Monday, January 28, 2013

I Need Kleenexes!

If you have not seen the latest episode of Downton Abbey,
I won't spoil it for you.

I just will say, 
I watched it early this morning while pumping
and when I sobbed outloud, uncontrollably,
 I was happy no one was up yet.


  1. My husband said I didn't look very sad, but that's because I was concentrating on my knitting. It helps me stay in control sometimes! I don't like Julian Fellowes (again) today.

  2. Oh, Jamie, I did the same! To me, it was almost as poignant seeing the Dowager Countess cry as anything else. Wow,

    1. It kind of made me happy to see her cry, it showed another side to her!

  3. I haven't seen the episode yet but I watched a show "about" the third season and they spoiled it for me. It was the actor's choice not the director. Dang that Matthew.

  4. I did the same!!! So sad!!!

  5. Agreed!!! I cried too! I will never forgive them...that was my favorite character!

    1. One of mine too, why do they get rid of the good people?

  6. Amen to that. What an awful plot twist!

  7. We finally got all caught up...this was our first live show...what a bummer.

    And now this got me googling...more bummers to come. :(

    1. OH, gosh, I know, when I googled this picture for this post, I saw things I wished I hadn't seen yet....I know how it ends this season....darn English, why do they have to be a season ahead of us? Or why do we have to be a season behind them?

  8. yes, the scene when all of the family members are in Sybil's bedroom hours after the baby was born was rough, rough rough. Don't you just love Downton Abbey?

    1. OH, gosh, the one with her mama....didn't you just put yourself in her place?

      Then again at the end with the sad.

      Yes, I love it.

  9. I haven't seen it yet, I have it on the DVR. Gonna watch it tonight after the kids go to bed, since Sean is working till midnight.

    1. Be prepared to cry....I didn't think I would because I knew it was going to be a tear jerker, You know, I was prepared to NOT CRY...didn't work....bawled like a baby.

  10. Oh Jamie. I just watched. Pass the tissues...please. That was not the tragedy I was steeled for. Sniff.

    1. I know.....Here you go honey! (I'm passing the tissues!)

  11. I am not even going to read the comments. I am dying to see this but the only night I can is on Thursdays because my husband whines whenever I try to watch anything like this. I won't mention that I am forced to watch things like Bones... oh well, I guess I just did. I think he is just jealous of Mr. Darcy.
    All these little hints though are KILLING me.

    1. oh, GOSH Amy--my husband would never watch anything like this either!

  12. Seriously, so many people want me to watch this series but then come to me sobbing because of a sad episode. Does the series have enough joy to balance out the sorrow? If not, I'm out before I'm in.

  13. Oh my gosh!!! I bawled buckets!!! This was NOT suppose to happen. Those dang men. What do they know about giving birth anyway?! Can hardly wait for tonight's episode!


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