Thursday, January 3, 2013

Thankful 13 in 2012

 Joining in with Dwija? because everyone else is...
I don't want to be left out
Going to have to check out this Dwija person,
 she looks like a lot of fun!
I didn't see any rules, 
except it's supposed to be only 12 pictures from 2012
I didn't particularily like 2012, 
 in May, we had 2 big things happen, 
so I pictured those things....
So here's my 13 in 2012
(loving on new baby Simeon)
Jedi turned 12
(first surgery)
First Holy Communion for "Mary Hannah"

"Colette" turns 6

(I lost July's photos when our computer was down,
 had to go to my archives to get this one)
"Rosie" turns 10 
"Sweetie Pie" turns 3!
"Mary Hannah" turns 8!
(I also turned 43 & Tom 45) 
We had extremely warm weather for Minnesota!
(another surgery for Simeon)
Another surgery for Simeon and also he turned ONE!

So happy 2012 is over!!  
2013, here we come!  


  1. All of these brought a great big smile to my face and happiness to my heart. I wish all folks with kids could realize what great blessings they are~

  2. I'm so glad you linked up, Jamie Jo! It looks like you had one heck of a year. Wow. But look- you made it through and tomorrow is a bright shiny day. Praise God! Your kids are beautiful :)

  3. Beautiful pictures of your family throughout the year! Thank you for sharing them with us! May God abundantly bless your family in this new year!

  4. What a year!! Even though it was less than ideal, you and your family weathered so much gracefully. You never cease to amaze me :-) May 2013 be one heck of a year for all of you!! I am counting on it and praying it be so.

    As for Dwija, she is a hoot! I have only found her in the last few months, but enjoy her humor and she's one fun gal.

  5. While it may have been a tough year, I bet you've grown in virtue!

    Your family is beautiful and many blessings to 2013!

  6. Busy year, but beautiful pictures!!!

  7. A wonderful year with many challenges but blessings to match. Happy 2013!

  8. Great pictures! May 2013 be filled with many blessings and much happiness.

  9. that's a great synopsis of your difficult though blessed year ! I love watching the progression of age with Simeon. there are so many development changes in one year's time with little babies! God bless your 2013!

  10. A huge year for you guys. Hard and huge. I am just so thankful that Sims is doing ok and he and you all did make it through everything.

    Mine year would have been taken up also with 5 mos. of birthdays. Best part of my year is celebrating the birth of my babies!

  11. I had so much fun doing my look back at the year. It was terribly inspiring.

    Look at all those birthdays too! I had to laugh the other day when the kids pointed out we had no birthdays in May or February and that I needed to get cracking on that. YIKES!


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

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