and they look a lot like those. I think it is ok in that she wants to be feminine, but not grown up. She isn't trying to look or be older - she just wants to look pretty. I am ok with those motives - especially after she noticed that there were some too tight and too short skirts present at Easter mass! Maybe it is a case by case decision?
ReplyDeleteThat Sweetie Pie is a such a cutie -- so full of life, but I remember when she was a fuss pants! He'll get better, mama. Just strap him to your body and dance -- then you don't have to worry about the treadmill. Better yet, put him in the snugly and get on the treadmill. No...don't. I don't want anything bad to happen. ;-)
ReplyDeleteI won't buy Faith those shoes because she already wants to be too grown up -- those girls are on the same page (they would love, love each other, wouldn't they). I stalk Lands End sale pages and wait for shoes for her. She still wears Mary Janes or ballet flats. She can wear high heels when she is 18!
Not a heel wearer either and I agree with you that 9 would be early. Rights of passage, like that, seem more appropriate for teen years and make that moment special.
ReplyDeleteSimeon's smile makes me smile too!
We loved Tower Heist, too.
Happy Easter Jamie!!!
ReplyDeletePoor papas on his teeth. So painful!
Heels, oh heels. Well I'm a shoe person. But so far it's my 5 year old who has taken after me. Luckily, she is 5 and I have a long time to keep her flat on the ground.
My 14 year old is not a shoe fan. In fact she prefers ballet flats and sneakers. Since she is now 5'6, and taller than me. I'm pretty happy about this.
I always love your tips, Jamie. My husband is off with a sprained knee so we will be looking for that movie. It's great to have a recommendation in the sea of "unknown" netflix choices! We tried the egg cutting thing too and felt it just as easy to peel the eggs under cold water like we usually do. Hope your week is going ok with little teeth cutter;-)
ReplyDeleteAs a dancer, my instructor and my daughter's current instructor will not start students on pointe until they are 7th/8th grade because their feet are still developing.
ReplyDeleteThat being said, I think my daughter has had a pair maybe a little lower than that because that's all we could find. She's in a women's size 8-8.5 with a narrow foot, so it is exremely hard to find shoes that are reasonable for her age and not super expensive, too. This year, I managed to find ballet flats that are cute and lower brown sandals that she likes. I'd rather she wait, too!
So glad to see your little guy smiling. Can't wait for you to be able to take him out and about as a family.
Oh, my gosh, we had a doctor appt for Simeon and I just haven't had time to respond to everyone, now there is too many and not enough time...I'll answer a little here:
ReplyDeleteYes!! I am so glad we are all in agreement about the high heels!! She can fit a size 6 which is the start of women's size shoes. She is only wanting the high heels because they are pretty--remember she's the one who loves scarves and fancy things. She's the only one who LOVED the book Fancy Nancy!!
I had a little talk with her tonite about enjoying being a child it goes quick and she will be an adult for years and years and years. She also does want to look older, she has a little sister who is 2 years younger and she's almost the same height, this really bothers her, she wants people to think she is mature. (I say then act that way! hahah) I really enjoyed reading all your comments about the issue of high heels.
Suzie--very interesting about your dance instructor I'll tell her that.
Tiffany--and all the egg commenters--yes!! You are right, crack it and get that shell off the same way we always have...OH, well, it was fun to try it, the kids got a kick out of it!!
Christine--and dress commentors---
It is fun to see the next child wearing what the last child wore, because they make it look completely different, they give it new life, they wear it different!
It is fun and at the same time hard to not buy new!! :)
Shelly and the teeth commentors--
3 of my babes cut their first teeth at 4 months!! They get them early and lose them early!! Simeon has been just slobbering like crazy too!! Slobber baby!! I think the others were more like 5-6 mos and I remember one not getting more than the first 2 til she was close to one which made food hard!
Sorry I couldn't be more personal than that--gotta go!! Love to all of you!
Happy Easter, Jamie!
ReplyDeleteJust chiming in to say that I can totally relate to your 9yo wanting heels. My 9yo does, too. What is up with that?! I won't let her, for the same reason as Barbara gave: she already wants to be too grown up, and I am trying to encourage her to enjoy nine!! Heels will be a rite-of-passage AFTER earrings, which for us is 13 ... But when we go to any store that sells shoes, she is always trying on the highest heels possible! She can wear the smallest woman's size, as well, and in fact, I had her try size 5 (kids) sandals on the other day, and they were borderline too small. Yikes! For me, I am learning that my 9yo wants to be a bit more fashionable, so I am having to guide her to finding things that are cuter than plain T-shirts but that are still girly and sweet. Us mamas have to help them balance fashion with age appropriateness (and all that relates) because the world certainly won't!
Thanks for the movie review. I'll add it to my queue!
God bless!!
Cute post, Jamnie ! Happy Easter! Nothing new to add to the conversation. I was allowed my first pair of "heels" (low pumps really) for 8th grade graduation (I attended Catholic school). (I was confirmed in the 5th grade so the heels were a non-issue back then!).
ReplyDeleteAs a former 3rd grade teacher, I can't tell you how many girls would TRY and wear "heels" to school on picture day. (Ages 8-9) They looked ridiculous...and couldn't play at recess! HA!
The trouble like many pointed out is that the fashion being dictated is pushing higher heels...younger and younger! Do you remember all the flap over Suri (spelling?) Tom Cruises daughter and her red toddler heels?!!! Mary Catherine and I were shocked while shoe shopping at Target for Easter shoes...where are the sweet little white patent leather Mary Janes?!!! I could not believe all the "wedge" style shoes...and Mary only wears a size 13 (upper end of toddler...lower end of "girl" shoes!).
Okay, I think you know where I'm going with this!
Jamie Jo, can I just say, you have beautiful hair! how do you have such beautiful hair on Easter morning ? we tried the egg thing, and it worked well. the shoes for your little lady are so cute. something I would definitely wear myself. they look to be 1 1/4 inch heels. that is the only size heel I can wear. anything higher and I can't do it. i do actually bring a little tape measure and measure the heel in the store to make sure. (does that sound obsessive compulsive?) I totally agree that mama knows best, though. and mama sets the rules!! We all have our own points on which we won't budge, rightly so. Like for me, it's two piece bathing suits. My daughter had not asked for a two piece, but if she did, I would not agree. just a little modesty thing -- thanks for the movie review.
ReplyDeleteSarah--I think we have the same daughter!! You described her perfectly. We mamas are always guiding our daughters towards modest clothing (at least I am) and I just didn't expect it in shoes!! We had the stay 9 while you are nine and enjoy it now.
ReplyDeleteValerie--my daughter sees another girl at church that wears high heels and she's only a year older. her argument to me is if 9 year olds shouldn't wear high heels, then why do they make them like that? OH, and yes, we saw all the wedge type shoes, and of course she loves them.
Gardenia--I am totally against 2 pieces!!! Even on babies!!! We, as a society start it at babies age, by saying how cute those 2 pieces are on them, so when is it not cute anymore and inappropriate? It's inappropriate from the get go!! Your tape measure, that's cute, I could just see you taking it out--hey, do what helps you to be comfortable!!
What a great post! So glad your family had a wonderful Easter!
ReplyDeleteHeels on I remember wanting to wear heels as a preteen. My mom said no until I was 13. (When I got to shave my legs and wear lip stick too.) She was afraid I would break my neck walking in them. I have two very young girls (3 and 2) so I'm not there yet. I think you made a good choice. Not too high and not too low for a 9 year old. Give it a few more years before she hits the stilettos!