Friday, January 11, 2013

Who Are You?

I am Isobel Crawley!

Roll up your sleeves and prepare to get dirty, because Isobel's charitable jobs are right for you. Your hands-on work for those who need it the most can get you into trouble, especially when you cross the line from leader to bossypants. But while your values or methods may not make you popular, your heart is in the right place. And you back it up with considerable force of will. 

I'll take it!  
I think it's pretty darn accurate!

Take the quiz here and see who you are on Downton Abbey!
(it's actually to see which "job" fits you best) 


  1. Daisy Mason, Assistant Cook
    Like Daisy, you have an excellent work ethic and are indispensible. Remember these strengths during discouraging times when you're treated like…well, like the scullery maid. Focus on the work before you, but also learn from those around you. And above all, seek only good professional advice. Do you think Helen Gurley Brown, David Geffen and other mailroom moguls rose to the top by taking off-the-cuff counsel from disgruntled middle management? Learn all about Daisy Mason.

    This is who I am....does it fit me???

    1. Oh, gosh, I think it does fit you Christine!!

  2. I am the same as you-Isobel Crawley! I do like her on the show, and it could have been much worse. I'm also thrilled I matched up with you, my friend~

    Fun quiz!

    1. Yay!!! I am so a happy to be like you! I'm actually happy with the results! :)

  3. Oh no! I am O'Brien, the Lady's maid...and I SO wanted to be the Dowagger Countess!

    1. I kind of did too, then after getting who I got, I was like, Oh, yeah, I like her!

      Ms. O'Brien, I could see that, you know how to get things done!

  4. How funny! I don't want this show but I'm going to take the quiz and see who I'm like. Perhaps it will inspire me to watch it.

  5. I'm back from taking the test. I came up as Isabol Crawley too! Don't know if that's a good thing or not?

    1. Noreen, I'm happy to be her, she stands up for what is right and that's what matters right? She tends to be bossy, but sometimes we need to be to get done what is right.

      (my opinion)

  6. Ok, I really need to watch this show. I want to take the quiz!!!!

    1. Arley--you can take the quiz without watching the show! (but you could watch too:)

  7. I was Isobel Crawley as well though some of those questions were hard to answer straight up since I had to choose the best answer, not the right answer, if that makes sense. AND, some of them were so obvious who they reflect.

    1. Oh, I know, I had to do the same thing...there were 2 for sure like that where I was like, "Dang, I want to get through this thing, I guess I have to pick one of these..."

      Yay for Isobel Crawley!!

  8. I'm Isobel Crawley too. We just finished season one last night. I can see myself stirring up the pot as she did in the hospital and at the flower club judging.

    Go Isobel!

    PS. I can't wait until tonight after the kids go to bed so we can watch a couple episodes. Truth be told, I'd watch them all if I could! <3

  9. I took the quiz and got Isobel Crawley as well. Loved how she made "Prof. McGonagall" (I have no idea what her name is, but she played Prof. McGonagall in the Harry Potter movies.)feel guilty for having the Rose Festival fixed every year and allowed the sweet old man to win that year. She was in a few Doctor Who episodes. (The actress)

  10. I am Isobel too, although I suspect it was very close between she and the civil rights activist daughter. So fun - thanks for sharing!!


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