Sunday, January 27, 2013

Locks of Love Girl

 "Colette" wanted to get her hair cut about a month ago, I got her ready
sat her in the chair, put the apron on her and then she chickened out!  
Lately, her hair has been really tangley and hard to comb (cold, dry air?)
so we decided it would be a good idea to get it cut,
when she told me how short she wanted it, I hoped we had enough
to donate to Locks of Love, 
we headed to Great Clips to see
 They measured and she had just enough (10 inches)
 Great Clips takes care of it all for you
and the haircut is free!
(The other girls and I have done this before)
 But, this was "Colette's" first time!!
 She was a little excited!!
 Isn't it adorable?
 I can't help but tell her constantly how cuuuuuute she looks!!
She is loving being able to comb through her hair without tangles!  
(me too)


  1. She looks fantastic!! What a sweet girl.

  2. Awww! I think she looks so cute, but older too! Next time you guys donate you should look into one of the other donation places, I don't think places will cut your hair for free, but Locks of Love is one of the lesser ethical ones out there (sell their wigs to children with permanent hair loss ie. cancer patients are not eligible and they sell the surplus hair they get in if they can't use it)

    But in either case I think donating hair is awesome, I did it a few years ago and that's awesome she did it!

    1. What's unethical about that, that they sell it? I would have no idea how to do any other place. To be honest, here, I do it because it's so easy to do, at Great Clips. Free. Easy, they take care of it all....I just know me and if I did it, the hair would probably be sitting on the counter for weeks before I'd get it out--haha--OK NOT FUNNY.

      You have beautiful hair, what a sacrifice. I did it a few years 5 years ago and it takes so long to grow back...

  3. Good for her! And she looks adorable with the new do. I'm so proud of her- that was a brave thing to do. My younger girl does that, too- grows it out and then gets it cut for Locks of Love. It is a wonderful organization~

    1. That's great Shelly! My oldest daughter has done it twice, her hair grows fast and is very thick! I did it once....not sure I'll do it again, takes so long to grow back! I like how places like Great Clips do all the work for you, for free, makes it so easy, otherwise I don't think we'd do it. I'm sure it's that way for a lot of people.

    2. Or maybe not, maybe I'm just lazy?

    3. There's nothing about you that is lazy!

  4. We're in the "growing" stage as they all cut early last summer. It seems to take about 2 years to grow enough to donate. And the kids feel so good that someone who can't grow their hair gets a wig made out of their extras. She looks ADORABLE with her new 'do!

    1. Yes, 2 years is what I've found too. I did it once, and my oldest daughter did it twice! My 8 year old did it once.

  5. Very cute! It changed how she looks. I like it.

  6. Oh my gosh, I LOVE little pixie cuts on girls. She is so beautiful!

    1. Oh, it's always so hard to let go of that long hair, but it's so cute afterward! I keep telling her "you are so darned cute!"

  7. Very cute and very generous. I would like to see the back too. Is it stacked??

    1. It is....I'll have to take a back picture and add it! They layered it, kind of wished they didn't, it will be harder to grow out, but it's so darned cute!

  8. That is a great organization. I did it years ago. She looks adorable! I love the two barrettes, too cute! Was she sad after she cut it?

    Lizzie's hair has been going the same thing lately at the tips. She would get these horrid knots that I just couldn't get out, so I cut about an inch off her hair. It brought the curls back, so I was pleased!

    1. Doing, not going...stupid auto correct on my phone.

    2. Arley--she was not sad! She loved it and still does! She loves it when we say "who is that cute short hair girl in our house?" She's loving being able to comb her hair!

  9. How great! Locks of Love is a wonderful organization.

    Love the pics!


  10. She looks so stinking cute!!!! I love love love it!

  11. Now that is super-de-duper cute...Love it! Way to go Colette and you look very darling!

  12. Look at those eyes. She has such beautiful eyes! I never noticed them before. Way to go Colette for donating your hair! You look so sweet. I can't wait to show Owen.

    1. It does make her eyes stand out more doesnt' it? Cant' find where you wrote about Owen and the rosary, but how sweet!!! HE'S SUCH A LITTLE SWEETIE, LIKE HIS MAMA!

  13. She looks adorable. What a great thing to do Colette!

  14. That does look sooooo cute! I have been tempted on and off to cut Ivy's hair... Hmmm....

    1. With 4 girls, I've learned that I might want them to keep long hair forever...but they have their own minds and let them decide, they actually look so cute afterward and it DOES grow back! If she wants to, let her do it!

  15. For all I didn't respond to right after your comment, thank you so much!! I'll read her your lovely comments and she'll be so happy and tickled!

  16. It really IS amazing how the hair cute change her looks. SHE IS ADORABLE! I love the new-do!

  17. Jamie Jo,
    Thanks for sharing these pictures and bringing Colette into one of our salons! Locks of Love is such a great organization, so we'd like to thank Colette for donating. We'd love to share these photos, with your permission.

    Thanks again,
    Kasey S.
    Great Clips

    1. Kasey--Thank you for asking--yes, you can use the photos!! Please let me know where you use them.

      You can email me if you want:

      jamiejo99 (at) (no spaces)

  18. I loved doing these haircuts. :)

    I think she looks so cute in short hair (I'm partial to short hair). Super Cute!

  19. Oh so cute! I love how much this means to our girls, to give something like their hair which is so special to them. Wonderful!


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