Sunday, January 6, 2013

Terra Nova

I watched this series this past week
It was great!

"In this sci-fi drama series, the Shannon family travels with other settlers from the scorched Earth of the 22nd century to the prehistoric past, where they establish a colony to give humanity a second chance at survival"

I wish they hadn't cancelled the 2nd season
Finally a good, clean show!
Anyone out there see this show?


  1. Yeah, my husband and I watched it and were bummed when they cancelled it. Seems like we start a new show - that we both actually enjoy - and it gets cancelled. Another one from that same year was Alcatraz which we thought was interesting but again, cancelled.

    1. It's kind of disappointing to only have one season...should I watch Alcatraz? Do they end it good?

    2. I found Alcatraz to have an interesting plot and was eager to know the end. Unfortunately they cancelled it mid-season and so it just stopped, and not at a good spot. If they can't finish it on the screen, I would gladly take a book and read the rest of the story!

    3. OK, that would bug the heck out of me....better not start that one!

      Are you a Downton Abbey fan? Starts tonite, I DVR it! (have to watch when the kiddos are asleep, so I can hear it)

    4. YES! I really enjoyed the Call the Midwife series as well. I still have to watch the Christmas special.

    5. And yes, I definitely watch those on me time only. :) Usually while folding laundry, haha.

  2. I have never seen it, but now I will have to go check it out!

  3. My husband and I watched it a little, but then stopped. We were hoping it would be more about dinosaurs and less about drama. I wanted to like it.

    1. Yes, they only showed maybe one type of dino or big bug or bird per episode...and only showed a little....I liked the drama...

  4. We LOVED it. I love that it had drama, action and still values. Life was important - not true in most television today. My son (Pickle) and I would plan to watch it each week as a date. He is 12 and we cried when it was canceled. My hubby said that it did well with the critics but cost way too much to make. I guess all those realistic dinosaurs get costly.

    1. I was just thinking that today(I finished the season last night) that it probably didn't do as good, because there was no sex or anything sinful in it. I read about why there was not a season 2 and it said that the ratings were good enough, but not great and the season finale was just not enough to keep it around...I"m sure cost was an issue too, all that graphic stuff with the dinos, probably why they didn't have them on very much.

  5. We have been watching it too. I didn't know they cancelled it! My husband will be bummed to hear that. I liked the pro-life message of it... so therefore, of course they would cancel it.

    Oh that was so snarky of me. Sorry. :)

    1. My thoughts exactly!!! Too nice of a show....

  6. We watched a show on HBO that was cancelled mid season I think. It was such a good show (kind bad though) and we were so bummed. Now we see many of actors on different shows and always say, oh they are from Deadwood.

    We are Downton fans and I can't wait until my hsuband gets home tonight so we can catch up on a few episodes.

    1. I tried to like Downton Abbey for my mom's sake. I sat down to watch the first episode and was soooo disappointed that the writer seems to draw upon errr....modern alternative lifestyles. I might be convinced of giving it another shot if this isn't the norm.

    2. I started watching Downton Abbey last year after what seemed everyone was watching and was shocked too...but because my blog friend Barbara (praying for Grace) liked it, I trusted her and watched another episode and started liking it....they have not done anything like that since that first episode, I think they just wanted the audience to see what type of person he was....I guess? Seriously, that does not happen again.

    3. That's really good to know. You're making me cave...stop it. ;-).

  7. Tina- I know the show you were talking about. The horseracing/gambling show right? It was canceled due to the death of too many horses. We really liked it too.

  8. Loved Terra Nova. Love love love Downton. We started Lost over again just for giggles.


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