Thursday, January 10, 2013

Thankful Thursday--Oklahoma!!

Thankful the play is finally here!  "Rosie" is in it and it opens tonight, we are all so excited.  The kids have worked so hard and they are all awesome!!  "Rosie" is in the bright pink skirt, with the braids!

Thankful for this special teddy bear, and blanket
A special gift from my mom
I'll post about it another time
 Thankful for my cousin Kristin
 And her beautiful kiddos
 Are our kids 2nd or 3rd cousins?  
No matter, they love eachother!
 Thankful we finally got one of these...making eggs here, 
but is it ever great for pancakes!! 
Pancakes can be made in more than half the time now!
 Thankful for sweet Simeon...he's back to normal and 
sitting in the regular high chair now...we had him in a portable one, 
because he was so little, he's eating more and more table food
and doing great!  
Now our prayer for him is for his premaxilla to move down and into place in his mouth
so we can do the palate surgery!
 Thankful for curious babes...."Why won't this cupboard stay closed?"
 It's a mystery to us all...
Thankful for red fuzz baby on the picture to see it up close!
 Thankful for my Grandma's Christmas this past Sunday,
(doesn't she look pretty in blue?)
 and Thankful for seeing some cousin Theresa, here.
Thankful Facebook has helped us to get to know eachother a little!

 Oh, oh!
Thankful for growing, exploring babies....
He loves those stairs, going to have to get out the gate!  
 Thankful for cute curly braids!
I admit, her hair is so pretty with her curls, I have only braided her hair
like twice.  But she did look adorable..

 Thankful she has a mind of her own...
Look at that hat! 
 When will she grow into those ears?
(I fixed the hat after this photo)
 Thankful the weather in Minnesota has been so nice and warm
In the winter, anything above 20 degrees is "warm"

 Thankful she's always so busy outside, making things....
 Look at this little peanut
what's not to be Thankful about this?
(my kitchen helper)
 Thankful Simeon is really getting attached to daddy, 
Yesterday when he came home, he saw daddy and 
when daddy went to put his coat away, Simeon cried and cried
til he saw daddy again
He's turning into a daddy boy!

 Thankful for those cute chubby legs!
 Thankful for Farkle!!!
A new game from Grandma and Grandpa!  

 Thankful for 3 year old tantrums, picture her jumping up and down....
(she wants to hold the camera)
 Thankful the play has finally come! 
(here's "Rosie" during a practice)
 It's a major production and I am so proud of these awesome kids 
and all their hard work!
 Thankful I have a knitter in the house
(who got a knitting loom for Christmas!)
 Aren't these cute?

 Thankful my husband loves me even when I burn the bacon
and he even says,
"It's not burned"
(it was)
 Thankful for cute babies kissing, melt my heart, they love eachother so much!
 Thankful I made a "folding area" in our office,
Look at this laundry room, tiny, tiny tiny!
 Now my laundry does not take up our kitchen table!
 Thankful for "Soooo Big!"
 and the fun personality he has!!
Here's his top goofy teeth....
 Thankful for my oldest, who will soon be a teenager!  
My sweet sweet boy!

Whew!  Did you make it all the way through all those?
So very much to be Thankful for!!  

Trying to find grace and Thankfulness in every day!


  1. Good luck Rosie!! And Mama! - I always get so nervous seeing my kids perform :)

    1. Ok, I came back! You and your cousin have the same hair :)

    2. Which cousin? The first one shown, or the 2nd?

  2. Yay for Rosie; she looks like a natural on the stage. Great list and pictures. Love it.

  3. Beautiful pictures! Simeon looks like he has about the same amount of hair as my Cecilia. She has blonde hair. Is that Simeon's gums or palate that comes way down? All your children are so precious, I think your youngest daughter looks just like you.

    I would love to see snow like that. Here in the south we get snow once every few years and it's usually so little it melts right away.

  4. She is going to be a star, and I love Oklahoma! What a great one to be in. Little Sim with his red hair, and his dad- that love is so evident in both of them. You are looking gorgeous, my friend! And above 20 being warm? I am shivering here and it is 62. I am a wimp.

  5. Isn't the warm weather great?? The ice fishers aren't loving it as much in case it ruins their ice. :-)

    I want you to come over and do my daughter's hair. I cannot do french braids. I know how, but I never can get them tight enough.

    Did you know that Dominic's home now?

    Great post, as usual!

