Saturday, January 12, 2013

Age-Activated Attention Deficit Disorder

I found out what is wrong with me--it feels so good to be diagnosed!  (haha!) Mine is kid induced.  I was not like this before I had kiddos! 

H/T Melody!


  1. This is so funny and oh, so familiar!! And that matter-of-fact, British voice narrating the video makes it even funnier!

  2. Yes, this is me too! Humorous but so true!

  3. Wooo! Totally me!! It's nice to know I'm not alone! Now that I have a name for my problem, anybody have a cure!?! Or does time heal all wounds?

  4. I think there must be something in the water causing it! ;-)

  5. Ahhhh! There is too much of me in that! So funny-

  6. And this lady doesn't even have kids interrupting her with more fires to put out!

  7. OMG!!!!! I DO STUFF LIKE THIS ALL THE FREAKIN TIME! My husband says I get off task too easily and that I need to make a timed schedule for myself. Do only what's on that list, at that time, and nothing else until its done. He's a list

  8. That is precisely how my mind functions, except without the cool British accent. But the accent might distract me even more!

  9. LOL! That is my life! I should be making breakfast right now... wait, my coffee is cold. Oh the coffee pot is empty. I better make some. I spill the coffee beans on the floor, better pick those up before the baby wakes up. Oh wait, I hear him now. Better go get him. He is hungry and I need to make breakfast but better feed him first.

    Fall asleep while feeding him, because I needed more coffee.

  10. LOL! That's me! But I can't use kids as my excuse since I don't have any! So funny!

  11. oh yeah, that's me. You too? my, it's catching.

  12. This is so me with one exception, I'd have to add hyper in the description. I move 10x as fast but the end result is the same.

    Thanks for the laugh and the diagnosis. :)


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