  6. That play does look like a lot of fun!
    Again, so much goi.]]]]]]]]]]]ng on and you do have so much to be thankful for

    stupid cat is always wanting me to pet her when I am on the computer. She is always in front of the screen so I cannot see, sitting on the mouse and forever stepping on my keys.... getting together with family. I dont get enough of it. Everyone is so busy doing their thing.
    I have two cousins that just had babies and I want to go see them..NOW!

    A GRIDDLE! How the heck did you do pancakes before? I always do eggs in the pan and pancakes on the griddle. Will try the egg on the griddle method.

    I dont know how to braid hair either. sigh.

    I want to learn how to knit also. It looks like so much fun. Seems so hard.


    Sims is adorable...SO BIG!

    Laundry that is a lot of clothes. I am sure someone else would look at my piles and think the same.

    ugh..almost Friday.

    need to get outside more too. The temps have been so nice.
    Locked up in the house trying to potty train!

  7. Jamie,
    I love the these posts! always so upbeat and positive :)

    Thank you for the package!! I tried to send the rosary off to you today, but I didn't realize I don't have your address anymore. Can you email it to me?

  8. Jamie,

    What a wonderful list! Your post is an inspiration to me to count those blessings more often!


  9. I love the musical Oklahoma! How exciting!

  10. I love your Thankful posts! "Rosie" looks awesome. Plays are so much fun and great for building confidence and forming friendships and practicing patience and taking direction and appreciating family support. Plays are great!

    YOur kids and their beautiful healthy smiles, rosy cheeks, shiny hair and happy personalities. And sweetie pie. She has such a great strong personality (and I lvoe her ears)

    I love her braids, but I know how much I love my Ava's curly hair and leave it down all the time too.

    That's the way I like my bacon so I'm with your hubby. And I have one of those too to be thankful for. I always overcook his eggs and he always tells me everything is perfect.

    A laundry room! I need to get me one of those. I have a "basement" right now. But after living in a one room apartment as a single woman/poor Catholic teacher for many years and having NO laundry till I was married, I'm grateful for anything!

    Simeon, you ARE getting so big! And "Jedi" happy almost teenagehood... don't rush it you awesome kid!

  11. Here, here, for grace and blessings! I see so much sweetness, I hardly know what to comment on:) How about a compliment for Mama...You look so youthful, Jamie, and have such pretty hair! I see where your kids get it:) Good luck to all of the Oklahoma actors and actresses! BTW, where's your friend, Odie? Is he ok? His comments always made me smile:)

  12. Jaime, you look amazing as well! Beautiful eyes and hair. And spirit.

    So much to comment on. Your laundry room doesn't look small. My last one had room for just my washer/dryer, no walking room. My current laundry room isn't even a room because it's in my bathroom! I try to do a load a day but inevitably it catches up and I dump all the dry clothes on the couch and have a tv date with the clothes when the kids go to bed.

    3 year old tantrums. Yep, have them here. Crawling, standing, opening up cupboards, interested in stairs baby. Yep, same here. :)

    Knitting - awesome! I used to knit. I have an itch to pick it up again but unfortunately time is a major factor here.

    We are warming up a bit too. It's so nice.

    Thanks for another great thankful post!

  13. My favorite musical. Being an Oklahoman and all.

    1. You need to come up and see it!!

      Fri 7pm
      Sat 2pm and 7pm!

  14. Your cousin is your first cousin. Her kids are your 1st cousins once removed. Your kids and her kids are second cousins. . . And so on

  15. So much to be thankful for! I love all the pics and your wonderful disposition. :)

    I love those braids! She looks like she has thick hair?

    Oh and Grandmas looks fab in blue. I must remember blue. :)

  16. wow - so many things to comment on! Our families are so similar. I could easily swap out my family photos for most of yours.

    LOVE my griddle. So much that it's packed to come along with us on vacation in the morning (no joke!)

    Knitting/crocheting are obsessive. My two oldest girls are flying through yarn and having a great time finding projects to do. They even had a booth at a craft show this fall and sold $80 of their stuff.

    Baby's what keeps this mama smiling!

    Hubbies who never complain when food is over/under done...what did we do to deserve them? :-)

    Snow play and icicle hunts - my kids could spend all day out there! I figured out they all have a minor addiction to hot chocolate and that helps get them in!

    So wonderful that you take time to catalog some of the things you're thankful for. I need to do more of that! Have a blessed weekend!

  17. Just love these posts! I was in Oklahoma when I was a teenager. I had two whole lines, lol. Couldn't dance, still can't, so I was a wall flower.

  18. I hope Rose did well. I'm sure she did. what a wonderful week of things to be thankful for. can't believe Little Red is starting to walk !! wow. blessings abound !


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